The young ladies
Placed 9, 10 and 11 were three very talented young ladies. They look like the next generation for the German team.
Bianca Nowag-Aulenbrock with Florine OLD - very accurate test without any technical issues, missing bit more strength for extensions and piaffe tours, lovely contact and uphill frame all the way.
Denoix and Katharina Hemmer - no weaknesses, lovely supple overall picture today only an error for the 1 times. Definitely worth a better placement (like judge at M, Plewa for a 6th place).
Flanell and Semmieke Rothenberger - such a harmonious overall picture. Best zigzag of the day and super flying changes. Today´s needed a bit more polished for entering halt, halt with rein back and transition to trot after canter.
H2R comments during the class:
Fendi T & Sönke Rothenberger - Good halt, power diagonal bit hurried, supple crossing uphill half passes, bit tense rein back, good diagonal, super passage,huge sit for piaffe bit unbalanced, also for transitions, bit tense extended walk need bit more let go over the back, good collected walk, nice into passage, expressive piaffe, lack clear out, super passage, nice into canter, big 2 times, power risk extended canter, bit unbalanced zigzag, tense end of 1 times, bit big super sit for both pirouettes, nice into trot, power diagonal, good final, open halt. DANISH WARMBLOOD ROCKS AT GERMAN CHAMPIONSHIPS! 79,760%
TSF Dalera BB & Jessica von Bredow-Werndl - Bit unbalanced hind right for halt, balanced expressive diagonal, bit early start of half pass, good balanced, superb halt with rein back WOW, super diagonal, active regular passage, super transitions on hind leg, active piaffe at the spot, small hiccup before transition to walk, good extended walk, bit unbalanced collected walk, direct to passage, soft supple 2nd piaffe with sit balance, nice into canter, error 2 times x 2, good extended canter, nice balanced zigzag, does not take the aides for 1st change at 1 times, good pirouettes, good into trot, nice diagonal, strong final centerline. 79,40%
Bluetooth OLD & Frederic Wandres - Not fully balanced halt, ekspressive diagonal, nice side picture, well balanced nice half passes, super halt bit unbalanced rein back, nice diagonal, good passage tiny tensions, nice in and out bit forward flow active plaffe, nice extended walk, nice collected walk, good into passage, tiny tensions for transitions, good plaffe bit forward, nice into canter, good 2 times, good extended canter, nice zigzag, good 1 times, 1st pirouette bit big, could show bit more activity for canter 2nd pirouette, good into trot, nice diagonal, super nice final centerline. 77,54%
DSP Quantaz & Isabell Werth - Tiny tensions for entering halt, good diagonal, bit tense body wise for half passes, superb halt with rein back, nice diagonal, super into passage, good transitions, piaffe bit two tempi but very nice at the spot, unbalanced short extended walk, bit tense collected walk, some tensions for 2nd piaffe, good passage, tensions out, good into canter, ok 2 times bit tense, good extended canter, lacking more bend right for zigzag, bit short with tensions 1 times, good pirouettes, good into trot, good diagonal, good final. (no final salute from Isabell but pat for the horse) 76,72%
Duke of Britain FRH / Frederic Wandres - Super halt, small lack of balance for diagonal, small lack of balance into first half pass, good left, super halt with rein back, ok diagonal, nice into passage, super piaffe at the spot, nice transitions, good passage, supple extended walk, super collected walk, could show bit more power hind for passage, nice sit balance for piaffe, good into canter, change 3 with parallel hind for 2 times, good extended canter, good zigzag, error 1 times, good pirouettes could show more airtime, good into trot, good diagonal, dancing piaffe for a strong final. 76,38%
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