Danskere til start i Exloo den kommende weekend
Exloo - Holland
Stævnet streames via Clipmyhorse. Startlister og resultater findes via kalenderen her på H2R. (såsnart de er online).
Klar til årets første følauktion?
Dansk Varmblod inviterer nu til årets første Dansk Varmblod Auktion i samarbejde med Blue Hors
Dansk Varmblod har afviklet mange, særdeles vellykkede auktioner, og nu har du muligheden for at tilmelde dit dressurbetonede føl til besigtigelse til årets første Dansk Varmblod Auktion. Auktionen afvikles i samarbejde med Blue Hors og i forbindelse med Blue Hors Sommerfestival.
Årets første auktion finder sted lørdag den 24. juni 2023 på Blue Hors i Randbøl. Du kan nu melde dit DV-føl til besigtigelse. Føllet skal være af dressurafstamning, og registreret i DV. Der er ikke noget krav om, at føllet skal være efter Blue Hors-hingste. DV-registrerede føl af alle afstamninger er velkomne på Dansk Varmblod Auktion.
Sidste års følauktion på Blue Hors var en kæmpe succes med flotte priser, og nu er Dansk Varmblods auktionsudvalg klar til at se føl fra årgang 2023. De tilmeldte føl bliver besigtiget og udvalgt på to iagttagelsespladser.
Hvis du vil have chancen for at deltage ved iagttagelsen så send nedenstående info til auktion@varmblod.dk senest den 25. maj.
• Føllets afstamning (skal have 4-leddet afstamning)
• Hoppestammens resultater
• Foto & video af føllet
Ved meget stor interesse forbeholder vi os ret til at udvælge blandt de tilmeldte.
Føl, der har deltaget ved andre auktioner, kan ikke komme i betragtning til iagttagelse. Iagttagelsen kommer til at foregå på Blue Hors mandag den 29. maj samt på Sjælland tirsdag den 30. maj.
Ved spørgsmål er man meget velkommen til at kontakte medlemmer af auktionsudvalget eller Sekretariatet på auktion@varmblod.dk.
Top price at DSP Spring auction sold for 28.000 euro to Denmark
Germany, Polen and Denmark were among the buyers for DSP Spring Auction riding horses collection this time.
Here you find the entire list of auction prices.
VIDEO - Indtryk fra eftermiddagens hingstevisning og 100 års jubilæum på Katrinelund
100 års jubilæum på Katrinelund
Selvom forårs solen forsøgte at få taget, så var det den frysende kolde vind der fik tilskuerne til at krybe sammen, tæt spækket hele vejen rundt om den store udendørs bane, hvor publikum havde taget plads. Der var rigtig mange der havde valgt at lægge vejen forbi Mors til dagens hingstevisning og 100 års jubilæum.
Ib Kirk blev standsmæssigt kørt ind på banen i en gig med en belgier forspændt, og med ingen ringere end berider Bjarne Mark ved tømmerne. Det var netop med en belgierhingst at det hele startede for 100 år siden hos familien Kirk på Mors, og den lange liste med hingste som har været en del af hingstestationen vidner også om det store engagement og aktivitet som årene der er gået.
Eftermiddagen stod på præsentation af både dressur- og springheste. Naturligvis med hingstene i fokus, men også rideheste afkom og et par nye føl. Under vejs kommenterede Ib Kirk selvfølgelig hestene, hvor han til dagen havde fået Per Skærbæk som medkommentator på dressurhestene og Lars Rasmussen på springhestene.
Det var glædeligt gensyn med guldmedaljehingsten Hesselhøj Donkey Boy som blev vist ved hånd, og her bifaldt Ib Kirk det gode samarbejde omkring hingstene med norske Kristin Andresen, og kunne samtidig fortælle at der lige nu var stor efterspørgsel på sæd fra Donkey Boy fra hele verden.
