CVL Horses - development and education

Vivi & Christian Vang Lauridsen (& Holger) - photo: H2R

Back in June H2R went visiting Vivi and Christian Vang Lauridsen (CVL Horses) to get to know a bit more about their everyday and business.

Vivi and Christian are based at North Sealand, Græsted with just a short drive to one of the best sandy beaches in Denmark, named Tisvilde.

Both Vivi and Chrisitian has a lot of experience but originally from seperate parts of the horse world. Vivi comes with all her experience from the dressage world, while Christian brings his experience mostly from the racing horses and also the jumping horses. Together they have build up a very successful sales stable in order to develop and educate top dressage horses, and has over the years sold horses to clients all from over the world, recently most “famous” international Danish World Champion, Marshall Bell.

Entering the farm around 10 in the morning a lot of activity was going on. Vivi was teaching in the dressage arena, while Christian was in the saddle of his young jumping horse in the nearby jumping arena. During the week Vivi has as full schedule as possible teaching clients from outside and at the same time teaching own riders riding young talented CVL horses. This week was particular busy as Vivi had four combinations getting ready for Nordic Baltic Championships.

The daily routine at the stable is with full activity during the morning including riding and field time for all horses, and when it´s lunch time all horses are having a rest at the stable, like the way of doing it for the race horses, tells Christian.

When having a cup of coffee and nice pastery (shared with Holger) Vivi was teaching a client and both riders Michala Damm-Frydenberg and Henrik Palm Toft were busy in the arena riding talented young horses. When talking about development and education of the horses, both Vivi and Christian are very focused on the correct education, meaning building up the horses in a schedule fitted into each horse. As Christian tells: “We never focus on young championships, as we find it difficult to ask ex. 4 year old or 5 year old horses to be able to show their best in such a young age. They are often much more mature body wise and from their mindset towards 6 year old.”

Marshall Bell & Daniel Bachmann Andersen enjoying the moment with their team during European Championships 2021 in Hagen - photo: H2R

During the last couple of years they have made a successful coorporation with international top rider Daniel Bachmann Andersen. The relationship between Vivi and Daniel goes back to where Daniel started his riding career as a pony rider, and at that time taking lesson from Morten Thomsen, former husband of Vivi. Typically Daniel takes over the reins, when the horses has got their solid basic education and are about 6 or 7 years old. “The major plan for the horses moving to Daniels place is to educate them at Grand Prix level and of course with the eyes of a potential sale”, says Christian Vang Lauridsen.

In between riding horses for Vivi and Christian, Michala is training her own Laissez Faire L with guidance from Vivi - photo: H2R


Over the years Vivi has been breeding from some of the successful mares been in the sport. At the moment a sister of Zippo M.I. by Florencio has been producing some really nice offspring, currently with a lovely black filly by Iron.

As Vivi and Christian also loves to purchase a few foals or youngsters each year, they have two properties for the youngsters, next door where Vivi each morning brings her coffee to the stable watching their behavior during the morning feeding.

Rider Michala Damm-Frydenberg ready with another CVL horse for training, flanked by Christian Vang Lauridsen - photo: H2R

VIDEO - Dansk Varmblod hoppekåring i region 2

10 årige DV sølvmedalje hoppe Atterupgaards Delorean e. Bon Bravour / Sandro Hit mor til 3 top hopper til dagens kåring

Stærk hoppekollektion fra de sjællandske avlere

De stærke hoppestammer gjorde sig igen i dag gældende. Den nu 10 årige hoppe Atterupgaards Delorean udmærkede sig med hele 3 afkom - alle klar til eliteskuet. Dagens bedste hoppe blandt de 4 års gik til Atterupgaards Delarina e. Florenz med Atterupgaards Delorean som mor, ligesom også de to 3-årige helsøskende Atterupgaards Daimi og Atterupgaards Delora, efter Springbank II VH og med Atterupgaards Delorean som mor - begge også med overbevisende top kvalitet og naturligvis udtaget til Eliteskuet som afholdes på Vilhelmsborg 2 & 3 September. (se videoklip).

Kristine Munch Sinding fra Stutteri Atterupgaard har med en flot kollektion efter Atterupgaards Delorean også drømmen om at stille med en afkomstsamling til Eliteskuet. Det ville så være stutteriet 3. afkomstsamling, idet

Dommernes valg som dagens bedste 3 års hoppe blev Faretti III e. Franklin / Don Frederico fra Henrik Hansen. Faretti III var også udtaget til Eliteskuet i 2022 som 2 års. Faretti I blev oprindelig solgt på NIS auktionen som føl for 150.000 euro og senere tildelt guldmedalje til Eliteskuet.

Desværre blev afslutningen på kåringsdelen af meget kedelig karakter, da Anders Hoeck ikke kom til start med sidste hoppe efter uhensigtmæssig optræden på opvarmningsbanen, valgte man at se bort fra ekvipagen til bedømmelsen.

Se videoklip af 4 ud af de 5 hopper udtaget i 3 års holdet herunder (beklager at Søbakkehus Mollie ikke er fanget på video).

Press release - 18 days to go until the FEI European Dressage and Para Dressage Championships start in Riesenbeck, Germany

18 days to go until the FEI European Dressage and Para Dressage Championships start in Riesenbeck, Germany.

