VIDEOER - Fantastisk dansker dag i Falsterbo med 5 års finale, 6 års finale og 7 års indledende

Fabulosa & Anne Marie Hosbond tog sejren i Folksam Scandinavian Open 5 års finalen - med ejer Jane Serup Jensen ved siden - foto: H2R

En skøn dansker torsdag i det svenske

Finaledag for 5 års og 6 års samt indledende for 7 års.

Susanne Barnow lagde ud som første startende fra morgenstunden i 7 års klassen med Åtoftens Dancing Memory e. ERA Dancing Hit / Benetton Dream, avlet af Annette Bugge og Claus Hansen, og ejet af Anna Munkebo. Parret viste en nydelig og velbalanceret tur som bestemt ligende en top placering, og som slutteligt også rakte fortjent til sejren.

Tilbage i april 2023 blev Dancing Memory solgt til ponyrytteren Anna Munkebo, men det er aftalt at Susanne Barnow skal stå for den videre uddannelse året ud, og lige nu venter søndagens finale i Folksam Open og først i august står den på UVM.

Det indledende 7 års podie bestod også af Satchmo med Nadja Aabo Sloth og Sevilla med Anna Zibrandtsen, så de svenske ekvipager ved hvad de skal ride efter i finalen lørdag.

Klik på fotoet af Susanne herunder og hør lidt om hendes ture fra torsdagens indledende klasse med de to UVM aktuelle heste.

5 års finalen var på papiret allerede afgjort, men som i al anden konkurrence så skal turen jo rides først. Og fra den indledende klasse var hingsten Skyline to B med svenske Carl Hedin storfavorit med top karakterer, desværre var Skyline ikke helt på samme niveau til finalen og måtte på dagen tage til takke med 2. pladsen. Derimod var Anne Marie Hosbond og den smukke letbenede hoppe Fabulosa e. For Romance I / Depardieu klar. De kom til finalen med en 9. plads fra den indledende klasse og dermed langt fra favoritter til titlen.

Fra 5 års indledende var Maria Anita Andersen og Vive la Reinne II VH placeret som nr. 2 og måtte i finalen rykke en enkelt plads ned. Men ingen tvivl om at både Maria og Carl er klar til UVM for Sverige.

Svenske Emma Ahlberg som til dagligt jo er dansk var super flittig med en enkelt 7 års Ambjergs Delgadino som hun kvalificerede til lørdagens finale, samtidig med at Emma sluttede flot som nr. 4 med Franka og nr. 7 med Ice Queen Eden i 5 års finalen.

Byttet om på pladserne

De unge heste er jo hele tiden i en læringsproces, og det fik nogle af de danske ekvipager også at mærke under vejs, både i opadgående kurve og nedadgående kurve. Falsterbo er et både fantastisk stævne, men samtidig også svært - en rigtig god læring, og ikke mindst “test” af den unge hest. Svenskerne bruger jo også stævnet som deres endelige udtagelse til UVM.

Josefine Hoffmann og hoppen Bouquet L viste i finalen, at selvom de kom med som sidste ekvipage (nr. 12) fra kvalifikationen, så avancerede de flot til en 6. plads samlet.

Silje Bakken og Lille Kærgård Sisco sluttede finale feltet af med en 12. plads - parret kom til finalen som 6. bedste i kvalifikationen.

Torsdagens vinderekvipage i 5 års finalen var Fabulosa med Anne Marie Hosbond. Fuld fortjent, og iøvrigt en spændende ekvipage som kunne have være interessant i UVM sammenhæng for Tyskland, men Anne Marie var kun til start med den 6-årige St. Tropez til UVM iagttagelsen i Tyskland, og fik desværre ikke en billet til UVM. Sammen med St. Tropez kunne Anne Marie derimod igen træde op på podiet i 6 års finalen i Sverige, denne gang som en flot nr. 3. Parret kom med en 4. plads fra den indledende afdeling.

Atterupgaards Bonomassa med Selina i sadlen slutter som flot nr. 6 i 6 års finalen. Parret kom også til finalen som nr. 6 fra indledende.

Efter sejren var der pressekonference, dog i lidt mindre målestok, men her fortæller Anne Marie også lidt om Fabulosa og hendes tur.