Den unge fløjhingst og materialprøvevinder, 4-årige Svalegårds Hot Driver e. Hesselhøj Donkey Boy / Blue Hors Hotline, avlet af Carl Chr. Krabbe (avlet på superhoppen Svalegård´s Hottie) blev flot fremvist af Carina Cassøe Krüth som jo skal stå for dem fremtidige uddannelse af hingsten. Hot Driver viste tre smidige gangarter med god power og flot form. Fra medkommentator Per Skærbæk var der også ros for, at man gav den unge hingst de bedste muligheder, under en dansk top rytter som Carina Cassøe Krüth.
Den aldrende herre Bon Bravour e. Painted Black / Chronos som er blevet 17 år er nyankommet for denne sæson til Katrinelund. Hingsten er jo uddannet til Grand Prix under hollandske Anky van Grunsven, og derudover særdeles interessant i forhold til en forædlingsprocent på hele 41%!
I Danmark er der alene registreret 7 afkom fordelt med 5 afkom i 2013 og 2 afkom i 2014, men ud af de få afkom har tre gjort sig ekstra bemærket. Nemlig super hoppen Atterupgaard Delorean med Selina Solberg Vittinghus i sadlen, og Bournonville som nu er solgt til Lövsta Stuteri, men Søgårds Bon Royal i dag er hos britiske Laura Tomlinson. Alle tre heste med ekstra klasse.
Bon Bravour selv brillerer med at være højstillet og ret ædel i kroppen, måske ikke det smukkeste udtryk, men så har han en særlig smidig overlinie, og hvis man stiller skarp på det han kan bag sadlen, så formår han at tippe og sætte sig på en helt særlig måde i pirouettearbejdet. (Desværre er det klip på videoen herunder langt fra så godt som den pirouette som blev vist lidt senere).
En eftermiddag hvor det kolde forårsvejr stod tydeligt i skyggen af rigtige hestefolk, og hvor Katrinelund efterfølgende var vært ved kaffe, småkager, øl, sodavand og grill pølser.
Første internationale Grand Prix sejr til Nadja Aaboe Sloth med Favour Gersdorf i tyske Toisdorf
I aftes skete det som alle Grand Prix ryttere drømmer om - den første internationale sejr
Grand Prix klassen i aftes i tyske Troisdorf var med 20 startende ekvipager, hvoraf der var to danske ekvipager Nadja Aabo Sloth med Favour Gersdorf og Kenneth Damgaard med Uno Day Sun.
Nadja Aaboe Sloth med hendes blot 10-årige Favour Gersdorf e. Foundation / Leandro avlet af Inger Marie Andreasen var 4. sidste startende i klassen med starttid kl. 22.34, som også betød at de fik prøvet at ride i ægte floodlight stemning.
Nadja fortæller fra Tyskland at hun havde en rigtig god tur uden store fejl sammen med Favour Gersdorf, og hun var super tilfreds og selvfølgelig også stolt over at kunne vinde klassen, tilmed i deres første tur i floodlight.
Nu gælder det Grand Prix Special i dag hvor ekvipagen har starttid kl. 14.50, mens Kenneth og Uno Day Sun har starttid kl. 12.50.
Kenneth og Uno Day Sun sluttede i Grand Prix´en med 64.50%, og hvor Kenneth fortæller på Instagram, at han var meget tilfreds med turen med en mere afspændt Uno Day Sun, men desværre med nogle dyre fejl under vejs i turen.
Der er desværre ingen livestreaming fra stævnet, men scores kan følges her.
Results from stallion performance test in Münster-Handorf today
3 year old
Excalibur by Escamillo / Don Nobless
Some of judges comments: "Elastic with good swing and balance for turns 8,5 for trot, canter uphill good balance 8,5, for the walk a bit tense first 2-3 steps could show a bit more forward search 8,0, ride ability nice mouth with good balance 8,5, and potential 8,5 = 8,40
V-Power by Viva Gold / Fidertanz
Some of the judges comments: Clear trot with strong hind leg, huge shoulder freedom, but bit swinging forehand 8,2 - clear beat uphill and well balanced canter 8,8. Yesterday the walk was lacking more relaxation, but today nice clear 4-beat lack bit more search of the riders hand 7,5, nice in the contact and well balanced, lacking bit more suppleness in the left side 8,0 for ride ability, willingness to perform 8,4 = 8,14
4 year old
Diamantenglanz by Diamond First / Bon Coeur.