Show director Lütteken: Creme de la creme of the Dressage sport at the start

Riesenbeck International is decked out for illustrious guests: 153 riders and their horses, trainers, officials, exhibitors, media representatives and of course the public from all parts of the globe are ready for the FEI European Dressage and Para Dressage Championships from September 5 to 10.

Show Director Karsten Lütteken and his team had to switch very quickly from Jumping to Dressage, and he hopes that the euphoria will carry over. "We are still hovering a bit above the ground after the great Global Champions Tour leg that was with us a few weeks ago and are looking forward to hosting a great show at the upcoming European Championships as well," he says. 

He is sure that after the nomination of the athletes by their federations, the excitement and anticipation among the fans has increased once again, because the crème de la crème of international Dressage sport is expected at the equestrian facility in Münsterland. Great Britain is coming with world-class riders. Their committee chairman rightly speaks of a "dream team" and says: "We have perhaps the strongest team we have ever sent to a European Championship."

 The Danes won the gold medal at the World Championships in their own country last year, and they want to repeat that at the European Championships.  And the German riders, including defending champion Jessica von Bredow-Werndl are always among the medal contenders. In their own country, they have the spectators behind them. "We expect a great sporting festival," says Karsten Lütteken.   

Now, a good two weeks before the first Para Dressage rider enters the arena on Tuesday morning (Sept. 5) at 8:30 a.m., almost everything is ready. The grandstands are in place, the squares are prepared. In the grass stadium, the grass had to give way to the sandy ground that is customary in Dressage.

The program of the six-day tournament offers not only sporting highlights but also entertainment. On Saturday at 5 p.m. there will be a Dressage Master Class under the guidance of the "FN Training Ambassador" Christoph Hess. This much can be revealed: two female para-riders, an internationally successful Dressage rider and a surprise guest will demonstrate what correct training of a horse should look like - across all disciplines.

Afterwards, the Westphalian Stud Book will show a collection of first-class foals, which will be auctioned off under floodlight later that evening.

On the opening day, Tuesday, September 5, the visit of the European Championships is free of charge for all those interested. Then the Para Dressage competitions begin.

For Sunday, the tickets are completely sold out. Remaining tickets are still available for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Karsten Lütteken considers Saturday to be very attractive for families as well. Because on this day the Piaff Förderpreis, the Dressage Master Class and a foal auction are on the program. Everything can be visited with a day ticket or a season ticket.  In addition to top sport in two stadiums, the exhibition area offers entertainment, enjoyment and lifestyle.

Extensive TV coverage:

WDR will report live on Thursday (Sept. 7) from 3 to 5 p.m., on Friday (Sept. 8) from 3 to 5 p.m. and on Sunday (Sept. 10) live from 3:15 to 5:15 p.m.). So all the medal decisions of the Dressage will be live. and FEITV will cover Para- Dressage and Dressage live in their streaming services from the first to the last minute. 



Tomorrow with KWPN Online Foal auction at 10 am

As the amount of Online auctions has increased over the last year it´s very important to give the potential buyers as much informations as possible.

A quick look at tonights collection gives a very nice impression of each foal and as an extra benefit you get the size of the mares from the damline, as this is normally not that easy to check out.

The bid up starts 21 August at 8 pm.

H2R top candidates by Pavo Cup winner Extreme US and Opoque for this collection:

Here you find the entire collection.

Vilhelmsborg - hoppekåring - fokus på avl og sport

Kåring og måske en billet til Eliteskuet

Fredagen stod i Dansk Varmblods kåringstegn på Vilhelmsborg.

Det er jo ude på kåringspladserne rundt omkring i landet, at DV´s dommere udpeger de hopper som de mener er Elite billet værdige, så derfor er det naturligvis også spændende at følge med helt fra der hvor de første trin bliver vist under rytter.

Generelt var alle hopperne velforberedte til opgaven og præsenteret i god kondition. Selve afviklingen af sadelkåringen forløb godt, dog var det gennemgående at galopturene blev noget for lange for alle hopperne, idet man her kunne fornemme at runderne blev brugt på både at se hopperne, men også udfylde bedømmelsesskema.

Fra sidelinien var dagens hopper af overordnet god kvalitet, men nogle stykker manglede dog at shine i alle tre gangarter. Typemæssigt var en lille håndfuld med rigtig flot kønspræg.

Gengangere fra sidste uge i Ermelo

De kendte ansigter fra UVM i Ermelo den forgangne uge var igen at finde blandt deltagerne. Majken Faaborg Glerup som jo i sidste uge havde sin 7 års hoppe Midt-West Franceska e. Franklin / Don Schufro med til UVM, var klar med helsøster på 3 år Midt-West Present som blev præsenteret flot af Marie Witt Poulsen og som forventet (af H2R) også indløste billet til Eliteskuet. Grundlæggerne af Stutteri Midt-West, Lisbeth og Poul-Erik Nielsen var naturligvis også med på sidelinien for at følge Midt-West Present.

Dagens absolut highlights blandt de 3 års hopper var helsøsteren til hingsten Iron, SK Ivanna e. Asgard´s Ibiza / Hohenstein som blev flot fremvist af Silje Bakken fra Bakken Dressage samt Tophøjs Guapa Me e. Glamourdale / Sezuan med Mette Sejbjerg Jensen i sadlen, men iøvrigt også debut som avlere Mette Sejbjerg Jensen og Eric Guardia Martinez til årets hoppekåring. Begge hopper bringer noget ekstra med som avlshopper, men bestemt også som fremtidige sportsheste.

