Hot list after today´s lunging at NRW licensing - No 50 by Viva Gold / Fidertanz was in a league of his own

H2R hot list after today´s lunging:

  • 6 by Escamillo / Don Nobless - supple modern look

  • 26 by Grand Galaxy Win / Samarant - expressive supple mover

  • 27 by Jameson RS2 / Jazz - super uphill - lacking bit more balance for the canter

  • 32 by Lord Europe / Don Frederic - power and expression

  • 34 Revolution / Christ - supple well balanced (Full brother of licensed stallion Raven)

  • 50 Viva Gold / Fidertanz - OUTSTANDING! 🤩

  • 59 Zoom / Carabas - supple expressive uphill

Bufranco med Charlotte Heering vinder CDI3 Grand Prix Lillestrøm i Norge og Aarøe´s Ghandi med Joachim Thomsen nr. 2

Dansker dominans i Norge

Selvom det lignede alt andet end en nem opgave i eftermiddagens CDI3 Grand Prix i Lillestrøm i Norge, så var både Charlotte Heering med Bufranco og Joachim Thomsen med Aarøe´s Ghandi suveræne i toppen af klassen.

Begge heste så ud til at være lidt påvirket af omgivelserne, men det gav heldigvis ingen tekniske fejl til de to danske ekvipager. Under vejs i Charlotte´s tur ser det ud til at Bufranco holder øje med en af dem der sidder i sidedommer positionen, og umiddelbart inden den frie galop, da Charlotte kommer i hjørnet er der to piger som løber op ad trappen på tribunen.

Bufranco & Charlotte Heering -Bit looking for entering halt, good power diagonal, good half passes, bit big eyes, good halt with rein back, good diagonal, nice into passage, nice active at the spot piaffe, good transitions, good passage, good walk tour, good into passage, bit lost of balance 2nd piaffe, good passage, good into canter, good 2 times but bit swinging, good extended canter (kids running up the spectator seating but does not disturb) good zigzag, nice 1 times, super 1st pirouette, super change, nice 2nd pirouette, good into trot, good diagonal, super final centerline very expressive bufranco. 71,978%

Aarøe´s Ghandi / Joachim Thomsen - Superb halt, direct into trot, nice balanced diagonal, good balance uphill half passes, good halt bit tense rein back, good diagonal, super smooth into passage, good passage, active tiny forward piaffe super bouncy, good transitions, lacking bit more relaxation begin of extended walk, super collected walk, good into passage, super balance and regularity for 2nd piaffe, nice transitions, good into canter, nice 2 times, bit conservative extended canter, good zigzag, super 1 times tiny tense but well managed, superb 1st pirouette, bit big begin 2nd pirouette but super control, good into trot, super diagonal, super passage, nice bouncy piaffe, good final passage, superb halt. 71,087% - much more in the 73% level from H2R point of view.

2 x Secret and 1 x Tørveslettens Sylvester with best sons from day 1 at KWPN stallion pre-selection

A total of 15 stallions were selected for 2nd inspection, taking place at the main KWPN licensing

From H2R two grey stallions stood out with clear surplus for no 532 Prisco RS2, an impressive son of Danish Warmblood stallion Tørveslettens Sylvester (by Sezuan/Tørveslettens Stamina) with Negro as dam sire, presented by RS2. He definitely look like a very interesting boy for the main licensing.

From Van Silfhout the grey stallion no 520 Perfect Secret by Secret / Expression showed himself with very strong balanced movements.

And then the Secret son out of the full sister of Jovian also made it clearly to H2R favourite list.

En af Dansk Varmblods mest betydningsfulde hopper har sagt farvel

Bøgegårdens Don Romina er her ikke mere

I weekenden måtte vi her på Stutteri Straight Horse desværre tage beslutningen om at sige farvel til Bøgegårdens Don Romina. Don Romina blev knap 20 år, og hun var i den grad stutteriets stjerne. Udover at være en gigantisk personlighed, der var yderst elskelig over for mennesker, evnede hun at styre en hel flok hopper blot ved at dreje et øre. Hun startede sin avlskarriere, som den superstjerne hun var, med at få tildelt en guldmedalje og blive årets hoppe i Dansk varmblod 2006. Da Straight Horse købte hende, var hun allerede mor til Sezuan, der stod ved hendes side. Den sjove historie er, at vi fik tilbudt at købe hingsteføllet med for kr. 50.000, men vi synes nu nok Don Romina var rigelig dyr i forvejen.

