H2R will do updates Thursday and Friday from Hagen at Instagram and Facebook.
Majken Faaborg Glerup er den lykkelige ejer af tre helsøskende
Hjertehesten Franni
En regnfuld marts eftermiddag havde H2R lagt vejen forbi Majken Faaborg Glerup.
I efteråret blev Majken sammen med sin dengang 6-årige hoppe Midt-West Franceska bedste amatørekvipage i championatsfinalen.
Det er ikke så tit, at en ren amatør får lov at “bide skeer” med de store, men det var netop det Majken gjorde i efterårets championatsfinale.
Et par opslag på Facebook i slutningen af 2022 fra Majken vakte nysgerrigheden for at høre mere om “rejsen”.
Oktober 2022
Sikke en hel fantastisk oplevelse og kæmpe erfaring vi har fået med os! At deltage i finalerne i Pavo og DRF’s unghestechampionat for 6 års dressurheste på Blue Hors er det største, jeg har prøvet til dato!
3. plads i indledende finale med 85,6% og ikke mindre en 9 for trav og 8,8 i ridelighed og kapacitet. Jeg blev den bedste amatørrytter og Midt-West Franceska bedste DV hest! A finalen var en smule sværere at komme igennem, da jeg tydeligt kunne mærke at Franni var træt, men vi endte alligevel på en flot 5. plads med hele 84,6% og 9,5 i trav!
Jeg har haft den vildeste opbakning fra familie, venner og bekendte og fået så mange anerkendende beskeder, hvilket jeg er ubeskriveligt taknemmelig for. Min hårdeste kritiker er klart mig selv, men med den opbakning og alle de skulderklap, så kommer jeg hjem med troen på, at vi rent faktisk gjorde det rigtig flot Kæmpe tak til min træner Barnow Dressage. Du har lært mig at forstå ridningen og samspillet med min hest. Min allerstørste støtte og fan er min mand Ulrik Faaborg Glerup - Tak for dig.
Livet med hestene
Kærligheden til hestene har altid været der. Som teenager var hestene, som for så mange andre hestepiger, også Majkens største kærlighed. Al fritid gik med at tjene penge til hesten, og selvfølgelig også nyde hesten sammen med veninderne. Et par sommerferier var Majken bl.a. på “træningslejr” i den daværende legendariske Århus Ridehal. Majken´s første hest, som hun havde uddannet til MA niveau, blev i tidernes morgen solgt til Marianne Helgstrand.
Grundet økonomien måtte Majken i en årrække sige farvel til hesteverdenen. I dag kigger Majken tilbage på den tid: “Det var uden tvivl mit livs største krise, jeg mistede hele min heste vennekreds, al min fritid havde været sammen med hestene og veninderne - det blev med ét revet væk. Jeg udviklede ganske enkelt en spiseforstyrrelse, som jeg i flere år måtte kæmpe med, men som heldigvis den dag i dag er historik,” fortæller Majken.
Majken er oprindelig uddannet sygeplejerske, og er i dag ansat i et firma, hvor hun sælger medicinsk udstyr til hospitaler. Majken og Ulrik Faaborg Glerup købte tilbage i 2015 ejendommen på Fussingøvej, ca 15 km vest for Randers. Her nyder parret sammen med deres fire heste, et føl og to hunde 10 HA beliggende direkte op til Fussingø Skov. Som hos ALLE andre hestefolk, så var stalden første prioritet i det store renoveringsprojekt, og rummer i dag 4 store lyse bokse til parrets hestebestand. Herefter stod den på total renovering af stuehuset, hvor kun murene og fotos vidner om at der reelt var “noget” tilbage, inden det hele blev total moderniseret.
Søgen efter den perfekte hest
Hestelivet har for Majken været som for mange andre, en tur i rutchebanen med de op og nedture det medføre. Det betød også, da hun gik igang med at lede efter ny hest, at hun lagde vægt på at finde en sund og rask hest, så hun ihvertfald kunne få det rigtige udgangspunkt.
I sin søgen kom hun forbi Emma Ahlberg, og prøvede også en hest hos hende, men som ikke helt var det hun søgte. Da Majken kom hjem gik hun på opdagelse på Emma´s Instagram profil og scrollede sig tilbage i tiden til en spændende hoppe, som Emma havde haft i tilridning og med til kåring som 3 års. “Den vil jeg gerne se!” var hendes besked til Poul Erik fra Stutteri Midt-West, men det kunne ikke lade sig gøre for nu gik den med føl ved siden, og Lisbeth og Poul Erik havde planer om at hoppen skulle i ridning igen inden evt. salg. Se hesten ville Majken, og hun inviterede derfor sig selv på kaffe hos Lisbeth og Poul Erik, og det gav pote. Det blev aftalt at Franceska skulle tilbage til Emma, når føllet kunne vænnes fra, så Majken kunne prøve hende. Og det var kærlighed ved første prøvetur. Oprindelig var det planen at Majken ville have redet Egnethedstest, men det satte et Covid-19 år en stopper for.
Kort efter Franceska er kommet i stalden er uheldet desværre ude, og Majken mister sin anden ridehest e. Don Deluxe, som tragisk dør af tarmslyng.
Det bringer tankerne op om, hvordan man måske kan sikre sig at have en ny unghest i stalden, uden nødvendigvis at skulle punge stort ud. Med 200% opbakning fra sin mand Ulrik, indkøber parret derfor yderligere to heste hos Lisbeth og Poul Erik.
Hvad der er med Majken og Franklinhopperne?
Ja, for Majken har nemlig ikke bare én Franklin hoppe, men faktisk hele tre hopper, som ovenikøbet er helsøstre. De tre hopper er ud af en af Danmark´s mest solide og gennemavlede hoppestammer fra Lisbeth og Poul Erik Nielsen, Stutteri Midt-West i Spjald. Moderen til hopperne er RDH hoppen Midt-West Primadonna e. Blue Hors Don Schufro/Blue Hors Future Cup/Ibikus. Mormor er DV sølvmedaljehoppen Madonna som er helsøster til avlshingsten Midt-West Ibi-Light. I morstammen er der 5 elitehopper og 3 medaljehopper.