Some of judges comments: Very rideable, nice forhand could show more power from hind, nice swing 8,2, always uphill under the body open frame for the canter 9,3, good walk in clear rhythm could show bit more relaxation for front legs 8,4, ride ability looked a bit tired compared to yesterday but still fully focused and willing 8,6 - over all impression 8,5 = 8,61
Skyline to B by Blue Hors St. Schufro / Ampere.
Some of the judges comments: Powerful energetic trot, nice extensions 8,2 trot, canter was highlight, uphill, nice angle taking weight hind with super extensions and easy coming back 8,8, walk always clear beat with good relaxation 8,2, ride ability very good for all 3 presentations and also positive and concentrated about the test rider 8,8 - over all impression 8,6 = total score 8,54
23.000 euro top price colt by Damsey at HANN foal auction
A meeting of excellence at Compiègne
With four of the World’s Top 10, including the number 1 and World champion, Great Britain’s Charlotte Fry, the 12th Internationaux de Dessage of Compiègne (from the 4th to the 7th of May) offers an exceptional line-up. The promise of top level competition and a rendezvous which France is facing with very real ambitions.
For several years the CDIO5*, Compiègne’s international dressage competition, has become one of favourite events for the World’s best dressage riders. The 2023 edition confirms the attractiveness of this event, playing host to one of the stages of the prestigious FEI Nations Cup circuit. Since the beginning of the year, few competitions in the World can boast such a line-up. At the top of the list is the new queen of the discipline, Great Britain’s Charlotte Fry, World number 1 and winner of the individual World champion title last summer in Herning (Denmark). The 27 year old rider will be leaving her fabulous Glamourdale at home, but she will be present in Compiègne’s arena with Dark Legend, a 15 year old with whom she participated in a World Cup final last year and who is familiar with this French show-ground taking third place in the 3* Grand Prix both in 2022 and 2021 and winning the Nations Cup in 2019. ‘’It’s a competition that I particularly appreciate, the site is superbly renovated, the arenas are perfect and there’s always a very good atmosphere, recalled the World champion during her last visit. All the riders will tell you the same thing!’’
Charlotte Fry will be leading a British team in which spectators will also be able to discover the young (18 years old) Annabella Pidgley. No stranger to podiums in European junior competitions, Pidgley has been partnering Vamos Amigos since the beginning of the year, this 11-year-old gelding was Denmark’s Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour former ride, and the horse with whom she was awarded the excellent score of 89.411% at the last World Championships (and an individual silver medal behind... Fry).
Denmark, Team World champions, Great Britain, but also Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands to battle in the Nations Cup
Competition will be extremely fierce. Three other riders in the World’s top 10 will be present at the Grand Parc equestrian stadium. Denmark’s Carina Cassøe Krüth, ranked n° 5, will be competing on her mare Heiline’s Danciera, with who she won two stages of the World Cup during the winter as well as taking team gold at the last World Championships. Among the most loyal riders in the French competition, Patrik Kittel from Sweden, currently ranked n°7 is entering with his top horse Touchdown. Watch out also for the Dutch Dinja van Lierde, n°4 in the rankings (bronze medal at the World Championships with Hermes N.O.P.), who will be bringing her young but already very effective Hartsuiker. Collectively probably a step below, Belgium, third last year here, will be counting on Larissa Paulius, fourth last weekend in Fontainebleau with Flambeau, and Portugal (4th in the 2022 Nations Cup), on Maria Caetano and Hit Plus.
