5 hour marathon stallion show from Schockemöhle & Helgstrand

Danish bred Daan G by Donkey Boss / Don Olymbrio / Don Schufro - screenshot - Clipmyhorse

Today´s five hour stallion show must be a new record in Vechta. A nice mix of dressage and jumping sections.

The list of stallions was very long and H2R picked the clear highlights ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Future full package stallions

6 yr old Viva Vitalis by Vitalis / Fürst Romancier with natural balance, uphill and supple body with three really nice basic gaits.

7 yr old Sebastino PS by Secret / Vivaldi with lovely long front legs, super supple body, natural uphill frame, the walk becomes a bit unbalanced, but does not look like a problem for the future.

5 yr old Proud James by Jameson RS2 / Johnson look like a pleasure to ride. Always uphill, supple with power for both trot and canter and at the same time with a very good walk.

6 yr old Extreme US by Escamillo / Vivaldi / Don Schufro. Lot of qualities but at the same time the stallion seems to be kind of a big mouthful for a smaller lady in the saddle.

The new 3 year old stallions

La Paix by La Vie / Sir Donnerhall a very complete young stallion in a nice natural frame.

Donation PS by Debutant PS / Totilas still very young body wise but nice natural for all three gaits.

Daan G by Donkey Boss / Don Olymbrio look like a horse lot of natural go, super frame and balance for all three gaits including very positive and confident overview.