2023 planer og drømme
2022 sluttede hos Majken, som hos rigtig mange andre ryttere, med et tilbageblik på året der var gået, men selvfølgelig også et kig ind i det nye år. For Majken er det den daglige træning på vejen frem mod de nye mål som driver værket, og som Majken nævner det i opslaget fra oktober har hun med bl.a. hjælp fra Susanne Barnow nået 2022 målet, og jagter selvfølgelig nye mål i år. Majken og Franni kører 1-2 gange om ugen fra Fussingøvej til Barnow Dressage i Harlev.
2022 sluttede også med avler forventninger, for Majken havde nemlig ifolet Franni´s lillesøster Midt-West Sunrise. “Sonja” leverede midt i februar et føl efter Vitalis, og aftalen var at hvis det var et hoppeføl skulle hun bliver, men hvis det var et hingsteføl skulle han sælges. Et flot hingsteføl så dagens lys, og som Majken fortæller så var han ret hurtigt solgt. Nu skal hingsteføllet bare nye sommeren på græs sammen med sin mor hjemme på ejendommen, og når han er klar til at blive taget fra glæder Majken sig til at skulle i sadlen på “Sonja” igen.
Eneste ikke Franklin i pigestalden er den 3-årige Jellybean e. Janeiro Platinum/Belissimo M, som er hjemmeavlet på en af Majken´s tidligere rideheste. Jellybean er super charmerende og velgående, og er fornylig flyttet til Maria Witt Poulsen, som Majken også brugte til at tilride “Sonja”. Det er planen, at Jellybean skal sælges henover sommeren.
Næste generation
Tredie Franklin skud på stammen er den nu 3-årige Midt-West Present, som Majken lige nu hælder mest til at skulle ifoles med Be Sure, hvorefter livet som ridehest skal startes op, og hvor det også er planen, at Present så skal kåres til sommer. En stor, betydelig og særdeles velgående hoppe, som meget gerne skulle være med til at sikre næste generation af rideheste her hos os, fortæller Majken.
H2R takker for kaffen og glæder sig til at følge udviklingen af de spændende unge heste.
Entries for next weeks Horses & Dreams in Hagen
Imponerende dansker top 5 i både Young Rider kür og U25 kür i dag i Tolbert
Imponerede resultater fra de unge ryttere i den her weekend i hollandske Tolbert
Selvom junior küren først går søndag, så har pladen allerede været helt fuld i dag. De 5 bedste i Young Rider küren var danske og de 5 bedste i U25 küren var danske.
Faktisk alle ekvipagerne har redet sig op i løbet af weekenden
I Young Rider var det med international debut til Kristian Würst Green sammen med den smukke skimlede 10-årige vallak Belmor e. Belantis / Lord Loxley I. Kristian har jo tidligere succesfuldt været med helt fremme sammen med Bovbjergs Zhivago, som han lige nu træner målrettet frem mod U25 niveauet, og har derfor istedet taget den særdeles værdige afløser Belmor med for første gang internationalt den her weekend. Parret kunne tage hjem med 3 placeringer, 2 x nr. 3 og 1 x nr. 5.
Belmor er super velgående i alle 3 gangarter, og går alle turene i flot form med masser power, sving og udtryk. Flotte sidebevægelser, gode øgninger og flotte changementer. Serierne mangler endnu den sidste ligeudretning med med flot spring og udtryk, skridten får Kristian redet lidt forsigtigt de to første, mens han i dagens kür også får vist Belmor´s kvaliteter her. Halvpirouetterne i galop er aktive, men det kniber endnu med den helt rigtige timing frem mod pirouetten. En rigtig spændende ekvipage at følge.
Rutinerede Frederikke Gram Jacobsen med Ryvang´s Zafina gjorde som sædvanlig en flot figur i alle turene, mens Elisabeth Cecilie Bonefeldt-Dahl med Don Furioso slutter weekenden flot af med 3 x Personlige Bedste med 2 x 4. plads og 1 x 1. uplaceret. Cecilie Maria Schröder Dreymann med Sarotti slutter dagens kür som nr. 5. Bedste danske Young Rider ekvipage er Sophia Ludvigsen med Blue Hors Elliott som tager 3 sejre ud af 3 mulige.
U25 med høj kvalitet
Et kig på de danske U25 ekvipager giver forhåbninger om virkelig spændende fremtid.
Generelt plejer U25 niveauet at være præget af heste som har gået rigtig mange Grand Prix kilometer tidligere, og som oftest så tjener som lærehest for en U25 rytter. Det billede var et helt andet til stævnet her, dog med en enkelt undtagelse, nemlig Heslegård´s Rismon som jo er feltets mest rutinerede sammen med Sandra Hyrm. Parret har leveret solide og gode ture med placering som 1 x nr. 2 med Personlig Bedste og nr. 3 i dagens kür.
International debut og den her weekend med 2 x sejre og 1 x nr. 2 som til Sophia Ludvigsen med Blue Hors Quintana. I dagens kür var der endda plads til fejl i begge serie og alligevel nok til at ride sejren hjem.
Thea Bech med Dionisos, som til daglig er bosiddende i Holland var tilbage på deres ellers høje niveau i dag. De to første dage med lidt udfordringer og fejl under vejs, med sluttede flot af i küren.
Det var også med international U25 debut til 9-årige Atterupgaard´s Cooper e. Charmeur / Gribaldi (med den berømte mor Atterupgaards Orthilia). Ekvipagen viste nogle rigtig gode ture, med 1 x nr. 2, 1 x sejr i gårsdagens U25 Grand Prix, og slutter af i küren i dag med en 3. plads. Helt sikkert også en ekvipage som med mere rutine bliver endnu skarpere. Sara rider med dejligt overblik og go, i dag desværre med fejl i 2´er serie.