Dagens hoppe i 3 års holdet blev velfortjent SK Ivanna som ikke blot har en berømt helbror, men også besidder kvaliteterne selv.

Et kig i “krystalkuglen” med blikket rettet mod både avl og sport, vil med de bedste hopper være vejen frem i dansk avl. Hverken avl eller sport kan stå alene, så derfor må bedømmelserne af fremtidens DV´s hoppemateriale være knivskarp på individerne som potentielle producenter af sportsheste.

Med UVM i frisk erindring, er det kun de absolut bedste individer som kan gøre sig gældende i toppen af unghestesporten. Dermed ikke sagt at det kun er UVM som er vejen mod den næste tophest, for der skal ofte rides rigtig mange kilometer i en ung alder for at være med. Mange prioriterer på en anden måde i uddannelsen af deres unge heste, og i de rigtige hænder kan en unghest med tre ordentlige gangarter jo udvikles til en top sportshest uden at have løbet ekstra kilometer som helt ung.

Det skal på den ene eller anden måde være endnu mere attraktivt at vise sin hoppe i sporten, og dermed kunne opnå endnu højere status (evt. en tilføjelse a la KWPN med “SPORT” predikat).

"Derby Stars von Morgen" - winner at Görlitzer Summer Days - 10 year old Danish Warmblood mare Straight Horse Ascenzione with Helen Langehanenberg

Young horse series towards the Grand Prix sport establised in 2022 and sponsored by Derby

In 2022 this series was introduced for the horses and riders as a step towards the big sport. It is a combination of both U25 riders and senior riders with 8-10 year old horses and 11-12 year old horses only placed ones as 1 to 5 in national GP, GPS or GPF.

For the qualifier Inter II & S9 (Piaff-Förderpreis) they have to score a least 60% & 65% to qualify for the half final. 8 combinations from each of the two half finals will be ready for the final taking place in January 2024 in Münster.

For now prominte names such as Bart Weeze with Imposantos, Helen Langehanenberg with Schöne Scarlett, Jessica von Bredow-Werndl with both Got It BB and Forsazza de Malleret has qualified for the half finals.

For 10 year old Danish Warmblood mare Straight Horse Ascenzione and Helen Langehanenberg today´s victory was the second win this weekend, as the also took the victory in yesterday´s Inter II with 74% and today in S9 with 74,921%.

Danish owned 9 year old Trakehner gelding Nautilus with Florine Kienbaum made their debut yesterday in the Inter II with a 3rd place 69,263% and today with 4th place scoring 70,289%

Comments from Dr. Dietrich Plewa after todays performances:⬇️

For the half finals the combinations has to perform Inter II & S10 (Short Grand Prix).

Qualifiers and half finals:

Press release - Dressage Master Class - an extraordinary evening during the European Championships

Dressage Master Class - an extraordinary evening during the European Championships

 "Training ambassador" Christoph Hess invites to the show program in Riesenbeck

There is only one way of hippological training, and that is through the correct training of rider and horse. This applies to all equestrian athletes, whether in the discipline of para-dressage, jumping or dressage.  How this path should look like, Christoph Hess explains vividly and entertainingly in his show program "Dressage Master Class" during the FEI European Championships in Dressage and Para Dressage, on Saturday, September 9, at 5:00 pm in the large dressage stadium of Riesenbeck International.

Together with riders from the disciplines Dressage (Bianca Nowak-Aulenbrock) and Para Dressage (Dr. Angelika Trabert, Gianna Regenbrecht), and a surprise guest, Christoph Hess, who is a "Training Ambassador" of the German Equestrian Federation and leads courses, seminars and trainings for trainers and instructors worldwide, will explain and demonstrate how the interaction between man and horse should look like to be horse-friendly and successful. "We plan to make the 90-minute event interactive and want everyone to benefit, whether they are spectators, riders, trainers or interested fans," says Christoph Hess. Entertaining, exciting and informative, that's what the events by and with Christoph Hess have been for years. At the European Championships in Para Dressage and Dressage in Riesenbeck, he wants to build a bridge between the disciplines with successful active riders and vividly demonstrate that there are definitely facets in the training of horses and riders that can be learned from each other.

Fine riding. This is the desire that guides the participating actors and Christoph Hess in what they do. What was the respective path to becoming a championship rider like? What challenges did they have to overcome? Riders and spectators at the Dressage Master Class event will have their say. "It is important to me that there is interaction between the riders involved, the spectator and myself," says Christoph Hess, who is organizing this extraordinary evening together with the Personal Members of the FN.

The Dressage Master Class will take place on Saturday, September 9 as part of the European Championships at 5:00 pm before the Foal Auction. The event, in German and English, is free to all who have a day ticket or a season ticket.

Before the show event, Saturday will be dedicated to the top sport. Similar to the U25 German Show Jumping Championships as part of the Longines Global Champions Tour in July, the under-25 dressage riders will get a chance to showcase their skills in front of a large audience in the first part of the Piaff Sponsorship Prize competition. In addition, the freestyle decision is on the program in the European Championships for Para Riders.


Tickets at

Danish Team for Europeans 🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰 - Merrald & Zepter, Krüth & Danciera, Bachmann & Vayron and Helgstrand & Jovian

Best Danish team selected for European Championships in Riesenbeck, Germany taking place 6 - 10 September.

