Maxima Bella & Sandra Sysojeva - screenshot Clipmyhorse
Grand Prix
For the power couple (currently no 14 at FEI World Ranking) Maxima Bella & Sandra Sysojeva this was their 10th international event this year, and 4th World Cup qualifier and at the same time 4th double victory in both Grand Prix and Grand Prix freestyle this weekend at Tallinn International Horse Show.
The trot tour was balanced and super expressive all the way, bit tense for halt with rein back, the walk tour is with good over track for the extended walk but lacking bit more relaxation, while the collected walk becomes bit tense, super transition to passage, power piaffe balanced and smooth transitions, good into canter, small tension hind, unfortunately misunderstanding/loosing the canter into the diagonal for the two times but manage to do 7 two times, the overall frame for the canter tour becomes a bit tight which might be a question of strength to keep the exercises at the hind quarters all the time.
Grand Prix freestyle
Iconic freestyle already with a very special mood. Strong start unfortunately something kind of “bewitched” at H this weekend, as the planned trot half pass left did not succeed as Maxima Bella went into canter and Sandra did not manage to bring her back to trot before the end of the planned exercise. Luckily they´ve got a well performed zigzag trot exercise at the centerline. At the end of the test Sandra was little hind the music, and as for the Grand Prix the enthusiatic audience were applauding the final meters.
Here you find the entire results.