Sophia Obel med den 11-årige hoppe Foldager´s Chablis e. Blue Hors Romanov / Idocus tog også hul på deres internationale karriere sammen den her weekend. Masser kvalitet under vejs, men også lidt udfordringer med parader hvor den store hoppe ikke mener, at parade behøver være med helt stilstand, ligesom spændinger under vejs desværre også smitter af på skridten. Derimod flot kontrol i traven, masser kvalitet i passage/piaffe ture, flotte serier og flot kontrol i pirouetter. Sophia har jo også både Askari Pilekær og Zouzo Majishan med i juniorklasserne - begge heste for første gang internationalt og foreløbig placeret 2 x som nr. 2 med Askari og 1 x nr. 3 med Zouzo. Junior küren er i morgen søndag.
Carl Hester back in international business with 13 year old gelding Fame
CDI3 Grand Prix in Tolbert
A huge field for today´s Grand Prix in Tolbert. A total of 29 combinations from 12 different countries were at the list for the Grand Prix.
A quick look down the list showing Carl Hester, Severo Jurado Lopez and Emma Kanerva as some of the top riders.
It was a really nice international come back for Carl Hester as we haven´t seen him in an international arena since March 2022 with En Vogue.
Today he was back with a fairly new partnership, 13 year old KWPN gelding Fame by Bordeaux / Rhodium, owned by Fiona Bigwood. The gelding made his international debut together with his owner Fiona Bigwood back in 2021, and as Carl has been training them he of course already knew Fame. Back in January Carl Hester made his national debut together with Fame where he told Horse & Hound, that Fiona was busy campaigning her lovely Dante Weltino son Daytona Platinum at Grand Prix level and therefore she offered Carl the ride.
Carl now have had Fame for about 5 months and he really enjoy the ride. After today´s winning performance (75,891%) Carl was of course very pleased and said: “I think he will be lovely, I just adore him.”
H2R comments during the test today:
Superb entering halt, well balanced diagonal, half pass right nice flow, left lacking tiny balance at end, good halt with rein back, nice diagonal, good into passage, nice angle and activity for plaffe with smooth transitions, good into walk, the walk tour need more relaxation, but collected walk becomes better, good into passage, nice piaffe at the spot, good transitions easy and supple, nice into canter, good two times, super nice zigzag, good 1 times, nice extended center bit small change, good pirouettes, with a path on the neck, good into trot, nice diagonal, super final and super halt. For some moments Fame becomes bit short in the neck.
A really exciting new combination not just for this summer at the European Championships, but also for next year´s Olympics in Paris, where Carl Hester of course also would love to be able to campaign with Fame.
For today´s Grand Prix Finland´s Emma Kanerva showed a strong well balanced performance with the 11 year old mare Feldrose FRH scoring 71,630%, with Spain´s Severo Jurado Lopez and Fürstenglory on 3rd place with 71,609% with two technical errors after extended canter and for the two times.
Here you find the entire results.
Danskerne gjorde nærmest rent bord over hele linien i hollandske Tolbert i dag
Mange dansker til start i Tolbert
Normalt når der er danskere til start i udlandet poster H2R startlisterne for hver enkelt klasse med de aktuelle starttider på de danske ekvipager, men præcis for stævnet i Tolbert, var listen med deltagere så lang, at man allerbedst fik overblikket ved at se hele startlisten.
Super spændende at rytterne har mulighed for at ride flere kategorier, en mulighed som både Sophia Ludvigsen og Sophia Obel benyttede sig af.
CDIU25 ren dansk demonstration
Hvis udendørs sæsonstarten for de unge danske ekvipager kan blive skudt i gang med så stort et aftryk, så venter der en særdeles spændende sæson forude.
Unge Sophia Ludvigsen fra Blue Hors var virkelig godt ridende på alle 3 heste i dag. Sammen med Blue Hors Quintana har Sophia jo tidligere høstet succes og erfaring på internationalt på både junior og ungrytter niveau, men i dag debuterede ekvipager internationalt på U25 niveauet med sejr.
God trav tur, lidt afventende, god tendens i passage og piaffe, mangler lidt mere balance ind og ud, god skridt tur, velbalanceret galop tur, desværre tager Quintana ikke hjælpen til starten af etterne, god overgang til trav, god afslutning. 69,510%
Placeret som nr. 2 Sandra Hyrm med Heslegårds Rismon. Kommer lidt ubalanceret i gang, og mangler lidt mere flow for traversaderne, gode passage/piaffe ture selvom man godt kunne ønske sig lidt mere energi, så bevares balancen fint i overgangene, god skridt tur og solid galoptur uden tekniske fejl. 69,020%
Lillesøster Sara Hyrm med Atterupgaards Cooper debuterede fornyligt nationalt i Inter II med en sejr, og kunne også bringe deres nye takter med på banen i dag. God trav tur med god power, fin passage, mangler lidt mere regelmæssige trin bagfra og kunne sætte sig mere i piaffe, god skridt tur, god galop tur desværre med fejl i ettere, god power i øgning. 68,284%
Med samme score kommer hollandsk bosiddende Thea Bech med Dionisos. Det friske “forårsvejr” og udendørssæsonen lignede lidt en ufordring i dag for den ellers super stærke ekvipage. Flot start, super piaffe/passage, trending +73, god fri skridt, desværre med piaffe trin af flere omgange i den samlede skridt, god galoptur men med fejl i 2ere, overgang ved C til trav bliver desværre først i hjørnet. 68,284%
Første uplaceret var endnu en dansk U25 international debut ekvipage, Foldagers Chablis med Sophia Obel. Spændt og uro i indridningsparade, travturen generelt noget afventende, flotte passage ture, gode overgange og flot vinkel og aktivitet i piaffe, skridten bliver noget på tæerne, rigtig god galop tur med flotte serier og gode pirouetter. 68,598%
Junior team klassen
I toppen af junior team klassen var Sophia Obel igen med helt fremme som både nr. 2 og nr. 3. Begge heste debutanter internationalt sammen med Sophia, hvor hun slutter som nr. 2 på Askari Pilekær. Lidt uro i parade, dejligt flow i trav tur, flot parade lidt ubalanceret tilbagetrædning, god skridt tur, dejligt sving og udtryk i 2. del af travturen, god overgang til galop, velbalanceret galop tur med gode changementer. 70,909%
Mens hun med sin nyeste hest Zouzu Majishan bliver placeret som nr. 3 med 70,859%. En dejlig flydende og smidig trav tur, god skridt men hvor Zouzu desværre kommer lidt bagom hjælpen i overgangen til trav, og ligner han misforstår signalet lidt og vil egentlig piaffere, men Sophia kommer videre og får lavet volten og er derfra videre i god balance.