Danish team for Riesenbeck is the very best of Danish dressage at the moment.

Four top combinations all showed results at a level where Denmark ones again can dream about the podium - this time for the Europeans.

For Daniel Bachmann Andersen this weekend in Ermelo was suppose to be last event before Riesenbeck, but unfortunately showed Vayron some minor colic symptoms after the training Friday morning, and Daniel and his team brought Vayron to the nearest vet clinic. Luckily the treatment from the vet team and subsequent 24/7 monitoring over the weekend succeeded, and Vayron is back at the stables in Denmark, ready for light training and then building up towards Riesenbeck, tells Daniel.

Both Nanna and Daniel are reserves for themselves with Blue Hors Don Olymbrio & Zippo M.I.

Two 10s ensure Happy athlete Danciero of world title

Press Release

The Hanoverian bred Danciero (Dancier x Fuechtels Floriscount) and his rider and owner Anna Kasprzak emerged victorious in the final for seven-year-old horses at the Longines FEI/WBFSH Dressage World Breeding Championships for Young Horses. Two 10s on the score sheet raised the total score to 86.82%. The silver medal was awarded to Global Player OLD (Grand Galaxy Win T x Blue Hors Don Schufro) that received 83.12% under Leonie Richter. The third step of the podium was claimed by Lightning Star (Ferguson x De Niro) and Kirsten Brouwer with 81.77% score.

“The first word that comes to mind is ‘harmony’, I wrote it down in capital letters”, begins commentating judge Maria Colliander her evaluation of the brand-new world champion. “He is clearly a happy athlete and you two have a beautiful partnership together.” This was reflected in the marks as the horse received a 10 for both the submission and the perspective. The mistake at the end of the test due to a changing screen on the scoreboard should not affect that score, argued the jury. The paces of the dark bay gelding were all rewarded with a 9+ mark, the walk peaking at a 9.8. “Danciero has a nearly flawless walk; clear, relaxed and he shows so much ability to collect”, said Mrs. Colliander.

Amazing feeling
“It is easy to be a good rider on this horse, he gives so much of himself”, says a glowing Anna Kasprzak about her world champion that was bred by Zg. Broers U. Weber. “He gave me an amazing feeling today; he felt a bit more focused than Friday and his walk was better as well. I am super happy with the result but even more so with his progression. It means a lot to me that he received the 10s for those two aspects and I am eagerly and confidently looking forward to the future.” Danciero’s breeder shares he had faith in the gelding ever since he was young: “As a foal he displayed good paces and quality, but nothing made me suspect that he would go on to achieve such great things. And what a level-headed temperament, Danciero even seemed to enjoy the prize giving ceremony. In Verden he got silver with Eva and now gold. A dream.”

Global Charmer
The 2022 world champion of the six-year-old horses, Global Player OLD, flaunted his qualities in Ermelo once again. Awarding a 9.7 for his trot and a 9.6 for his walk, the jury revealed to be deeply impressed by the black stallion. “Global Player has a very active and elastic trot and moves so freely from the shoulder”, lauds Maria Colliander. “His walk is clear, covers a lot of ground and his extended walk is fantastic. We expect and hope this horse has a bright future ahead of him in dressage. We could also call him ‘Global Charmer’”.

Bronze medalist Lightning Star was also bestowed with a medal at a previous edition of the WC for Young Dressage horses. Two years ago, the KWPN mare and her rider Kirsten Brouwer clutched the bronze in Verden as well. “I had a great feeling this WC, Lightning Star is so safe in her tempi changes despite her age, and she always wants to work for me”, beams her rider. “I always try to establish this bond with my horse, so they are happy and trust me and want to work with me. This test is quite technical, but she is fine with that. She now gets a well-deserved break and this winter perhaps a debut at Small Tour level.”

Alluring lady
The jury, chaired by Henning Lehrmann, confirmed Kirsten’s feeling with high marks and raving comments. “Lightning Star is a true lady, incredibly charming and clearly well-produced by her rider. She has a pure walk and powerful trot with a great suspension. The contact with the rider was consistent yet soft.” The mare, owned by R&R Sporthorses and Stal Brouwer and bred by T. Wilaras, was awarded four 9-something marks, including a 9.2 for her submission and perspective.

Picture: Dirk Caremans

My Toto propels to gold in world championship

Press Release

After three solid performances, My Toto (Glock’s Toto Jr. x Voice) and Hans Peter Minderhoud clinched the gold in the world championship for six-year-old horses. The KWPN gelding produced a score of 88.6%. Vitalos (Vitalis x De Niro) and Leonie Ruchter swayed to a silver position. The bronze medal was bestowed on Zuperman OLD (Galleria’s Vincent Maranello x Destano) and Beatrice Hoffrogge that scored 87.2%.

After the qualification on Friday the black powerhouse, owned by Aat Both and Lida Both-Van Loef and Miga Horses, had to settle for the 17th position. Their win in the Small Final granted the Dutch combination the opportunity to return on Sunday, Being the first duo to enter the ring this class and immediately set the bar high. My Toto gave a convincing performance which earned him a 9.5 for the canter and a 9.0 for perspective, sending his home fans into ecstasy. Chairman Adriaan Hamoen enjoyed the performance of the young talent. “My Toto’s test was the most complete today, he was forward, happy and showed off his exceptionally powerful canter.”