Nyd lidt af torsdagens stemning i Falsterbo

VIDEO - "Aachen er jo verdens fedeste ridestævne"

Daniel Bachmann Andersen - foto: H2R

H2R har været på besøg hos Daniel Bachmann Andersen

Hvad er Aachen for en størrelse for både hest og rytter? Forventninger fra hestejerne? Næste stævne er med holdkonkurrence i Falsterbo, hvad er det at ride på et hold?

Et kig tilbage hvor det hele startede for Daniel Bachmann Andersen, og meget mere fra formiddagens snak med Daniel Bachmann lige mellem dagens træning af hestene.

“Stævnerne, det er det er tænder mig hver dag, der får mig til at springe ud af sengen, nu skal jeg i gang. Det er fordi jeg elsker at uddanne, de der små bitte detaljer der lige gør forskellen den dag, og hvordan skal jeg ligesom hive det op på et nyere niveau, hele tiden dreje lidt op lidt op, arrrh nu står vi lidt stampe, det kan godt være vi skal lidt ned ad trappen igen, for at kunne komme et skridt længere igen”.
— Daniel Bachmann Andersen

Tak til alle H2R backere og sponsorer som også er med til at gøre dagens interview muligt.

Sparring mellem to generationer på Stutteri Springborg

Besøg hos Stutteri Springborg i Skævinge på Nordsjælland

En juni eftermiddag gik turen til Sjælland for at aflægge Stutteri Springborg et besøg. Familien Springborg er jo en kendt del af “hestebilledet”, når man bevæger sig rundt på følskuer, kåringspladser og stævnebaner, så nu var tiden kommet til at aflægge et besøg, der hvor det hele udspringer fra.

Med lidt kendskab til Pernille og Per Springborg, så er Stutteri Springborg præcis som forventet. Ejendommen fremstår “salgsklar”, ikke at den er til salg, men hele ejendommen er velplejet og indbydende med en dejlig hesteånd.

De første som byder velkommen, er det karakteriske heste-hundehold med jack russell terrier og brun labrador, sådan er det også hos Pernille og Per, ligesom Bianca og Christians jack russell Holly også er en del af familien Springborg.

Udover Pernille og Per var Bianca (kommende svigerdatter) og Christian (søn) også hjemme. De unge har fornyligt trukket teltpælene op fra det nordjyske, idet Christian havde opsagt sit job hos Helgstrand Dressage, efter 6 år som “breeding manager”, og i samme åndedrag havde Bianca netop flyttet arbejdsplads, som privatrådgiver i Nordea fra en nordjysk filial til nu en nordsjællandsk filial.

Avl og Sport

I både Tyskland og Holland er det almindeligt, at avl er generationers værk. Oldefar startede op i tidernes morgen, farfar tog over, frem til hvor far er avler og sønnen er klar i kulissen. Den “opskrift” er ikke så brugt i Danmark, men der findes trods alt nogle stykker, hvor både hopper og viden går i arv - umiddelbart mest kendt i Danmark er Stutteri Bøgegaarden, som lige nu er 3. generations stutteri. Også Kathrinelund som jo tidligere i år kunne fejre 100 års jubilæum er et af de få stutterier, som har formået at føre traditionerne videre og udvikle avlen.

Passionen for både avl og sport kendetegner familien Springborg. I årenes løb har Stutteri Springborg målrettet produceret heste dels til salg, men også til eget brug. Her kommer Pernille og Pers datter Kathrine ind i billedet, idet hun jo har været en del af landsholdene som både junior- og ungrytter, og senest også været Grand Prix aktuel - hele vejen på hjemmeavlede heste. På vejen mod de sportslige mål hen over årene, har træner Michael Søgaard været en stor del af successen. Et samarbejde som hele familien Springborg sætter stor pris på.

Christian har de seneste 6 år høstet erfaring omkring træning af unge hingste, management og ikke mindst kendskab til hver enkelt hingst på staldgangen, men også i daglig træning. Den erfaring giver naturligvis et billede af, hvordan Christian ser det optimalt i forhold til træning og management af den unge hest, som han selvfølgelig vil bruge fremadrettet. I skrivende stund har Christian ikke fastlagt sin fremtid, selvom der er bud efter ham fra rigtig mange kanter, så trænger han mest af alt bare til at “ligge i laderen” indtil displayet viser 110%, og så tager han beslutning om fremtiden herefter.