Ungrytter team klassen
Igen var Sophia Ludvigsen den skarpeste sammen med Blue Hors Elliot. Dejlig flow og go med udtryk og balance i travturen, versader bliver lidt for åbne, gode traversader, begge skridt pirouetter mangler lidt mere samling, god skridt, god forberedelse frem mod begge galop pirouetter men mangler lidt mere samling i pirouetten, gode serier. 72,451%
Mest erfarne ekvipage i dagens dansker felt må klart var Frederikke Gram Jacobsen med Ryvang´s Zafina, og de viste også en super solid tur uden tekniske fejl og sluttede som nr. 2 med 72,402%.
Placeret som nr. 3 var endnu en international debut ekvipage, nemlig Kristian Würtz Green med Belmor. God parade, direkte frem, power diagonal, dejlig uphill og blød versade, volte, travers, god øgning, super versade, volte, travers, lidt spændt samlet skridt, gode skridt pirouetter, god fri skridt, god overgang ril galop, gode traverser, fin altivitet i begge pirouetter, gode 4ere, flotte 3ere, god øgning, god parade. 70,294%
Intermediaire B
Her var der plads til endnu en debut ekvipage, denne gang var det igen Sophia Ludvigsen som havde hingsten Blue Hors Veneziano med for første gang. Parret sluttede som nr. 2 med 69,324%. God parade, første øgning med lidt uro i kontakten, god trav tur, rigtig fin op i første passage, med fin over gang til piaffe trin og god overgang ud igen, den næste piaffe mistes fremadsøgningen lige et spiltsekund ind i piaffe, men kommer fint videre, får fanget piaffen og kommer fint ud, skridtturen er desværre ubalanceret i takten både fri og samlet, rigtig fin galop tur.
Highlights from "Breeder Sunday at Nordrhein Westfälischen Landgestüt"
Diamantenglanz (2019) by Diamond First / Bon Coeur was the absolute highlight of the stallion presentation which took place the 25th of March at Landgestüt Nordrhein Westfalen. Pearl black lovely supple mover in all three gaits with lots of shoulder freedom - the absolute best walk of the presentation. On and off his still seems for a few moments not to be 100% balanced as he is such an impressive mover. As the speaker told Diamantenglanz has covered around 100 mares last year i Westfalen, so it will be very interesting to follow his foals this season. From the first few seen online they definitely look very promissing.
The stallion Red Viper (2019) by Blue Hors Romanov / Sir Sinclair is an impressive well balanced liver chestnut boy with his 176 cm. Really well moving uphill and with 3 really good paces.
Vivino son Van Vermeer with St. Mouritz damsire is a beautiful black long legged young boy (2020). Super well balanced in trot with nice freedom, good canter and still missing bit more clear forward search for the walk.
Exceptional by Escamilo / Vitalis (2020) with a nice supple body with nice angle from behind, good balance and uphill for the trot, the canter still need more balance like also the walk missing more forward search.
The entire “Breeder Sunday” is available at Clipmyhorse.
4. - 7. maj Aalborg Dressage Event 2023 (CDI3*, CDI1*, CDIY, CDIJ, CDIP, CDIU25)
Aalborg Dressage Event er et stort internationalt stævne der bliver afviklet i Nordjylland af Sportsrideklubben Aalborg SAO på Finstrupgaard.
Sportsrideklubben Aalborg ser for 8. gang frem til at byde ryttere såvel som gæster velkommen til det store internationale stævne Aalborg Dressage Event d. 4.-7. maj 2023.
Igen i år er der sat et højt dommerniveau. Hele 12 dommere kommer til det internationale stævne. Dommerne kommer fra 9 forskellige nationer og tre af dem er 5-stjernede dommere:
Vicenzo Truppa, Italien, 5*
Annette Fransén Iacobaues, Sverige, 5*
Susanne Baarup Christensen, Danmark, 5*
Kirsten Søgaard, Danmark, 4*
Lone Dichmann, Danmark, 4*
Kjell Myhre, Norge, 4*
Oliver Smeets, Belgien, 4*
Malgorzata Pawlowska, Polen, 4*
Mara de Bel-Groenenboom, Holland, 4*
Mary Robins, New Zealand, 4*
Hanne-Mari Kiuttu, Finland, 3*
Christine Winther Prip, Danmark, 3*
Når det eneste internationale dressurstævne i Danmark afvikles den 4. – 7. maj 2023 i Aalborg så er det udelukkende arrangeret af frivillige hjælpere fra SAO, en klub under Dansk Ride forbund. Det er et vigtigt event for hele klubben, som gør, at medlemmerne hvert år rykker sammen og løfter i flok. ADE-stævnet har de tidligere år fået stor ros fra både FEI, deltagere og officials, og klubben glæder sig igen i år til at slå dørene op til et forrygende stævne d. 4.-7. maj.
Schedules ligger klar på engelsk og til de ryttere, der vil deltage i landsstævnet, kan man tilmelde sig her:
Fuldt hus med dansker ekvipager i CDI2, CDIU25, CDIYR, CDIJR, CDIP Tolbert i Holland denne uge
Her finder du link til start og resultater - husk du kan følge hele stævnet via Clipmyhorse.