Long wait
Hans Peter Minderhoud says he always had faith in his WC debutant: “I think the jury overlooked his qualities in the qualification, because I was happy with the first test as well. Nevertheless, he went on to win the small final and today he gave me an even better feeling. He is a clever horse that can cope so well with the demanding conditions.” And then the Dutch rider, who had two irons in the fire this final, had to wait and see if his score was enough. “After the test with My Toto I was happy we probably secured a top ten position. After the ride with Massimo, we were sure of a top five ranking and then I stayed in the stables until the last results came in. My Toto absolutely deserves this medal, he really tried his heart out.”

It was also an exciting afternoon for breeder Aat Both. “After retiring as chairman of the organising committee, I was looking forward to a relaxed Sunday. Then this happens! I assure you this is even more nerve-racking. He was the first to go, so it was a waiting game.”

Silver once more
The 2022 silver medalist of the five-year-old horses could cash in another medal of the same colour this edition. The Hanoverian stallion Vitalos, bred by Josef Bramlage and co-owned by Hengsthaltung Helgstrand and Schockemöhle, effortlessly moved to 88.4%, receiving a 9.2 for the trot and 9.0 for perspective. “A horse with a grand future ahead of him thanks to his natural talents”, lauds Ulrike Nivelle. “He moves with abundant balance and shows great aptitude for the collection.” Vitalos already displayed those natural abilities as a foal, according to his breeder: “Unreal! When we sold him as a foal, we already thought he was a super star, a future champion in the making. We still have his full sister for breeding and she will not be sold for any price.”

Best character
Rider Leonie Richter is having a remarkably successful day during which she reached the podium twice. “It is an amazing feeling, I so happy, especially since this horse deserves this result. He does everything for me, he truly has the best character.” The two have been a combination for three years now and are always looking for things to improve. “In my eyes he can do no wrong, but his canter got a lot stronger during the last year. You want to show off the progression, so there is some pressure, but as soon as I am in the saddle of Vitalos, I feel safe.”

Germany’s Beatrice Hoffrogge has a double role when it comes to Zuperman OLD. She is not only the rider, but also the proud owner of this Oldenburger stallion bred by Stefan Tietje. “I was super pleased we advanced to the final. The fact he feels so great on the last day and only got better as the weekend progressed gives me a lot of confidence towards the future”, radiates Hoffrogge. “It is a special feeling to compete in the World Championship with your own horse, but I was not nervous at all. Zuperman is a true show pony.” The combination made great strides in a short period of time, since the dark bay stallion was sidelined by an eye infection for a while. The bronze medalist is now blind to one eye, but that does not affect his performance in the ring. “He is super smart and a fast learner, so I am eagerly looking forward to our future together.”

Not only his owner beams with pride when talking of Zuperman OLD, the breeder is also having a wonderful time in Ermelo. “Indescribable, an extremely emotional experience”, tells the teary-eyed breeder. “A beautiful moment and we are so proud of Zuperman and Bea!” Commentating judge Ulrike Nivelle praised the canter and the perspective of the stallion. “Zuperman is an impressive horse with a bright future ahead. The highlight of his test today was his uphill canter that has a huge jump and great rhythm to it.”

Picture: Dirk Caremans

DSP Big Bang winner of 7 year old small final

Press Release

With a score of 76.54%, DSP Bing Bang (Bon Coeur x Quadroneur) and Kristine Moller secured the victory in the small final for seven-year-old horses at the Longines FEI/WBFSH Dressage World Breeding Championships for Young Horses. The combination from Luxembourg was closely followed by L’Amore Per Sempre OLD (Livaldon x Alabaster) ridden by Santiago Damil, who scored 76.03% to claim the second position. The bronze medal went to Quinten Begijnhoeve (Heros Begijnhoeve x Ferro) ridden by Tommie Visser with a score of 74.06%.

"After enjoying a beautiful class, we had the pleasure of witnessing some very fine horses. Truly quality horses, although some of them had occasional difficulties with the exercises," shared jury member Monique Peutz after the small final. The seven-year-old DSP-bred Big Bang, owned by Jens Thorsen and bred by Dr. Frank Klakow, impressed significantly more today than during the qualification on Thursday. The gelding received an 8.5 for his canter and an 8.4 for his overall potential. Monique Peutz expressed great enthusiasm for the winner, saying, "Big Bang delivered an outstanding performance. Tremendous quality in all three gaits, and technically ready for this level. Clearly the winner for us."

Kristine Moller, the rider of Big Bang, also considers him a winner. She said, "I am super happy and very satisfied. This is only our third competition this year, and he still managed to deliver two very good tests. He doesn't want to make mistakes and always gives his best, which means a lot to me."

The second-place horse, bred by Martin Otten and owned by Damil Dressage, also received compliments from the jury, with a 9.3 for the trot and an 8.5 for potential. "What an elegant horse. A truly stunning mare, I would love to take her home," praised Monique. "However, with L’Amore Per Sempre, you can see that she still needs some assistance from her rider. We should consider that in the assessment, but she still possesses a lot of charisma, particularly in her strong trot."