De unge kommer med modet og troen

Mens traditionen og sikkerheden jo ofte indhenter den erfarne generation, så kommer de unge med modet og troen på, at det kan lade sig gøre, og her skabes det spændende samspil mellem generationerne. Hos Stutteri Springborg har Pernille og Per allerede vist vejen med flere succesfulde generationer, og nu, eller ihvertfald om få år, står Bianca og Christian formodentlig klar til at kunne videreføre og udvikle på de nuværende hoppestammer fra stutteriet krydret med nyt blod.

Dagens program

Eftermiddagen var tilrettelagt med et flot program inklusiv bobler og kirsebær.

Bianca viste den 5-årige sølvmedaljehoppe CS Nabiha e. Quaterhit/Dream Boy, som er avlet og ejet af Christian Springborg. Nabiha har i sin unge alder allerede høstet masser succes. Først som fløj føl og udtaget til eliteskuet, ligesom hun også blev skuet bedste 2 års hoppe med en billet til eliteskuet, for året efter at opnå en flot sølvmedalje til Dansk Varmblods eliteskue. Nabiha indløste også fornyligt en billet til mellemrunden via championatskvalifikationen i Billund under berider Maria Anita Andersen i sadlen. Bianca rider til daglig undervisning hos Maria, og den nye afstand - nordjylland til nordsjælland klares via online undervisning.

Nabiha er en betydelig hoppe med tre rigtig gode gangarter. Derudover besidder hoppen et rigtig godt temperament, og som Bianca viser hende på nuværende tidspunkt, er det en særdeles velbalanceret og smidig hoppe, som giver et flot alderstilsvarende samlet billede. En spændende ekvipage. Og med tanken på at Nabiha også ser ud til, via egne gener, at lave attraktive afkom, så er det unge par kommet flot fra start med egen avl og sport kombineret.

Herefter var det fremvisning af årets følkollektion samt en enkelt indkøbt 2 års hoppe. Alle føllene viste særdeles spændende takter, og som også alle var solgt, dog med undtagelse af to føl, hoppeføl e. Be Sure/Sir Donnerhall I og hingsteføl e. Be Sure/Floriscount.

Ejendommen som huser Stutteri Springborg består af to stald afsnit, hvor hoppestalden sammen med ridehestene hører til nærmest stuehuset, mens unghestene går i løsdrift i staldafsnit langs med ridehuset.

Sideløbende med egne heste, er der også plads til et par opstaldere, og en samling på pt. ialt 20 stk 1 års og 2 års unghingste som passes for kunder fra hele verden, og hvor Springborg teamet står for alt frem til afhentning.

Inden grillen blev tændt var der lige noget som skulle ordnes. En hoppe var scannet og klar til sæd, så det klarede Christian naturligvis også - og hoppen er iøvrigt netop konstateret drægtig som året sidste. Så årgang 2024 skulle meget gerne se sådan ud fra Stutteri Springborg:

• Be Sure - Quaterhit - Dream Boy (ET på SRDH CS Nabiha)

• Elastic - Sir Donnerhall - Diamond Hit (Moder: BRDH Springborgs Guinea)

• Be Sure - Jameson RS2 - Escolar (ET på 2 års Kamar’s Jealousy)

• So Perfect - Diamond Hit - Heslegård’s Rubin (Moder: ERDH Springborgs Givenchy)

• SH Leonardo - Floriscount - Jazz (Moder: RDH Springborgs Envy)

• Glamourdale - Ibiza - Rubin Royal (ET på BRDH Springborgs Abiza)

• Proud James - Fürst Romancier - Diamond Hit (Moder: EBRDH Springborgs Guyana )

H2R takker for en skøn dag i hestens tegn afsluttet med god mad, rødvin og masser snak, som bliver på et ekstra niveau når både avl og sport er repræsenteret omkring bordet.

German Young Horses selected today in Warendorf for World Championships in Ermelo

German Young Horse final selection today in Warendorf

Final day started with 7 year old, followed by 6 year old and last the 5 year old.