WESTPHALIAN SPRING AUCTION 2023 - SECOND CHANCE - online auction bid up 11 April at 19.30
10 young dressage horses are up for sale at Westphalian Spring auction - 2nd chance
If you haven´t checked out the collection yet you also have the possibility to watch the latest training videos.
Current top prices:
Here you find the entire collection.
Van Olst Horses stallion show with a successful afternoon
Impressive breeder support for today´s stallion show at Van Olst Horses
The early spring weather was also lovely in Den Hout today in the Netherlands, the home town of Van Olst Horses.
This year´s stallion show was planned to be at the outdoor arena, and a huge grand stand was placed at the one long side, and around the arena it was packed with spectators - about 1.500 people were gathered around the arena for the stallion show.
All stallions were very fresh and with super presentation mainly from Lottie Fry and Phoebe Peters. The two small young ladies showed the powerful well moving stallions one after the other.
Each stallion was presented by Gert Jan van Olst himself, with a lot of extra info about the dam lines. (in Dutch). At Clipmyhorse you also had the possibility to chose with English comments during the presentation.
The entire agenda from Van Olst Horses is to bred horses for sport, and of course with focus at Van Olst Horses for the big sport.
At the presentation of Secret Lover Gert Jan was telling that for the breeders who wants to use him for their mares, it was mandatory to bring the mare to the stud. Secret Lover has super quality semen, but unfortunately he does not deliver the required amount of semen for transport, and therefore the mares must be inseminated directly at the stud. A very honest and top service information.
A few foals were shown and both Nalegro and Lantanas offspring looks very promissing. Personal favorite stallions from H2R were: Nespresso, Nalegro, Lantanas, Everest, Secret Lover, Justin, Kjento and Glamourdale.
Of course the top of the entire show was with Lottie showing her World Champions. Kjento World Champion for Young Horses and double World Champion from last year in Herning Glamourdale. They looked STUNNING, so much power, ability and quality in one package. About the offspring from Glamourdale Gert Jan was telling that some very interesting youngsters comes up as 3 year old this year (the first crop after Glamourdale became World Champion as 7 year old).
The entire stallion show is available at the archive at Clipmyhorse.
VIDEO - Enjoy the full World Cup Grand Prix freestyle test from Danish Nanna Skodborg Merrald with Blue Hors Zepter
World Cup final no 2 - Omaha 2023
2nd place in the World Cup final 2022/2023 in their 3rd ever freestyle together. Enjoy Personal Best performance with 87,146% from 🇩🇰 Danish super combination Nanna Skodborg Merrald and 15 year old gelding Blue Hors Zepter by Blue Hors Zack / Wolkentanz II.
It’s a brilliant back-to-back double for Jessica and Dalera
The German duo of Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and the fabulous TSF Dalera BB claimed the coveted FEI Dressage World Cup™ title for the second time in their spectacular career when winning the deciding Freestyle competition at the 2023 series Final in Omaha, USA tonight.
They arrived at the American fixture as firm favourites but looked vulnerable in Wednesday’s Grand Prix when the 16-year-old mare was super-excited to return to competition after a few months’ break.
Tonight however Dalera was right back in the zone that saw this superstar partnership scoop all gold at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and again at the FEI European Championships in 2021 before putting their names on the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Roll of Honour 12 months ago in Leipzig (GER).
It seemed likely that Wednesday’s Grand Prix result in which von Bredow-Werndl’s compatriot and longtime legend, Isabell Werth, finished second with DSP Qantaz and Denmark’s Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Blue Horse Zepter finished third would be replicated this evening. But the Danish pair, who seem to have come out of nowhere in the last few months, produced a spectacular performance to demote five-time series champion Werth to the third step of the podium this time around.
The field was further reduced to 13 starters following the withdrawal of The Netherlands’ Marieke van der Putten’s Torveslettens Titanium RS2 this morning, but the Omaha crowd were still treated to a feast of fantastic sport. And they didn’t hold back when the riders encouraged them to join in with the excitement this evening.
Second into the ring, Lithuania’s Justina Vanagaite had them right behind her as she rode her one-handed final line with Nabab, but it was Simone Pearce and Fiderdance who were holding the lead at the halfway stage when the Australian rider’s cheeky wave at the crowd before coming to a halt was followed by the best score to date, 76.575.
Raised the game
The last remaining Dutch contender, Thamar Zweistra, raised the game when the action resumed with a super test from Hexagon’s Ich Weiss that put 78.204 on the board. “I was really proud of him”, she said, “the one-tempis were amazing, he did about 25 in a row and he was really relaxed. I had a lot of fun. He has a lot of energy and that’s what I like about him, he is always willing to work!”
But with four left to go it was Werth and DSP Qantaz who set the new standard when posting 85.671 for a performance that oozed class. The smile on her face showed that 31 years after she first won the prestigious FEI Dressage World Cup™ title, the 53-year-old athlete is enjoying herself as much as ever. And the crowd adored her Bonnie Tyler themed musical score, bursting into wild applause as she drew to a halt. She was still laughing with delight herself after leaving the ring, knowing that she had nailed her tough floor-plan.
“It was super and I was so happy! This was our best Freestyle together and he was so with me that it was perfect! I really love this Freestyle - it is so difficult and there’s no time to breathe or to think about what is going on - I’m in one tunnel and each step has to come after the next and it worked really perfect today!”, she said.
But then von Bredow-Werndl took the floor, and with mesmerising piaffe/passage, and half-passes in both trot and canter that seem even more fluent than ever before, they soared out in front when putting a massive 90.482 on the board.
“She was incredible, she went in with no wet hair (sweat) because I didn’t do a lot outside, but she was so wet because of the atmosphere. It was really hot in there and she again was a little bit scared but she trusted me 100%, that was the difference tonight. I was confident and we were mirroring each other, she was confident and I got confident. She was excited but she trusted me from the very first step”, the delighted 37-year-old rider pointed out.
America’s Steffen Peters, series champion in Las Vegas (USA) back in 2009, was second-last to go and, always a crowd-pleaser and especially on home ground, he slotted in behind Werth with a mark of 83.921. Now only Skodborg Merrald and Blue Hors Zepter were left to run, and it seemed the top two places were already decided. But the Danish duo were having none of that.
