Huge Danish imprint at this years edition of Horses & Dream in Hagen. Here Blue Hors Don Olymbrio with Nanna Merrald and Vayron with Daniel Bachmann Andersen - photo: H2R
CDI3 Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special winner Lyndal Oatley with Elvive
Danish Anna Zibrandtsen with Quel Filou with their just 2nd Grand Prix Special and placed 2nd.
Danish Nanna Merrald with Blue Hors Touch of Olympic L with 74,177% and 2nd place in Prix St. Georg
Winner of CDI4 Grand Prix for GPS Fendi T and Sönke Rothenberger with 77,152%
Bluetooth OLD and Frederic Wandres winner of CDI4 Grand Prix for GPF with 76,065%
Nanna Merrald and Blue Hors Don Olymbrio 2nd place in CDI4 Grand Prix for GPF with 74,565%
Daniel Bachmann Andersen and Vayron 3rd in CDI4 Grand Prix for GPF with 74,152%
Debut Grand Prix freestyle 2nd place in CDI4 for Daniel Bachmann Andersen & Vayron with 80,760%
Winner of Nürnberger Burg Pokal qualifier, Danish Warmblood mare Skovens Tzarina and Isabell Werth