The BWP stallion that finished in third place, bred and owned by Stoeterij Begijnhoeve, displayed promising elements in the test, resulting in an 8 for potential. "Quinten is a very big horse that still needs to gain some strength, but Tommie rode a beautiful test, harmonious. If he becomes even stronger, he will undoubtedly be a horse for the future."

Photo: Dirk Caresman


My Toto swings effortlessly to final for six-year-old horses

Press Release

A landslide victory for My Toto (Glock’s Toto Jr. x Voice) and Hans Peter Minderhoud in the eHorses small final for six-year-old horses at the Longines FEI/WBFSH Dressage World Breeding Championships for Young Horses in Ermelo. The KWPN gelding moved to 87.6%, leaving a gap of 4% towards the runner-up Chere Celine OLD (Governor-Str x San Amour) and Lena Waldmann. Hesselhoej Double Up (Hesselhoej Donkey Boy x Sir Lancelot M) and Anders Uve Sjøbeck placed third with a score of 82.2%.

The six-year-old Glock’s Toto Jr. offspring, bred and owned by Aad Both and co-owned by Lida Both-van Loef and Miga Horses, received a 9.4 for his walk and a 9.0 for the perspective. According to chairman of the jury Adriaan Hamoen, the gelding showed off his talents significantly better than during the qualification. “The horse was clearly more relaxed and then his impressive qualities really come out to shine, plus we get to award higher marks. The entire top three gave a much better performance than yesterday.”

Comfortable horse
Rider Hans Peter Minderhoud is visibly pleased after the test: “My Toto felt even better than yesterday and that resulted in higher marks for every aspect. My goal for Ermelo was to qualify for the finals with both horses and we did it. I am super happy! My Toto’s best quality? His mindset, he always gives it his all and he is such a comfortable horse to ride.”

The Oldenburger mare Chere Celine, bred by Gestüt Meyenburg and owner Gisa Löwe, received two 8.5s for her powerful walk and canter. Chere Celine placed sixth in last year’s final for five-year-old horses and is now granted another chance to prove herself in the final. The DWB-bred Hesselhoej Double Up, bred by Hans Jørgen Hoeck and owned by Hesselhoej.Dk., is making his World Championships debut this year. The stallion gave a solid performance logging 8.5s for the canter and perspective on his score sheet. Arie Hamoen is looking forward to the final on Sunday: “There are a few contenders in the race, I cannot think of only one prime candidate for the title. Even in the final it depends if the horses are on their game that day, it is definitely going to be close.”

Picture: Dirk Caremans

Extraordinary Quinn G World Champion of five-year-old dressage horses

Press Release

Quinn G (Quaterhit x Fassbinder) and Betina Jaeger charged to a win in an electrifying final for the five-year-old dressage horses at the Longines FEI/WBFSH Dressage World Championships for Young Horses. The Danish Warmblood mare produced a substantial margin of no less than 6.2% between her and the silver medalist No Limit (Geniaal x Florestan I) and Simone Pearce. The bronze medal was awarded to Beck’s (Benicio x Desperados) and Thomas Schulze.

On the last line the crowd erupted in a thundering applause. “I saw you smiling during the test, and this must have been a lovely ride”, commenced commentating judge Ulrike Nivelle. A jaw-dropping 10 for perspective appeared at the scoreboard, which signals this mare is one to watch in the future. “By nature, an easygoing and willing horse. She has enormous potential.” The other marks on the score sheet confirmed the extraordinary qualities of the chestnut mare bred by Stutteru G – Helene Geervliet and owned by Helgstrand Dressage. Both her trot and submission were rewarded with a 9.7.

Always on fire
Betina Jaeger is at a loss for words right after the prize giving ceremony. “I don’t know how I feel, I only think: Wow!” radiates the Danish rider. “After the third place in the qualification on Thursday we practiced our transitions, and I was so eager to show off her qualities here. We succeeded.” When asked about the best features of this mare, Betina beams: “She is such a happy horse that always wants to work for me, with her ears pointed forward. As soon as she sets foot in the arena she is on fire and gives it her all.”

Happy horse
Chairman of the jury Susanne Baarup noticed Quinn is a happy athlete in the test. “Forward and easy-going, we nearly gave the mare a 10 for submission until their minor hick-up. We wanted to reward the power and ease of these young horses, so as a jury we unanimously agreed this should be today’s podium. We had goosebumps in the jury boxes.” Quinn’s breeder can attest to the fantastic character of the mare; “she was a nice foal, but not extraordinary. Her qualities emerged when she started her training under saddle. As it turns out, she is a true competition horse. She has a lovely temperament and always says ‘yes’ to her rider. And now gold, it’s the best feeling imaginable as a breeder.”

New team
The silver medal fell prey to another chestnut, albeit it a Westphalian gelding this time. The impressive No Limit, bred by Marcel Roerdink and owned by Monika and Thomas Ritzinger, recorded three nines on his score sheet, the highlight being a 9.5 for his trot. “No Limit is an incredible horse with a lot of perspective”, states Ulrike Nivelle “He has a huge, elastic trot and is well-balanced and uphill in the canter.” His Australian rider Simone Pearce only recently picked up the reins of No Limit and never expected to grab a medal in Ermelo. “Six weeks ago, No Limits could not even perform this test, so I am incredibly proud of him”, she shares overwhelmed by emotion. “Everything is new to him and for us as a team, so it is amazing he tried his heart out here.”