Overall the 7 year old were with a quite impressive strong top. Super well educated and ready for the 7 year old task - serious contenders at the podium in Ermelo.

Often the 6 year old level is difficult. No exception even in a very established and strong education system as the German, today only with two combination being able to perform their test without technical issues and still showing quality and surplus.

Normally the 5 year old is the “easy” part, but it is also where the talented horses with strength and three very good gaits will show their advantage. When selecting here it must still with the eye for the big future, and here one horse is missing Sir Johny by Sir Heinrich / Jazzmate with Stefanie Serowv. A horse with three good basic gaits, obedient, active from behind - a horse showing qualities for further education.

5 year old

Highlights from today´s selected 5 year old horses with the absolute best two combinations were Hannoveraner stallion San to Alati with Stefanie Wolf in the saddle showed ones again a very smooth and easy performance an Hannoveraner stallion Be Sure with Danish Thomas Sigtenbjerggaard also showed a very nice supple presentation with good power.

6 year old

Highlights at 6 year old level was a bit limited, as more of the horses were struggling with the flying changes and overall relaxation and suppleness.

Today´s clear “winners” were Chere Celine with Lena Waldmann and Life Time with Charlott-Maria Schürmann showing there performances with quality and without any technical issues.

7 year old

The qualities of the top combinations for the 7 year old look like potential podium spots.

Diaton, Danciero, Global Player were in a league of their own in top of the field today.

Germany prevails in battle of champions at Aachen

The podium looked nearly identical in the FEI Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special as Germany, Denmark and Great Britain battled for top honors in the FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ at Aachen (GER), and as the start list reached its end in the Special, only the top two athletes in the FEI Dressage World Ranking remained—Jessica von Bredow-Werndl (GER) and Charlotte Fry (GBR).

The reigning individual Olympic and FEI Dressage World Cup™ Champions, von Bredow-Werndl and DSF Dalera BB took their second victory of the week Saturday at the World Equestrian Festival, receiving 81.021% in the Special to go along with a Grand Prix win Thursday (82.304%). Those scores clinched a fourth Nations Cup victory of the 2023 season for Germany.

Led by von Bredow-Werndl, Isabell Werth (DSP Quantaz), Frederic Wandres (Bluetooth OLD), and Sönke Rothenberger (Fendi). Germany's winning total was 468.285 points, the sum of the team's top three scores in both tests. Denmark finished second with 460.097 points, followed by Great Britain (459.756 points). 

"For me, it is not as much about winning, but instead about the development. It still feels like there is room for improvement. [TSF Dalera BB] felt so, so good." 

Jessica von Bredow-Werndl

The Grand Prix Special was particularly impressive for Germany, who did not have a rider finish outside of the top 10. For Rothenberger, the test was especially meaningful, as he and his 9-year-old stallion Fendi improved their score by nearly five percentage points after having some tense moments in the Grand Prix.

"In preparation for the [Grand Prix], I had a really good feeling. He was super training in the main arena, and I underestimated the atmosphere [during competition]," Rothenberger said. "I don't have a spooky horse, but I could feel he was getting quite tense, and I couldn't support him how I would have liked to support him."

"It took two and a half days in between [the Grand Prix and the Grand Prix Special] to give him security in the arena. That was my main goal, and I'm really happy with the confidence we could give him. This was the third Special [Fendi] has ever done, and I'm really happy with how well I could get him back on my side. I'm really proud of him."

Sönke Rothenberger

Ultimately, consistency was the deciding factor when it came to separating the world's top combinations. Great Britain's Charlotte Dujardin (Imhotep) and Charlotte Fry (Everdale) were repeatedly on von Bredow-Werndl's heels, but Wandres and Werth were never far behind, either.

"It's always a good thing when you can show consistency, especially in team competition and especially with Bluetooth OLD. In the Grand Prix, he had a very harmonious and exceptional round," Wandres said. "The feeling we started with [in the Special] in the extended trot to passage, forward and backward, he felt so amazing. I'm proud of him to shine in an arena like that."

Germany extended its lead in the FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ standings with 56 points. Sweden sits second with 32 points, followed by Denmark with 28 points.

The 2023 FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ season concludes at Falsterbo (SWE) on 16 July 2023. 

