VIDEO - Outstanding Viva Gold / Fahrenheit colt scored 9,5 - 10 - 10 for movements

Viva Gold / Fahrenheit Champion colt - outstanding mover. Photo: Screenshot Clipmyhorse

At Hengststation Tebbel 15 June some very attractive foals were shown. Viva Gold, Kjento and For Dior with top foals.

Viva Gold / Escolar - another outstanding mover scoring 9.5 -9.5 - 10

Kjento/For Final - modern, light footed super mover scoring 9 - 9 - 9

First crop of the stallion For Dior by Fürst Dior / Johnson / Totilas shows some promissing foals (7 in total with 2 for the final) long legged with good expression and nice uphill movements. For a few foals you could maybe wish for a bit more suppleness over the back.