There’s something very special about the relationship these two have established in a very short time. The chestnut gelding formerly ridden by both her Danish counterpart Daniel Bachmann Andersen and Sweden’s Patrik Kittel is blossoming like never before, even though he is already 15 years old.
On fire
“He was really on fire, I had to be so careful all the way around, it was a bit difficult to come back after extended canter but I’m so thrilled! My journey with him has been so short, we have only been together for four months and I have the feeling I can ask for so much more - he is amazing!”, she said after posting 87.146 which put her onto the second step of the podium.
She sees even greater potential in the year ahead. “To score higher I need to get to know him better, but for now I just need to take it easy and be happy with the way it is and I think it will come slowly. The judges have to get to know him also”, said the 29-year-old athlete who, with Zepter’s sire Blue Hors Zack, was a member of the Danish team that made history with victory at last summer’s FEI Dressage European Championship on home soil in Herning (DEN).
“He gives such an amazing feeling, he wants to do so much, already in the warm-up I could feel it and I wondered if I should have worked him more in the morning because we only did walking”, she explained.
“But I just had to work with him and make him comfortable and get him to listen to me, and he gives such a good feeling. The only thing I want to change now is the music, because I think the theme is a bit weird - “Time to say goodbye”. It is lovely music and it fits him perfectly but the theme could be a little happier so I will change that!”, she said with conviction.
New double-champion, von Bredow-Werndl, won’t be changing her French-themed Freestyle music anytime soon however, and insisted that it is “just a nice coincidence” that she has adopted it ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
“I always loved (French singer) Édith Piaf…this music gives me goosebumps, especially on the last centreline”, she said.
Talking about her return to the sport just a couple of months after giving birth to her second child, daughter Ella Marie who arrived last August during the FEI World Championship, she said “it’s just a passion to get back in the saddle as soon as possible because I just love what I do and so do my horses, and they made it pretty easy for me to come back that fast!”
Her second win puts Germany on level pegging with The Netherlands with 13 wins each in this series which in 2023 celebrates its 36th anniversary. She has a long way to go to catch up with compatriot Werth who has five wins under her belt or Dutch superstar Anky van Grunsven who recorded a phenomenal nine victories during her amazing career. But with Dalera she is out on her own right now.
“Dalera is such a special creature to have in my life. She makes everything possible - she is a dream!”, said the newly-crowned 2023 FEI Dressage World Cup™ champion.
Glamourdale and Lottie getting ready for premier CDI5* in Fontainebleau, France
For the first edition of its CDI 5*, Le Printemps des Sports Équestres, from 19 to 23 April, at the Grand Parquet is making a big impact. Two riders in particular, who dominate the dressage rings and have become legendary, will be competing among the fourteen most prominent combinations currently. In Fontainebleau, the British combination made up of Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Fry and Glamourdale will come face to face with the German combination of Isabell Werth and Emilio 107 for only the second time in her career. The French riders who are in fine form will also be there with their best horses.
Karoline Rohmann og Jakas Don Louvre med CDI3* Grand Prix debut placering i Belgien
Fie Skarsøe og hende 10 årige Lusitaner hingst Imperador Dos Cedros varmer op til CDI5* in Fontainebleau (19. - 23. april) med en sejr i dagens CDI3* Grand Prix in St. Truiden, Belgium i dag med 72,043%.
International Grand Prix debut og placering
H2R fangede Karoline Rohmann efter dagens international Grand Prix debut sammen med Jakas Don Louvre: “Først og fremmest er jeg jo mega stolt og glad for at have en hest jeg kan ride Grand Prix på, Don og jeg har ikke noget erfaring på det her niveau, men det her var en start over al forventning.
Min nervøsitet tog lidt over på opvarmningen så den kunne godt have været bedre, men Don hjalp mig sindssygt meget inde på banen, der er han bare en kammerat.
Der var et par fejl hist og her som nok var rutinen der manglede, men med lidt træning og noget mere rutine tror jeg på det nok skal blive rigtig godt, heldigvis bliver programmerne ikke sværere nu🙈.Og thank god for det, den zigzag travers er ikke min bedste ven endnu 😂”, fortæller en stolt Karoline.
Rusty moments combined with top class for the World Cup Grand Prix
1st half of Grand Prix
After the first half of the World Cup Grand Prix Thamar Zweistra with Hexagon´s Ich Weiss were taking the lead with 73,261% with solid performance without any technical issues.
Marieke van der Putten with Danish Warmblood gelding Tørveslettens Titanium did unfortunately not bring in their last constantly improved tests as Titanium was showing some clear tensions during their test today with unbalanced extensions, still with their passage & piaffe highlights though.
Anna Buffini with Davinia was showing a solid test without big issues, overall you could wish for a bit more uphill and open frame, with more push from the hind legs.
Swedish World Cup debut pair Mazy Klovenhoj and Johanna Due Boje were showing a good test. Lots of power with some moments of tensions, but well managed from Johanna. They finish as no 10, 1st unplaced.
Jorinde Verwimp and Charmer has been very active for the last year and gaining more and more experience. Very motivated and forward going, but for some moments he looks a bit strong in the contact.
Caroline Crew and her 19 year old Tribiani showed a solid performance, and Tribiani is doing his best in the arena. Even though you now get the feeling that he is missing a bit more overall suppleness in his body. Highlights were definitely the two´s and one´s, super straight and clear.
Morgan Barbancon and her long time partner Sir Donnerhall II has not been showing since Doha and they looed a bit rusty together as Sir Donnerhall was not in the mood the piaffe tours, showing some resistance before Morgan managed to bring him in front of her aides.
American Alice Tarjan was showing her 10 year old mare Seranade MF. Lots of power for all the forward going exercises, but still missing more strength and timing for the collected work, and for most part of the test the mare did not look clearly straight in the contact.
