For this auction Dynamic Dream and Sir Donnerhall I are the stallions with most sons as they are represented with three young stallions each.
The entire licensing is LIVE at Clipmyhorse.
28 dressage stallions (44 stallions in total) will be at the Online auction starting 8 December with bid up 10 December 19.30. Here you find the entire collection including video of lunging for most of them, which makes a much more clear picture of qualities of the stallions.
H2R favourites for the auction
No 1 - powerful uphill with good balance and supple top line for trot and canter, good walk.
No 7 - good balance, supple from behind in both trot and canter, could carriage bit lighter up in front, super walk.
No 38 - super well balanced with freedom and suppleness in the lunge line.
Stallion collection for licensing ⬇️