Full results

Aachen updates

Charlotte Dujardin on her Times Kismet v. Ampere together with Alexander Peters (Board VUV - Vereinigte Unternehmerverbände Aachen) and ALRV Supervisory Board member Dr. Thomas Förl. Photo: CHIO Aachen/Michael Strauch

During this years CHIO Aachen, you can find all running updates at Horse2rider Facebook page.

VIDEOS - Girls on fire for Danish Warmblood final selection

Lyngbjerg St. Paris & Victoria Vallentin - photo: H2R

Danish Warmblood final selection

Today and tomorrow with final selection of 4 from each year + 2 reserves. It was definitely not the best weather conditions for the young horses today. It was very windy in the courtyard where the arena is at Vilhelmsborg, and that of course affected more for the young horses today. Worst for the 6 year old and 7 year old horses which also are the ones with most demanding tests.

5 year old

10 five year old combinations were at start today and four clear candidates stood out:

Quinn G by Quaterhit / Fassbinder, bred by Stutteri G, ridden by Betina Jæger Jensen - this combination still look like a medal. (Video below)

Valerie B by Revolution / Blue Hors Zack, bred by Karin og Peer Guldbrandsen, ridden by Anne Mette Strandby Hansen, is a big moving mare, today with better relaxation and less push from the rider, overall very harmonious presentation, and with three really good basic gaits. (Video below)

Lille Kærgårds Sisco DWB by Blue Hors Don Olymbrio/Stedinger, bred by Louise Lundgaard Nissen, ridden by Silje Bakken, modern, expressive and well moving in all three gaits, unfortunately today with unbalance at the end of extensions, but for sure a high quality horse.

Grevens Sirius by Secret / Johnson, bred by Stutteri Greven, ridden by Michael Grønne Christensen. For the first selection young Alexander Helgstrand was in the saddle of the gigantic gelding and it looked like quite a job, but today with Michael Grønne the big gelding became more like impressive instead of gigantic. Expressive well balanced with very good trot, super canter and good walk.

Two extraordinary 5 year old mares

6 year old

Today three best presentations:

Again today World Champion mare Lyngbjergs St. Paris by Blue Hors St. Schufro/Rockefeller, bred by Bente Børjesson with Victoria Vallentin were showing their high performance abilities and are ready for Ermelo again.

The stallion Hesselhøj Double Up by Hesselhøj Donkey Boy/Tailormade Lancelot, bred by Hesselhøj, ridden by Anders Hoeck is an expressive well moving stallion, today a bit on and off for some moments in the balance and need to show a bit more constant search for the contact as he becomes a bit short in the neck showing bit open mouth.

Roxette by Revolution/Quite Easy, bred by Stutteri Sorgenfri, ridden by Frederikke Gram Jacobsen showed a much more convincing performance today than last time with better balance and expression.

Unfortunately Anne Marie Hosbond was struggling a bit with both her horses today due to the very windy weather.

7 year old

The only combination performing with just a single “hiccup” at the end today was Ambjergs Delgadino by Hesselhøj Donkey Boy/Blue Hors Don Romantic, bred by Malene Clausen, ridden by Emma Ahlberg.

All the other combinations were struggling with more errors through out their performances. Weather, demanding exercises and maybe a bit to much preparation for today made the difference.

But Midt-West Franceska with Majken Faaborg Glerup and Susanne Barnow with Åtoftens Dancing Memory together with Bruunholms Flora and Lone Bang look like the team for Ermelo.

Wednesday is decision day which combinations will go to Ermelo.

Ambjergs Delgadino & Emma Ahlberg

Danish Warmblood raised the bar with quality and top prices at Saturday´s foal auction

Saturday evening Blue Hors and Danish Warmblood were hosting the first foal auction of the year at Danish soil.

From the video presentation it was a good collection with interesting pedigree, but from the first step for the LIVE presentation at the outdoor arena Saturday afternoon, it was pretty much a WOW experience. The top foals were really showing off for the presentation, and when it came to the auction the buyers were ready too.

19 foals were at the auction and 16 were sold at an average price of 16.625 euro.

Link to full results from the auction.