Chestnut equals success
The colour palette in the prize giving ceremony was a tad monotonous as the podium was filled with three chestnuts. You either love them or hate them, but today chestnuts guaranteed success. Marcel Roerdink, breeder of No Limit takes a decisive stand: “I love chestnuts, so I was immediately fond of this foal when he was born. No Limit was bred out of a famous dam line and a very talented mare. He takes after his dam; she is also a special one. This is fantastic, it’s the dream of any breeder.”

Biggest friend
The Hannoverian bronze medalist followed No Limit closely, the score interval being merely 0.4%  “Beck’s shows a lot of power, balance and activity in the trot” says Ulrike Nivelle. “He was presented in a nice frame and showcases a willingness to collect.” It resulted in a 9 for the trot and perspective for the stallion bred and owned by Christian Felker. “I have believed in this horse since day one”, explains Mr. Felker. “Thomas and Beck’s are a perfect match. This was a WC-debut for rider, horse and for me as a breeder. An experience I will never forget!” Thomas says he can feel the power and ease in the saddle. “Beck’s is my biggest friend and wants to do everything for me. After his test on Thursday, I noticed he was impressed by the surroundings and even a bit tired, so we only did some light training to save his energy for the final. It worked out perfectly”, smiles the German rider proudly.

Picture: Dirk Caremans

Opoque lives up to expectations and wins final four-year-old dressage horses

Press Release

Opoque (All at Once x Davino V.O.D.) and Mette Sejbjerg Jensen won the final of the Sport Pro Horses Prize for four-year-old dressage horses, thus holding on to their lead position of the qualification. The runner-up position was claimed by Josi (Jovian x Samarant) and Chiara Prijs Vitale that climbed up the rankings after their ninth place in the qualification. The podium was completed by Elastic 11 (Escolar x DiMaggio) and Maxi Kira von Platen.

Commentating judge Maarten van der Heijden foresees a bright future for the four-year-old chestnut bred by Stal 104 that owns the stallion together with Helgstrand Dressage. “Opoque performed a lovely test, he is a very promising horse.” The four-year-old KWPN stallion was awarded an 8.7 for his perspective and received his highest mark for the canter, an 8.8. “He covers a lot of ground and has such an uphill jump in this gait. Another strong suit of this horse is his shoulder freedom.” The final score of Opoque was 85.6%.

“We did it together, though it is mainly the horse”, responds Mette Sejbjerg Jensen when congratulated with her win after the prize giving ceremony. “I feel so lucky to ride a horse like this. Opoque is a very sensitive horse, but I always say the best horses are the most sensitive. We are great team; he trusts me, and we really enjoyed our ride today.” The question arises whether we have seen a potential future WC-combination. “I certainly hope so, it is my deepest wish. If I still get to ride the horse next year, I’ll be back in Ermelo! Now we go home and take a late summer break. Hopefully you guys will see us next year.”

Daughter of Jovian
The entire class obtained top marks; out of the ten finalists, nine young horses recorded an 80%+ score. Sired by former world champion of the five- and seven-year-olds Jovian, it came as no surprise Josi proved a fierce competitor to Opoque. The Westphalian mare, bred by Frieder Heilemann and owned by Dressage Horses Vitale Prijs & GC Dressage Horses, moved to 85%, receiving an 8.8 for her trot and 8.5 for perspective.

Helgstrand Dressage’s name popped up as owner of another top three horse in this class. The Westphalian horse Elastic 11, bred by Daniela Werheit-Wagemeyen, showed to be aptly named in a solid test that was valued at 84.4%. ‘What an elastic and talented horse”, praised Maarten van der Heijden. The stallion was given an 8.8 for his trot. “This horse possesses a fantastic trot, active and light-footed with a swinging back.”

Picture: Dirk Caremans

Danciero bests Global Player en route to final for seven-year-olds

Press Release

A microscopic difference of 0.15% put Danciero (Dancier x Fuechtels Floriscant) and Anna Kasprzak ahead of Global Player OLD (Grand Galaxy Win T x Blue Hors Don Schufro) and Leonie Richter the KWPN/KNHS qualification for seven-year-old dressage horses at the Longines FEI/WBFSH Dressage World Breeding Championships for Young Horses. 83.32% and 83.18% secured the first and second position, though Diaton (DiMaggio x Benetton Dream FRH) ridden by Nicole Wego-Engelmeyer was breathing down their necks with 83.05%.  

The silver medalist of the WBFSH in 2021 received a score sheets with four 9+ marks. “Danciero gave me an amazing feeling. He was a bit tense during the training and the warming up, but in the test he was perfect. We have worked on a lot of things and the trot now has a lot more balance and he has also developed strength in the changes and pirouettes.” His rider and owner Anna Kasprzak acquired the by Zg. Broers U. Weber bred DiMaggio-offspring in May 2022 and had him gelded. The rider gave the Hannoverian ample time to recover and now he is ready to vie for the medals. “His best feature? The rideability, he is such an easy horse to ride in the test. Danciero also has the perfect mindset for the big sports, he does everything for me. And I think that’s the most important. The podium is in sight, but the scores are all so close. Anything can happen, there is no room for mistakes. It will be an exciting final!”