Don Romina nåede at få 13 føl, mens hun levede, hvoraf seks og de mest kendte er i kombination med Blue Hors Zack. Det første Zack afkom var Sezuan, der både i sporten og avlen har været en succes. Det første føl hos os var dog Straight Horse Don Tamino, der er efter Totilas. Don Tamino blev solgt til en dygtig schweizisk rytter, Philine Brunner, og har deltaget i UVM som både 6- og 7-års og går i dag international Grand Prix. Parret er i dag med i den schweiziske bruttotrup.

Sølvmedaljehoppen Straight Horse Ascenzione, der er 9 år, deltog ligeledes i UVM som 5,6 og 7-års, de sidste to år sammen med sin faste rytter Helen Langehanenberg. De to vandt sidste år Nürnberger Burg Pokal, og Helen forventer at starte hoppen i Grand Prix de kommende måneder.

Guldmedaljehoppe Straight Horse Sezuanna, der blev født samme nat som sin helsøster Ascenzione, gjorde sin mor kunsten efter, hvor også hun blev tildelt en guldmedalje, blandt andet med 10 i kapacitet og blev årets hoppe i 2016. Sezuannas uddannelse varetages i dag af endnu en OL-rytter, Imke Schellekens-Bartels, der også planlægger at debutere hoppen på konkurrencebanerne i 2023.

Straight Don Zuan, født i 2014, blev uddannet af Catrine Dufour, der red ham til en 4. plads i Unghestechampionatet 2019 og året efter igen kvalificerede ham til unghestechampinatet med 930 point. Parret blev endvidere udtaget til UVM, men dette blev desværre aflyst pga COVID. Don Zuan blev solgt til den tyske U25 rytter, Sophie Reef, der nu starter ham i Grand Prix.

Bronzemedaljehoppen Straight Horse Zonate er hjemme på stutteriet og rides af Eva. Zonate vil indgå i stutteriets avlsprogram via ET.

Vi venter to føl efter Don Romina i 2023. Et efter Zonik, en kombination vi tidligere har brugt med held i form af en 1-årig hingst, Straight Horse Zarkosy, der tegner meget spændende. Vi venter også et føl efter Bonjour.

De seneste år er vi med hjælp fra VetEmbryo ved Jannie Spanner og Emma Lorenzen, lykkes med at lave enkelte embryoner på Don Romina, herunder to embryoner efter Blue Hors Zack.

Vi kommer til at savne Don Romina hver eneste dag, men glæder os over hendes mange succesfulde afkom, og de glæder de bringer os i avlsarbejdet.

Straight Horse

v/Eva Götzsche & Mogens Pedersen

Germany’s Jessica von Bredow-Werndl crowned Top 10 Champion for second year in a row


Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and Tsf Dalera BB had a very successful weekend at Sweden International Horse Show, winning both the opening Grand Prix and the Grand Prix Freestyle-final of Lövsta Top 10 Dressage. The German superstar secured the victory ahead of German peer Isabell Werth and Sweden’s Patrik Kittel.

Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and Tsf Dalera BB wowed the crowds at Friends Arena where she repeated last year’s achievement by winning both classes. On Sunday, the pair showed the Swedish audience a new freestyle to the tunes of Édith Piaf which earned them a score of 88.760 percent despite a few glitches.

- The beginning was super strong and I felt super confident. Then we picked up the wrong canter so I was a bit confused and this I haven’t felt in a long time so that made me do two more small mistakes, Jessica von Bredow-Werndl explains at the press conference.
- This was a good reminder that you have to be 100 percent connected… It was good for me to have a bit of a wake-up call, she says.

German dressage veteran Isabell Werth - who just like in Saturday’s Grand Prix came in second in the Grand Prix Freestyle - was lyrical about her DSP Quantaz who helped her to 85.360 percent.
- I honestly never had a feeling like this, my horse felt super, Isabell Werth says.
In third place we find Sweden’s own Patrik Kittel and Touchdown, who achieved 83.660 percent.

Top 10 Dressage is a well-known concept at Friends Arena having featured at Sweden International Horse Show since 2017. This year the event has partnered with Lövsta Stuteri. As always, the concept brings together some of the world’s very best riders to compete in an opening Grand Prix followed by a Grand Prix Freestyle-final.

Lövsta Stuteri’s Antonia Ax:son Johnson is happy about the new partnership with the Top 10 Dressage.
-It is a really beautiful show. Riding is the second largest sport in Sweden, after soccer or football, with so many enthusiastic young and older riders. To be able to show them the best we can offer is quite a treat, she says.

Full results are found here:
Lövsta Top 10 Dressage - CDI5* Grand Prix Freestyle to Music (

Wandres and the Duke top the line-up in Madrid

Frederic Wandres and Duke of Britain FRH produced a brilliant Grand Prix Freestyle performance to clinch victory in today’s fourth leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2022/2023 Western European League in Madrid (ESP).