France has no complexes and dreams of a podium
With such a huge amount of competition in the Nations Cup, it is going to be an intense fight to reach the top step of the podium which was occupied by Sweden last year in front of Spain and Belgium. Sixth in 2022, France intends climb a few places and even has the ambition to get close to the podium. ‘’Our riders are working towards it, explains Jean Morel, France’s dressage team selector and chef d’équipe. They’ve been working hard all winter. We’re lucky to have a Nations Cup of this level in France. We’ll be lining-up our best team at Compiègne with horses that are already competitive and which have been showing form over the last few months. All our horses are capable of crossing the symbolic 70% mark, and despite a few details needing improvement, the whole picture is very positive. Taking part is good, but we’d like to climb in the placings and why not even take a place on the podium.’’
Leading the French team will be France’s best performing pair since the beginning of the year, Corentin Pottier and his son of Totilas, Gotilas du Feuillard who were 9th in the World Cup in Basel and 6th in the Grand Prix at the recent CDI 5* in Fontainebleau, achieving scores over 72% each time in the Grand Prix. Alongside him will be Morgan Barbançon (n° 26 in the World rankings), the best French rider over the last few seasons who will be competing in Compiègne with Bolero, and the rider from the Cadre Noir at Saumur, Pauline Basquin, with Sertorius de Rima Z IFCE. Alexandre Ayache, partnering Jolène, will also be present, but as individuals.
With four months to go before the European Championships in Riesenbeck (Germany, from the 4th to the 10th of September), but also just over a year before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the Internationaux de Compiègne are a precious indicator for all the nations.
Excellent fields in the in both the CDI 3* and youth classes
A considerable number of riders entered in the CDIO5* will also be taking part in the CDI 3*, most of them with up and coming horses that are already performing well. Classes for the youngest riders are also looking exciting with, in particular, in the CDIP (ponies), the presence of Germany’s Lilly Marie Collin and Mia Allegra Lohe, respectively n°2 and n°3 in the World. In the juniors, Belgium is coming forwards as favourites with two riders in the top 20 (Clara Collard and Anna Peeters). In the CDIY (Young Riders), Mado Pinto, the World n°11 with Hot Bit de la Gesse, will certainly be carrying French hopes. Finally, in the CDIU25 (under 25s), the Netherlands will have the advantage with the World n°11, Daphne van Peperstraten.
At the end of classes, on Sunday the 7th of May in the afternoon, Santi Serra, the World-renowned equestrian artist will once again amaze spectators. A wonderful finale to three days of great sport. In his show, Santi Serra will be showcasing his love for horses, dogs and birds. As always with the spanish artist, often called the magician, the whisperer, ..., it’s going to be fascinating !
Masterlists CDI1* & CDI3* Aalborg, DEN 4 - 7 May
13 foals for DSP Online auction starting Friday 28 April
New crop from the young stallions
It´s alway super interesting to follow the new foals especially from the young stallions presenting their first crop.
This Bonds girl look like the absolut top price.
Here you find the entire collection.
VIDEOS - Look back at some of the highlights from Horses & Dreams 2023
CDI3 Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special winner Lyndal Oatley with Elvive
Danish Anna Zibrandtsen with Quel Filou with their just 2nd Grand Prix Special and placed 2nd.
Danish Nanna Merrald with Blue Hors Touch of Olympic L with 74,177% and 2nd place in Prix St. Georg
Winner of CDI4 Grand Prix for GPS Fendi T and Sönke Rothenberger with 77,152%
Bluetooth OLD and Frederic Wandres winner of CDI4 Grand Prix for GPF with 76,065%
Nanna Merrald and Blue Hors Don Olymbrio 2nd place in CDI4 Grand Prix for GPF with 74,565%
Daniel Bachmann Andersen and Vayron 3rd in CDI4 Grand Prix for GPF with 74,152%
Debut Grand Prix freestyle 2nd place in CDI4 for Daniel Bachmann Andersen & Vayron with 80,760%
Winner of Nürnberger Burg Pokal qualifier, Danish Warmblood mare Skovens Tzarina and Isabell Werth
Entries for Compiegne 4 - 7 May
Huge list of stallions for 2-days performance test Thursday and Friday in Münster-Handorf
3 year old
4 year old
5 year old
Thursday - with own rider
10.45 - 13.30 - 3 year old stallions
14.30 - 16.30 - 4 year old stallions
17.00 - 18.00 - 5 year old stallions
Friday - with test rider
07.30 - 12.00 - 3 year old stallions
12.30 - 15.30 - 4 year old stallions
15.45 - 17.15 - 5 year old stallions
The performance test will be available to watch LIVE at Clipmyhorse.