Here you have some of the highlights during the auction ⬇️

Daniel Bachmann Andersen guest rider in Pavo Cup


Daniel Bachmann Andersen will be this year’s guest rider in the Pavo Cup. The experienced Danish rider will test the best four-, five- and six-year-old dressage horses and afterwards share his findings with the jury.

Bachmann Andersen gained acclaim with his sympathetic riding style as a participant in the World Breeding Championships for Young Dressage Horses and in the Grand Prix ring. His long list of achievements includes team gold at the WC of Herning. The rider has had many young horses under his saddle in the past and was twice asked to be a test rider of the five-year-old stallions at the stallion show in Denmark. “It is an honour that the KWPN has invited me to be a guest rider at the Pavo Cup”, says Daniel.

Complete horse

Bachmann Andersen is looking for the most complete horse in the Pavo Cup. The most spectacular mover is not necessarily the winner in his eyes. “Of course, I love the feeling of horses with outstanding movements. However, functionality is my number one priority. I am not the someone that is looking for the flashiest movers. A rider must be able to collect that mega trot or mega canter as well.” Besides three solid gaits, the Danish rider deems rideability another crucial element: “I attach great value to rideability. You must get through to the horse, be able to communicate with them. The way a horse responds to my aids is important to me. So is the natural aptitude for collection in case of the five- and six-year-old horses.”

Source: KWPN

Photo: Dirk Caremans 

Barbançon leads dominant French performance in Rotterdam

History was made Saturday in Rotterdam, as France recorded a convincing victory in the FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ of The Netherlands—a first for the nation in the event.

Led by Chef d'Equipe Jean Morel, the four-rider squad of Alexandre Ayache (Jolene), Pauline Basquin (Sertorius de Rima Z Ifce), Corentin Pottier (Gotilas du Feuillard) and Morgan Barbançon (Habana Libre A) finished the FEI Grand Prix, Grand Prix Special and Grand Prix Freestyle tests with a winning total of just 11 points.

Germany finished second with 38 points, followed by Sweden (44 points). Each point is equivalent to a finish position of a team athlete, with each team receiving one drop score in the Grand Prix and between the Special and Freestyle tests. 

Basquin, Pottier and Barbançon each made the podium at least once, with Basquin recording a personal best (73.468%) aboard the 13-year-old gelding Sertorius de Rima Z Ifce to finish as the highest-ranked team rider (second individually) in the Special. Pottier also finished second in the Freestyle (78.220%) with Gotilas du Feuillard.

But it was Barbançon who led the way, winning both the Grand Prix and the Freestyle with her 11-year-old gelding, Habana Libre A.

"[Habana Libre A] is the best I've ever ridden. He has a great mind, three very good gaits, and he always wants to work. He keeps getting better." 

Morgan Barbancon (FRA)

While the Grand Prix test was a familiar one for the pair, the Freestyle offered new challenges. Performing their routine for just the second time, they flirted with 80%, receiving 79.820% from the judges.

"[My horse] was a little bit more tense [in the Freestyle]. It was only our second time riding this Freestyle; I tried it a couple weeks ago for the first time," Barbancon said. "He was concerned to start, because the atmosphere was extreme, and I was a little scared about how he would react. After the first halt, he relaxed and listened to me. I'm very, very proud of him."

France's performance was so dominant, the Nations Cup title had already been secured when Pottier entered the arena for his Freestyle. That put the rider in a unique position, and a second-place finish provided a most memorable bonus.

"That was a bit peculiar, knowing that we had won but still having to ride myself, but it was also quite a special feeling," he said. "I was here for the first time last year with the team. Then, we finished fourth, so to now be the winners is a really nice improvement."

The 2024 Paris Olympic Games will be hosted on home soil for France, making them a primary objective for the French squad. For Chef d'Equipe Jean Morel, a Nations Cup victory served as evidence that his team is on the right track.

"This was real teamwork today. It was more than a year of work together that led to us picking the fruits of our labour today. I hope we can keep improving and keep growing."

Jean Morel

France now sits third in the FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ standings with 18 points. Germany continues to lead the rankings with 31 points, while Sweden is second with 25 points.

The 2023 FEI Dressage Nations Cup™ season continues at Aachen (GER) on 1 July 2023.

Full results.