Yesterday the German pair already showed their strength when winning the Grand Prix by a considerable margin. And this evening they strutted their way to the top of the scoreboard once again with a personal-best result of 84.830% to clinch the all-important maximum 20 qualifying points on the road to the 2023 Final in Omaha (USA) next April.

Runner-up was Wandres’ compatriot Helen Langehanenberg partnering the mare Annabelle while The Netherlands’ Thamar Zweistra lined up in third with the young stallion Hexagon’s Ich Weiss ahead of French athlete Morgan Barbançon in fourth place with Sir Donnerhall ll OLD.

German riders have now won three of the four legs staged so far this season and today’s result leaves Wandres in seventh place on the series leaderboard from which the top nine will qualify.


It was Langehanenberg who first really turned up the heat when scoring 80.035% with her 14-year-old mare. Yesterday the pair finished fourth in the Grand Prix but, as the 2013 series champion pointed out this evening, “we definitely had a better day today. Yesterday she was a little scared to enter in the arena and was very tense during the whole test. Today was much better”, she said.

With just three combinations left to go Barbançon and Sir Donnerhall ll also produced a lovely ride and the 16-year-old stallion was rewarded with a great big hug for his efforts long before his score of 78.220 went up on the board. But then Wandres and Duke of Britain FRH brought the sport to a whole new level, with all five judges ranking them first and awarding multiple 8s and 9s and even a maximum 10 for music and interpretation. 

Their score of 84.380% always looked like the winning one but Thamar Zweistra and Hexagon’s Ich Weiss produced the perfect finale to a great competition. The handsome little dappled grey stallion oozes character along with a sense of fun and a whole lot of promise for the future. His lovely forward one-tempi changes contributed to his excellent score of 79.660 and 39-year-old Zweistra has now risen to third place on the Western European League leaderboard behind Barbançon in second and Germany’s Benjamin Werndl in pole position going into the next round of the 11-leg series in London (GBR) in three weeks’ time.

For granted

Wandres pointed out this evening that while he knew he and his horse were in great form, he never takes anything for granted. 

“Like any competitive person you always have your expectations but you never know how you will end up because the others are also fighters, like Helen, she will always fight hard. I knew after the Grand Prix yesterday we had a little bit of a comfortable situation because we showed already in a very good way. Today I changed a little bit the lines of the Freestyle, the music was the same but there were some different new lines with a higher degree of difficulty, and it worked out very well and we came out with a personal-best!”

Talking about the relationship he has established with Hof Kasselmann’s Duke of Britain he said, 

"we know each other inside out, and unless there’s a bomb exploding next to the arena we know we can show what we can show and bring out the highlights - especially in the piaffe!"

Frederic Wandres (GER)

"For sure every day is different and you to have to fight, you have to believe in yourself but you can never be too sure because that always brings mistakes in the end. But I know I can trust him and that’s what makes a relationship like the one we have!"

And he believes there is still more to come from this horse who competed on the bronze-medal-winning German team at this summer’s ECCO FEI World Championship in Herning (DEN). “To me he means everything, he created my career and hopefully we are not yet at the end. He feels like he is still getting better and better, and today he makes me very proud”, Wandres said. 

Don’t miss a hoofbeat…..

For all the latest information about the FEI Dressage World Cup™ season 2022/2023 check out the new Series Hub here

Stay up to date with results, articles, interviews, videos and much more while following the action all the way to Final. 


German dominance for Lövsta Top 10 Grand Prix today

Jessica and Dalera were just doing their things together again today. Smooth, powerful and correct, spiced with their quality passage tours with smooth transitions in and out of piaffe at the spot, on the hind legs well balanced in a clear active rhythm.

Best Danish combination today was Carina and Danse. Expressive with power and quality performance. Today’s high lights were extensions, walk tour and two OUTSTANDING well balanced and tiny pirouettes.

Daniel shows Zippo in a very nice test. H2R is a big fan of the way Daniel is not asking more than Zippo is able to perform.

We all looked forward to watch Bohemian and Cathrine back in the arena. From the beginning they looked sharp, but unfortunately Bohemian had a clearly different agenda for today’s piaffe tours as you could already see that something wasn’t right when Catherine entered the first piaffe as she had to ask quite clearly for him to do his job, but managed well. For the next two piaffe tours Bohemian seemed to have his agenda for not showing his normal master pieces. Very costly and unfortunate. Hopefully they will recover for tomorrow’s freestyle.

For Helgstrand with 8 year old Queenparks Wendy it became a very short Grand Prix as they were stopped by judge at C Hans Christian Matthiesen, as there was visual blood in the mouth.