Entries for Troisdorf, Germany this week
2023 foals ready for HANN Online auction - started today and ends 27 April
24 dressage foals
The bidding for the HANN online foal auction has just started and there has already been a lot of activity.
Louisdor Preis qualifier no 6 V-Plus is represented for this collection with catalog no 2 a very well moving young colt by V-Plus / Don Nobless, currently top price at 17.000 euro.
From H2R point of view foal no 7 is the one with the most attractive “supple-over-the-back-push-from-behind-under-the-body”
Here you find the entire collection.
VIDEO - Grand Prix Freestyle of the CDI 5* at the Printemps des Sports Équestres: Lottie Fry, obviously!
"Our best performance!" Coming from the world champion, Charlotte Fry, who was already amazing last summer when she won the title in Herning (DEN), the words give you an idea of the great show enjoyed by the large crowd that came to watch the Grand Prix Freestyle Cheval TV this afternoon during the CDI 5* of the Printemps des Sports Equestres in Fontainebleau (FRA). And the judges certainly seemed to agree with the British rider, awarding her and her star stallion Glamourdale, the excellent score of 89.360% for a superb performance that bodes well for the European Championship this summer, and the Olympic Games next summer, in which the couple will inevitably play a major role. "Glamourdale was already in great form yesterday for the Grand Prix, even though he made a few small mistakes. He was really fresh and enthusiastic, and I have to admit that I was really aiming to put in one of our best performances today. And I think that's what happened. I had a great feeling, he was still really positive today, he enjoyed every second of our routine to the full. Everything went according to plan, with no mistakes. I think I've just experienced our best ever performance together. To be honest, I don't think he could have done much better than he did."
In second place, behind the British couple, the German Dorothee Schneider put in a great performance too and obtained a score of 82.250% on First Romance 2, who was taking part in his first CDI 5* this weekend, performing just the second Freestyle to Music of his career this afternoon. The experienced Spaniard Juan Antonio Jimenez Cobo took third place in this Grand Prix Freestyle Cheval TV, with an average of 78,970%, riding with Euclides Mor. The best-ranked French couple, Corentin Pottier on Gotilas du Feuillard, were fifth with 77.530, his personal best in this exercise.
82.000 euro top price Secret / Sandro Hit HANN gelding
Grand Prix of the CDI 5* Competition at the Printemps des Sports Equestres: Lottie Fry, naturally
PRESS RELEASE from CDI5* from Fontainebleau
She was the favourite for the class, and she did not disappoint. It was no surprise to see the British rider Charlotte Lottie-Fry, the Dressage world champion, world number 1 and the headline rider of this first CDI 5* class at the Printemps des Sports Equestres in Fontainebleau, win the Grand Prix Devoucoux, on her star stallion Glamourdale. With a score of 79.935, she was almost five points ahead of the German rider Dorothee Schneider, the reigning Olympic team champion, riding First Romance 2 (75.000). Spain's Juan Antonio Jimenez Cobo on Euclides Mor was third with an average of 73.696. The best-ranked French rider was Corentin Pottier, riding Gotilas du Feuillard, who finished in fifth place after a fine routine, with a score of 72.522.
