Lot of top sport in Europe last weekend
Due to 5 different events all over Europe last weekend the coverage has been limited to mostly Facebook posts after some of the Danish combinations. Only international event without Danish combinations was at CDI4* in Mannheim.
The Danish dressage successes has been massive this weekend with top icing on the cake with Nations Cup victory in Compiegne.
Below you will find a small overview from each event about Senior and U25 results.
Aalborg with full house for the 🇩🇰Danish combinations
Thursday with CDI3* 🇩🇰 Prix where Andreas Helgstrand was on top with his two young horses followed by Daniel Bachmann Andersen also bringing a young mare for her international debut.
Jovian & Andreas Helgstrand - Strong start, half pass right is for a few steps tiny unbalanced, left uphill extra power balanced, good halt with bit tense rein back, power diagonal, good into passage, still missing more clear soft flow from BIG passage to small piaffe, the piaffe need more balance on the hind quaters, ok walk tour, bit swing 2 times, good extended center, bit unbalanced zigzag, 1 times becomes bit short hind, good pirouettes, strong final. 75,978%
Andreas Helgstrand & Queenparks Wendy - Error free test, good trot tour with nice half passes, super halt but bit short steps for rein back, passage need more forward flow, good piaffe, good walk tour, piaffe nice at the spot 12 steps with good transitions, bit tense into canter, nice 2 times, good extended canter, bit unbalanced zigzag, nice 1 times, both pirouettes good could show more sit, from C 9,0 the 1st. pirouette, final diagonal with lack of balance and small canter in the corner only deducted by two judges. 73,870%
Shirley & Daniel Bachmann Andersen - international debut. Well managed test without any major issues. Nice balance for half passes and extensions, the walk becomes a bit short, easy in and out of piaffe, still missing bit more power for passage but keeping the regularity and balance, series becomes bit short hind and pirouettes need bit more sit. Overall the side picture need a bit more closed frame. 69,326%
CDI3*🇩🇰 Grand Prix Special
Victory for Andreas Helgstrand with Jovian 76,362%.
2nd placed Scarlett and Anne-Marie Hosbond with 69,596% - Much better flow and go for the entire test today, lovely rhytmn for passage tours and good extensions, good walk tour, better piaffe tours with better activity than for the GP, strong center tour only error was change between half passes.
3rd placed Vichy Pax & Joachim Thomsen - Strong start with good flow and go, half pass left lack bit more bend, good in front of the aides for piaffe tours, good passage, small lack of balance, unfortunately misunderstanding for transition from passage to canter and Joachim has to stop and makes the transition at the long side, good canter tour with highlights for pirouettes. 68,042%
International debut combination Stinna Skov Foldberg with Foldbergs T placed 5th with 67,532%
CDI3*🇩🇰Grand Prix kür
Victory for Andreas Helgstrand with Queenparks Wendy 79,090%.
CDI1* 🇩🇰 Prix St. Georg
72,500% victory - Zac Efron MT OLD & Daniel Bachmann Andersen It´s not about the things going on before entering the arena, but today there was just some extra with the way Daniel is handling the clearly big surpriced Zac when they enters the arena (normally the warm up is at the indoor, and then they go out and up into the arena.) And here Zac just says hell this is dangerous, but Daniel manage let him experience the surroundings, where he stops a few times to let him LOOK, and then the start signal was given. They show a controlled, supple and attentive test with just a bit tension for entering halt, bit tension for 1st half pirouette in center, and small tension at the end of the 4 times, rest was very well performed.
Placed 3rd Jane Serup Jensen & Desperada - Lovely lightfooted and easy picture, need a tiny bit more accuracy for halts and voltes, nice flow land go all the way, good walk tour, bit unbalanced into 1st half pirouette in canter, superb timing sit and balance for 2nd pirouette only rewarded with 7,5 x 3! good series could be a bit more uphill.
CDI1*🇩🇰Intermediate I
Desperada and Jane Serup Jensen - Strong performance without any technical issues, highlights for canter pirouettes with sit, balance and super canter quality (was clearly at least 8,0 pirouettes) and very nice series. Winner score 71,588%
The Danish youth riders dominated all the classes except for the ponies where former Danish owned top pony Adriano B and his now German rider Hubertus Stallmeister took all victories.
CDI1* 🇩🇰 Prix St. Georg
(70,852% no 3, PB) and Intermediate I (72,451 no 2 PB) for Danish Martin Christensen with 9 yr old Docieria by Danciano / Don Frederico.
CDI1* 🇩🇰 Small Tour
Lena Leschly Aamand and Zambonnay with international debut. Prix St. Georg 1st unplaced with 68,235% and Lone Madsen with Heslegårds Ragnhild finishing at 10th with 67,441%.
Inter I results - Zambonnay no 7 with 67,990% and Heslegårds Ragnild no 9 with 67,500%.
CDI3* 🇩🇰 Big Tour
Grand Prix - Karoline Louise Skøt and Midtgaards Zamir no 13 with 68,522% and placed no 3 (first international placement) with 70,820% in Grand Prix freestyle.
Grand Prix 16-25 - Dionisos and Thea Bech placed 2nd with 72,008% and 2nd place in freestyle with 75,883%.
The Danish victory in Compiegne was led by top combination Heiline´s Danciera and Carina Cassøe Krüth winning both CDIO5 Grand Prix and Grand Prix Speciel.
CDIO5 🇩🇰Grand Prix
Heiline´s Danciera 78,674% - Top motivated Danse, full power first diagonal where you get the impression of WOW wait a bit at the end for the half halt. No errors, good piaffe tours, highlights for passage, walk tour, zigzag and series. Very nice pirouettes, super final centerline.
Addict de Massa & Anna Kasprzak - Strong trot tour with super entering halt, supple half passes, good passage, super 1st piaffe at the spot with nice activity and good transitions, small disturb mid of extended walk and need to let more go, small trot step for collected walk, nice 2nd piaffe tour, strong canter tour without any issues. 71,717% placed 10th.
Thranegaardens Rostov & Lone Bang Zindorff - Entering halt bit hind the aides, good diagonal, nice half passes, left with lovely flow and go, good halt bit tense rein back, good diagonal, good into passage some tensions hind for passage also with a few tense piaffe steps, good walk tour, good 2nd piaffe, still bit tensions hind for both piaffe and passage, good canter tour with nice balance and flow, passage at start of centerline well balanced without tensions, final part with bit tension, good piaffe at X. 71,630% placed 11th.
CDIO5 🇩🇰Grand Prix Special
Heiline´s Danicera 76,107% - Strong start with power and balance trending 81% before last extension in the trot tour where Danse loosing the balance, good extended walk, collected walk good at begin but becomes bit slow at the end as Danse does not really respond to the aides into first piaffe which becomes bit late and lack of more energy, lack clear flow into 2nd piaffe, small stop but manage to continue a bit unbalanced, good canter tour unfortunately small error hind for one times at centerline, nice pirouettes, good final.
Addict de Massa & Anna Kasprzak with a super solid performance, good flow all the way, no technical issues, highlights for series and pirouettes - very constant scores around 71.5 % all the way. Final score 71,553%, placed 9th.
CDIO5 🇩🇰Grand Prix freestyle
Thranegaardens Rostov - some tensions and disturbing at the short side by A today, but Lone manage very well to keep going even with some technical issues today. Score 77,390 placed 4th.