2nd half of Grand Prix
Dalera and Jessica was not at the usual spot for the Grand Prix. Starting with an unbalanced and unsteady entering halt, the first half pass to the right where a bit of tension creeping in at the short side a few meters before going into the half pass. Lovely flow in and out of the piaffe tours. For the collected walk tour the balance is clearly missing and a half halt becomes nearly a halt by C but still rewarded with 5.5 - 4 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 5.5 - 6! First change for one times becomes with parallel hindlegs. 2nd pirouette with some sideways tendency at the end.
Franziskus and Ingrid Klimke did not show their usual highlights for the extensions, unfortunately Franziskus was clearly uneven for all trot extensions, but obviously not enough for president of the ground jury at C, German judge Katrina Wüst to ring the bell.
Blue Hors Zepter and Nanna Merrald were shining together again for the ever 3rd Grand Prix together, unfortunately two big mistakes kept them on a 3rd place (still an outstanding achivement) but for sure without the error for the two times and lost of balance into 1st pirouette they would have been much closer to the absolute top of the podium in the Grand Prix.
Suppenkasper and Peters comes with three strong USA World Cup qualifier victories, but from the “sideline” it did not look that light and easy for the Grand Prix. Overall impression missing more suppleness and lightness in the contact.
Nabab and Justina just loves the atmosphere, and Nabab is still only 10 year old and has been travelling pretty much around the world for the last year and still looks motivated and happy. Still missing the final timing but a lot to like when your watching this combination.
Quantaz and Werth were doing their stuff together and a typical Werth Grand Prix, solid without technical issues but still things to improve. And when knowing the abilities from Werth this was her “warm-up” for Friday´s final. The collected walk tour was horrible but still scoring: 5 - 4 - 6 - 5.5 - 6 - 5 - 6 .
Unfortunately no Hermes and Dinja van Liere at start, as Hermes was not fit to compete.
Last to go was Simone Pearce and Fiderdance showing a strong trot tour in good balance, the weak part is the flying changes and for the two times an error was creeping in, but Simone manage to make a clear line of one times. They finished nicely as no 7.
Defending champions win Grand Prix on a day with a few surprises
Germany’s Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and TSF Dalera BB threw down the winning Grand Prix score as the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2023 Final got underway in Omaha (USA) today. But it was no walk-in-the-park for the pair that claimed the series title 12 months ago while on the crest of a winning wave.
The 16-year-old mare was a little overwhelmed when entering the arena this afternoon, and as the defending champion said “she gave her best but she was too excited today, that’s why the mistakes happened and they cost a lot of points and it’s a shame. I was surprised by how tense she was!”, she added, after putting what would still turn out to be the winning score of 79.922 on the board when ninth to go of the 15 starters.
Runner-up was her compatriot and five-time champion Isabell Werth who was very pleased with DSP Qantaz who earned a mark of 77.485, while Denmark’s Nanna Skodborg Merrald ensured the result would not be a German whitewash when steering Blue Hors Zepter into third ahead of Ingrid Klimke and Franziskus who lined up in fourth.
The field was reduced by the withdrawal of The Netherlands’ Dinja van Liere and Hermes NOP, double bronze medallists at last summer’s FEI World Championship, who were due to run second-last.
Dutch High Performance Director Iris Boelhouwer explained, “today the horse was not fit to compete. Horse welfare is always our number one priority so to respect the horse he was withdrawn.”
Leading score
First into the arena this afternoon, The Netherlands’ Thamar Zweistra and Hexagon’s Ich Weiss put 73.261 on the board and that was the leading score until von Bredow-Werndl took her turn. Dalera was clearly on full alert once she saw the crowd inside the stadium however.
“When I came down the centreline I felt very confident and I don’t know why she stepped back. She was just a bit over-excited and then in the walk that was super-expensive, she couldn’t wait and it cost too many points”, she said.
On reflection she wondered if lack of competition exposure might explain the reaction of the horse with which she was like an unstoppable force when sweeping all before her at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and the 2021 FEI European Championship before lifting the coveted FEI Dressage World Cup™ title for the first time last April.
En route to this week’s Final she won both qualifiers in which she competed with Dalera, at Lyon (FRA) last October and in Basel (SUI) in January. “Maybe I should have gone to more competitions in between because usually she’s used to competing, but I didn’t have to because I was already qualified (for the Final) after those two qualifiers”, she pointed out today.
“In the warm-up she felt super like always. But anyway she is amazing, she is extremely fit and that’s what she shows. There were mistakes, but what counts is how her form and performance was in total, and everything was great except the two expensive hiccups!”
Jessica von Bredow-Werndl (GER)
Excellent start
In contrast Klimke got off to an excellent start with a perfect first halt from her 15-year-old stallion. A longtime superstar in the sport of Eventing, the German athlete was delighted with her score of 75.543.
“Yesterday was good for him that there was familiarisation with people everywhere, and the first day we were here they were already getting set up so there was lots of noise. Sometimes if noise is coming from above him he is a little bit scared, but this morning he felt so good and today he came into the arena and said here I am!”, she said proudly. She is already looking forward to Friday’s deciding Freestyle competition.
“The fact we are here in the World Cup Final is already a gift and I’m very happy to be here. I’m really looking forward to it because Franziskus really likes the music and knows it inside out so that’s our favourite part!”
Ingrid Klimke (GER)
She was immediately overtaken for runner-up spot however when Skodborg Merrald was awarded 76.165 for a lovely performance with Blue Hors Zepter.
“I think I had a really good test today. There were some expensive mistakes, I asked him for a little bit more than I have done before because I thought I could improve some things here and there, and then he got a bit tense in the canter which caused the two mistakes - in the two-tempis and before the first pirouette - but I’m really happy with him. He felt good and nice and soft and happy so that was great!”, she said.
The fact that she is acquainted with the 15-year-old gelding for a very short time made today’s result even more impressive.
“I’m only riding him since December so just three full months now and this is only our third show together - we have done just two qualifiers and then today! I really enjoy him, we like each other quite a lot and it’s good ground to be building something here”, she added. Clearly these two are still a partnership in the making.