Interview with Charlotte-Lottie-Fry, world champion, world number 1, and winner of the Grand Prix at the the CDI 5* competition at the Printemps des Sports Equestres
“Glamourdale felt amazing in there today ! He was really happy to be here (smiles). It’s the first outdoor of the season and his first outing since the World Cup in s-Hertogenbosch just over a month ago. So, he was just really happy to be here and he gave me a really great feeling,. Sure, we had a mistake in the two tempis, which is quite unusual for us, but it was my mistake, so I can’t blame him for that !! Everything else is just getting better all the time. It was amazing, for me to see how excited he was to be here and how much he enjoyed it ; we both enjoyed it. I’m really excited for the Grand Prix Freestyle tomorrow. It’s a huge arena and there is a lot of atmosphere in the arena. I think there will be a bigger crowd tomorrow and Glamourdale likes it when there is a big crowd and he loves the music. So, yeah, it’s exciting, I’m really excited. This CDI 5* at the Printemps des Sports Équestres is our first outdoor since riding in Herning, last summer. The venue has been really good, the can walk outside and it’s very sandy. I must say there are a lot of show jumpers everywhere so we have to be strong for the dressage riders (laughs). But, yeah, it’s a super nice venue and very friendly organisation, it’s great. I chose to start the season with Glamourdale at this event for several reasons, but I guess the fact that Fontainebleau will be a venue for the Olympic games next year in Paris was one of the reasons. We thought this would be the perfect preparation and, of course, Glamourdale and myself are already looking towards Paris next year.”
FEI Appoints New Director for Dressage, Para Dressage and Vaulting
Ronan Murphy (IRL), an equestrian aficionado with an impressive and wide-ranging track record in the horse and sporting sector, has been appointed as Dressage, Para Dressage and Vaulting Director for the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI), the global governing body for equestrian sports.
Murphy’s equestrian and sports management background is as diverse as it is far reaching, having held different positions and roles at the National, Regional and associate level of membership from breeding to governmental policy around horse movement, high performance pathways and administration, to name a few.
He will be best known within the FEI Family for his recent tenure at Horse Sport Ireland from 2017 to 2020, where as CEO he implemented a complete restructuring of the Irish National Equestrian Federation, both strategically and operationally, and with a strong focus on governance principles and developing the sport from grass roots to the world stage. This includes the historic qualification and participation of Irish Teams across all four disciplines at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
“I am so excited to be taking on this role and to have the opportunity to positively impact a sport and a community which I am deeply connected to.
“The future of equestrian sport is very close to my heart. As a parent of very passionate equestrians, and a lifelong horseman myself, my ambition for this role is very much about securing the future for Dressage, Para Dressage and Vaulting, and creating that level of dialogue and understanding amongst the different stakeholders so that we are all working in the same direction and with the same goals.
“I am an advocate for change, where and when it can create those opportunities and pathways in order to successfully adapt to new environments, and I look forward to supporting this process within the FEI, and doing so collectively with my new colleagues and peers in the community.”
Murphy will be taking up the role at the FEI on 10 July 2023, where he will join the team at FEI Headquarters who have been valiantly holding the fort since the departure of former Director Bettina De Rham in December 2022. The disciplines of Dressage, Para Dressage and Vaulting have experienced exponential growth in recent years, and while not the largest disciplines at the FEI, they are the fastest growing in terms of numbers of Events since 2007. Vaulting leads the FEI tally board, seeing the greatest percentage increase since 2007 at +614% Events, followed by Para Dressage with +278% and Dressage on +195%.
Alongside his most recent role at Hockey Ireland where he held the position of CEO, Murphy also currently serves as Vice Chairman and Director of Dressage Ireland, and has previously served as Chair of the European Equestrian Federation (EEF) EU Committee; Chair of the EEF working group on equine identification traceability and digital passports; Member of the International Horse Sport Confederation (IHSC) Taskforce on Brexit and EU Animal Health Law; and, Board Member of the European Horse Network (EHN) and EEF representative to the EHN.
“We are delighted Ronan Murphy will be joining the team at FEI Headquarters,” FEI Secretary General Sabrina Ibáñez said. “We have had the pleasure of crossing paths for many years, and it’s great that we will now be working closely together and towards a shared vision for Dressage, Para Dressage and Vaulting. Ronan has tremendous experience in the equestrian industry, is hugely passionate and forward thinking, and he brings an invaluable level of insight from different stakeholder perspectives. We are very much looking forward to welcoming him to Headquarters this summer.”