Everdale & Lottie Fry winner of World Cup Grand Prix today - photo: EQWO.net/Petra Kerschbaum
Everdale and Lottie shows a great partnership in the arena, and they really make a picture of power and harmony during their performance. The way Lottie is able to ask during the test and every time with positive respons from Everdale makes the clear explanation of dressage. Today they started out with a bit of excitement for the entering halt but from there they just collected valueable point throughout their test.
Even though just three of the five judges saw them as winners, they were undoubtly the clear winners of today.
Quantaz and Werth has not been at start since last years Europeans, even though the scoreboard said 76,8 they were clearly not at the usual sharp level, especially for the transitions, but as we know Werth she will go for it tomorrow.
Both Danish combinations were in top with 4th place for Heiline´s Danciera and Carina Cassøe Krüth, with a few unbalanced moments today, but still scoring 74% followed by Blue Hors Don Olymbrio and Nanna Merrald showing a solid performance with a few minor things but without any technical issues.
Here you find the entire results. Running comments from more of the combinations to be found at Horse2rider Facebook.
Full winner test ⬇️