However they too would be dislodged from that runner-up spot when Isabell Werth and Qantaz took their turn, putting 77.485 on the board.
“I’m really pleased with that because to have him right in shape after two days quarantine, that wasn’t easy and it was a first experience for him. Today I was completely happy because I could feel he was still a bit focused with the atmosphere, but he really tried very hard for me so it was better than I expected.”
Isabell Werth (GER)
She described Qantaz as “a very strong-minded horse, but he becomes more supple and focused and now we are more a team. We grew up together in the Corona time (during the pandemic) with no atmosphere at shows. And then we started with bigger shows in this atmosphere and that was quite difficult to bring him in and calm him down, because it was the opposite before where it was more like a training at home. It was a real challenge, but that’s why I say today I am really happy with the fact he was so with me and focused”, she explained.
She too is looking forward to Friday’s Freestyle finale which will decide the fate of the 2023 title. She knows what it is like to win in Omaha after her victory with Weihegold at this same venue back in 2017, and she’ll be giving it her best shot once again.
“The facilities for the horses here are fantastic, everything is under the one roof and it is just a short distance from the stables to the main arena so that’s fantastic. Now you feel the atmosphere building day by day, so by Friday it’s going to be really special!”
The Freestyle is scheduled for 18.15 local time on Friday evening, so don’t miss a hoofbeat….
36th World Cup final comes up Wednesday and Friday
16 combinations ready for the final
When the World Cup finals for 2022/2023 comes up Wednesday and Friday 16 combinations will be ready to fight for the prestigious title.
A total of 16 horse and rider partnerships will compete.
A total of 10 countries will be represented: Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, Singapore, Sweden and USA.
At 28 years old America’s Anna Buffini and Belgium’s Jorinde Verwimp are the two youngest competitors at this year’s Final.
At 58 years of age, America’s Steffen Peters is the oldest.
The first Final took place in ’s-Hertogenbosch (NED) in 1986 where Denmark’s Anne-Grethe Jensen and Marzog reigned supreme ahead of Great Britain’s Chris Bartle and Wily Trout while Switzerland’s Christine Stückelberger finished third with Rubelit von Unkelruf.
Stückelberger went on to win the next two editions partnering Gaugin de Lully.
Olympic and European champions Germany’s Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and TSF Dalera BB will defend the title they won in Leipzig (GER) last year.
Five-time FEI Dressage World Cup™ champion, Germany’s Isabell Werth, will be competing in her 23rd Final.
Source: FEI
According to Dressage News: “Alisa Glinka of Moldova will not make it to the World Cup Final next week to compete her horse Aachen, cutting the dressage championship starting lineup to 16.
Alisa, 35, apparently pulled out over concerns the paperwork requirements had not been completed for Thursday’s flight.”
Danish participant and Danish judge
29 year old Nanna Skodborg Merrald will participate in her 2nd World Cup final, as she last year rode Atterupgaards Orthilia into a 5th place in the final. Nanna has actually qualified 3 horses for the final including Blue Hors Zepter which is her Omaha partner. Also Blue Hors Zack and Blue Hors St. Schufro were qualified for the final.
5* judge Leif Tørnblad replaces his country fellow Hans Christian Matthiesen for the final. It is the 7th World Cup final for Tørnblad as he was also among the judges last time the final took place in Omaha. Additionally Tørnblad has judges the finals in Lyon, 2 x s´Hertogenbosch, Leipzig and 2 x Gothenburg.
Leif Tørnblad´s wife Anne Grethe Tørnblad (former Jensen) has been participating in 6 finals. Won the first final back in 1986 with Marzog.
Vet check is Tuesday at 15.30 local time (22.30 CET)
Wednesday at 1.15 local Omaha time (20.15 CET) is the World Cup Grand Prix.
Prize money for the Grand Prix is : 25.000 EUR Breakdown: 7.000, 5.500, 4.000, 3.000, 2.000, 1.500, 1.000, 500, 500
Friday at 18.15 local Omaha time (01.15 CET) is the World Cup Grand Prix freestyle.
Prize money for the freestyle: 275.000 EUR Breakdown: 60.000, 50.000, 40.000, 25.000, 20.000, 15.000, 13.000, 10.000, 8.000, 6.000, 5.000, 3.300, 3.300, 3.300, 3.300, 3.300, 3.300, 3.200.
Remember you can watch the finals at Clipmyhorse/FEI-tv with Premium Membership,
Two price peaks for 160.000 euro at OLD Eite auction
Impressions from Helgstrand Dressage stallion show today
26 stallions were ready for the annual stallion show at Helgstrand Dressage, Denmark
H2R highlights were:
First stallion in the arena was the 3 year old Senegal de Fontaine by Springbank II VH/Sezuan (out of Grand Prix mare Queenparks Wendy). We already seen his full brother for Danish Warmblood licensing, but this boy definitely looks even more attractive both from type and movements.
The lovely well moving grey stallion Proud James by Jameson RS2 / Johnson did not disappoint. Natural power, uphill and well balanced in all 3 gaits.
Straight Horse Leonardo by Lord Europe / De Niro (out of Danish Warmblood gold medal mare De Milla) shows his qualities once again, maybe not as fresh as we recently saw him for Danish Warmblood stallion licensing but still the best of the 3 year old stallions from Helgstrand collection this year.
Lord Europe by Lord Leatherdale / Boston is now 7 year old, and it look as if he stamps his offsprings with expression, suppleness and super canter, even though he does not show the most attractive hindlegs for the trot work himself.
4 year old KWPN stallion Opoque by All at Once / Davino V.O.D. has always been super attractive, and he has developed super nicely under his daily rider Mette Sejbjerg Jensen.
5 year old About You II by AC/DC / Escobar (the dam has produced two licensed stallions) - lots of power of the ground with super tact and push and super angle from behind. Trot and walk the absolut highlights for today, but usually he also brings a very powerful canter.
The full stallion show is available at Clipmyhorse archive.