De 50 dressurheste som nu er klar til Unghestechampionatet i Herning 2023

Med dagens egnethedstest på Kirstinelund er årets egnethedstestkvalifikationer afsluttet.

På landsplan er der ialt 50 heste som er kvalificeret.

Fra hver udtagelse er følgende heste udtaget:

Alle ekvipager med 825 point og derover er videre (ialt 49) derefter følger som ligeplacerede som nr. 50 alle ekvipager med både 8,5 i kapacitet og 8,5 i ridelighed som har 820 point. Det giver et samlet felt på ialt 53 heste.

Derudover udtages de efterfølgende 10 ekvipager ligeledes som reserver.


Riders Cup




Escanto PS (9,12), Feliciano (8,82) and Viva Vitalis (8,62) in top of 50-days stallion performance test at Schlieckau

H2R order from watching the final test day:

Viva Vitalis - lovely model, super balanced, nice rhythm, nice natural frame, good contact and supple in all three gaits.

Feliciano - expressive, well balanced, good rhythm, nice frame and contact and supple in all three gaits.

Escanto PS - good expression, sometimes a bit over active in the front legs, dropping the contact for some moments (not a clear 10 from the sideline).

Ready for "The Young Ones" - Van Olst Sales online auction starting tomorrow

14 young geldings are up for sale at Van Olst Sales starting Thursday at 12 pm

A very nice collection of youngsters ready to start the next chapter as riding horses.

For this collection a total of 6 sons are by double World Champion for Young horses Kjento.

Seem that Kjento stamps his offspring with very nice modern types, uphill and very well moving - definitely look like a bunch of talents for the future.

All the youngsters are with solid and proven dam lines.

Trialrides / viewing of horses:

Of course it is possible to see these horses before you place a bid. Friday 25 November there will be a presentation of the auction horses starting at 7 pm. Location: Van Olst Horses, Terheidensspoor 9 in Den Hout. For more information or to make an appointment to see the horses at a different moment plesase contact Van Olst Horses!

X-rays and clinical reports of the horses

If you are interested in one of the horses from the Van Olst Sales Online collection and would like to receive the X-rays with the clinical report, please send an email with the horse's name and your details to:




4 & 5 December with Westphalian stallion licensing - LIVE at Clipmyhorse

H2R favourites - unfortunately only a handful also with attractive pedigree.

No 4 - powerful with good movements.

No 10 - One of H2R top favourites. Supple, natural, uphill and well balanced, out of same dam line as Valverde.

No 14 - Supple, uphill - attractive Zack / Schufro on the dam line.

No 17 - super mover in all three gaits, impressive power and balance uphill - stallion look.

No 43 - Still a bit young body wise - very successful dam line.

No 46 - Expressive mover out of same dam line as Glock´s Toto Jr.

No 50 - So much expression for the trot, nice canter - the walk need a closer look.

No 54 - Full brother of Vivino. Look like the whole package.

No 57 - Long legged, open frame with a bit gelding look.

No 60 - Supple and expressive, look like a medium size stallion.

Here you find the entire collection of stallions for the licensing

VIDEOS - Danish Stutteri Worre with two offsprings for NRW stallion licensing 2022

Sold as foals

For nearly a decade Danish Stutteri Worre has been present at Danish Warmblood foal shows, stallion pre-selections, stallion shows, auctions and elite shows with offsprings from strong dam lines continuously developed over the years.

This year Stutteri Worre is looking forward to the main licensing in Westfalen with extra joy and excitement, as two of their offsprings are presented for the licensing. Both colts were sold as promising foals, Franklin / Dr. Doolittle sold through Helgstrand auction and Glamourdale / Franklin sold through Danish Warmblood auction directly to Blue Hors.

Link to video here.

Link to video here.

Dutch stallion competition starts Monday 21 November in Kronenberg

My Blue Hors Santiano and Renate van Uytert - photo credit: Timo Martis

2 stallions from Van Olst Horses and 2 stallions from Blue Hors ready for stallion competitions

The stallion competition starts monday at 17.30 and will be LIVE at Clipmyhorse.

From Van Olst Horses Lottie Fry will be at start with two 4 year old stallions Nacho by Negro / Krack C and Nalegro by Painted Black / Negro.

My Blue Hors Santiano by Sezuan / Blue Hors Romanov, bred by Danish stud Straight Horse and ridden by Renate van Uytert and Nordic Blue Hors by Totilas / Jazz, rider Sem Stiemer.

  • 21 November Kronenberg

  • 22 December Ermelo

  • 3 January Exloo

  • 4 February s´Hertogenbosch (FINAL)

Start lists here for Monday evening at Kronenberg