Tit for tat
Everyone was eagerly anticipating the performance of the 2022 world champion of six-year-old horses, Global Player OLD. The Oldenburger stallion, bred by Henrik Hansen and owned by Hengsthaltung Helgsrtand and Schockemöhle flaunted his talent as he obtained a 9.4 for the trot and 9.3 for perspective. However, the competition is far from over. Receiving a 9.3 for the walk and 9.4 for perspective, Diaton, bred by Silke Groeneveld and owned by Maria Teresa Pohl, has set his eyes on the title as well. “The top three contenders excel in quality, but the final will undoubtedly be sensational since the numbers one through six are seriously talented horses”, predicts chairman of the jury Henning Lehrman.

Picture: Dirk Caremans

Be Allex and Lyngbjergs St. Paris neck and neck in Provincie Gelderland qualification for six-year-old horses

Press Release

A mere 0.2% difference between Be Allex (Ampère x Dalwhinnie) and Lynbjergs St. Paris (Blue Hors St. Schufro x Blue Hors Rockefeller) signals we are on course for a thrilling Provincie Gelderland final for six-year-old dressage horses at the Longines FEI/WBFSH Dressage World Breeding Championships for Young Horses in Ermelo. Allex and Jeanna Hogberg are grabbed the lead thanks to their 89.6% score, with St. Paris and Victoria E. Vallentin in hot pursuit at 89.4%. Dinja van Liere guided Mauro Turfhorst (Zonik N.O.P. x Negro) to the third score of 88.2%

The SWB gelding, bred by Eva and Bo Petterson and owned by Hennix Horses Ab, Västra Hoby Stuteri Ab and his rider Jeanna Hogberg, earned a 9.3 for perspective and a 9.2 for the canter. The Danish former world champion of five-year-old horses, owned by her rider and Four Oaks ApS and bred by Bente Børjesson, also received a 9.3 for perspective and obtained the same mark for her walk. The only stallion in the top three, KWPN horse Mauro Turfhorst, was given the highest mark for submission. This harmony of the performance of the Zonik N.O.P.-offspring, owned by Reesink Horses and Stoeterij Turfhorst and bred by J.W. Greve, was granted a 9.3.

Winner Jeanna Hogberg is overjoyed with this fantastic start to the championship: “I am over the moon! The final on Sunday is always a challenge. That test contains more changes as well, but luckily those come easy to him. Last year, Be Allex placed eighth in the final for five-year-old horses. So, this time my goal is to best that position, but a podium would be even better”, quips the Swedish rider.

The jury team in this qualification was composed of Ulrike Nivelle, Adriaan Hamoen, Anette Fransen Lacobaeus and Jean-Michel Roudier. The quartet shared their enthusiasm about the 45 six-year-olds they evaluated today. “We have seen so much quality. As a jury we worked together very well, we were on the same page in our scores”, says Ulrike Nivelle. Jean Michel Roudier chimes in: “It was a lengthy session, but we are incredibly happy with what we have seen today. High-level sport, plus we were amazed by the improvement in riding, it was all so light and self-carried. We truly believe many of these combinations are on track to the Grand Prix.” As 19 horses obtained 80% or above, this class proved to be super competitive. Adriaan Hamoen concludes: “With so many quality horses there is no doubt we can look forward to a thrilling final.”

Picture: Dirk Caremans


Vital Hit most complete horse in small final Sport Pro Horses Prize (4yr old)

Press Release

Obtaining a score of 84.2%, Vital Hit (Vitalis x Royal Dance) and Judith Sarda Mane won the small final of the Sport Pro Horses Prize for four-year-old dressage horses on the second day of the Longines FEI/WBFSH Dressage World Breeding Championships for Young Horses. The second position was claimed by Escapado (Escamillo x Bordeaux) and Riccardo Sanavio and the podium was completed by Oasis SDHW (Fontaine TN x Firestone) and Ingrid Gerritsen.

Rider Judith Saeda Mane, employed by the Gestüt Schafhof which owns the Vitalis-offspring, is very pleased with the result of the young Oldenburger horse. “Vital Hit was amazing today, he felt super fresh and was so motivated. He had a bit of tension in the transitions, simply because he wanted to do too much. Overall, it was great, I am super proud of him.” The Spanish rider anticipates a bright future for the stallion; “He is so talented; we’ll continue his training and I would love to ride the championship for five-year-old horses next year. Fingers crossed!”

Powerful walk or trot
Members of the jury Thomas Kessler and Maarten van der Heijden agreed the small final was brimming with top-quality four-year-old horses. “We have judged some lovely horses today. Powerful gaits, self-carried horses and great riding. The number one had a powerful gait and was so relaxed throughout the performance, it was truly the most complete horse this morning.” As Oldenburger stallion, bred by Raey Campell, excelled in his walk, Escapado received his top mark for the trot, a 9. “The number two showed us the best trot today, but unfortunately suffered from some tension every now and then, which primarily emerged in the walk. Nevertheless, still a horse with a lot of quality.” The final score of the four-year-old gelding bred by Andrea Puschmann and owned by Scuderio 1918, amounted to 83%.

Relaxed four-year-old horses
You could expect the young horses to be impressed by their surroundings however the combinations generally performed their tests in a remarkably relaxed manner, even keeping their heads cool during the prize giving ceremony. “If such young horses show some tension, we do not immediately mark down the gaits”, explains Maarten van der Heijden. “As long as it does not influence the transitions or cause any big mistakes, we only take it into account in the mark for submission, but not for gaits.”

Picture: Dirk Caremans