50 heste og treholdskift - besøg hos Stutteri L-Horses

Maria, Ellen og Karsten foran hoveddøren til Stutteri L-Horses. Foto: H2R

Det hele startede med, at Karsten Bundgaard fik en frederiksborger hoppe i konfirmationsgave. Senere købte han endnu en hoppe e. fuldblodshingsten Drumhead, og idag er de to hopper grundstenene i al avl hos Stutteri L-Horses, som drives af parret Maria Skodborg Rudbeck og Karsten Bundgaard på ejendommen beliggende, lidt syd for Skanderborg i det midtjyske.

Formiddagsholdet på vinterfolden - foto: H2R


Vintersæsonen har meldt sin ankomst, og det betyder, at hestene som altid har deres faste rutiner. Helt lavpraktisk går hestene på vinterfold i treholdskift, og dermed er alle hestene selvfølgelig ude hver dag, og samtidig også med plads i en halmboks i løbet af døgnet, enten alene, to eller tre sammen alt efter alder.

Et kig rundt på den firlængede ejendom med udsigt til de store sommergræsfolde, der fører ned til den lokale sø vidner om, at Maria og Karsten ikke keder sig. De står nemlig selv for pasning af de 50 heste HVER DAG, 365, 24/7 dog med en enkelt betroet pensionær, som kan træde til hvis det brænder på. Dertil kommer, at Karsten har fuldtidsjob som HR-konsulent, mens Maria er skolelærer (dog på knap fuld tid), samtidig med at parret har datteren Ellen på knap 1,5 år.

Man er ikke i tvivl - parret keder sig ikke. Men ikke desdo mindre bliver H2R mødt med et bredt smil, et fast håndtryk og stort velkommen fra både Maria og Karsten, som her lidt op af formiddagen allerede havde været igang længe. Maria havde også lige klaret de hjemmebagte boller og den hjemmelavede lagkage til kaffen.

Fremtidens stjerner holder øje med hvad der sker - foto: H2R

Kun det bedste er godt nok i avlen

Det runde bord i køkkenet har været samlingssted for mange gode diskussioner gennem årene. I vinterhalvåret fordyber Karsten sig ofte i detaljerne bag skærmen, for at være forberedt til den kommende avlssæson. Når det kommer til avl og hingste, har vi jo alle sammen vores favoritter, men før debatten nærmest er kommet igang, bliver stamtræet analyseret - for hos Karsten handler det også om indgående kendskabet til hoppestammerne. Det er ikke nok med et smukt velgående individ i 2023, det handler også om hvad hoppenstammen har produceret, og derfor er der mange “modehingste” som aldrig får lov at videreføre deres gener på stutteriet. “Hvis vi skal bevare kvaliteten i avlen, så skal vi også beholde de bedste individer at avle videre på”, siger Karsten uden tøven i stemmen.

Karsten er også passioneret springhesteavler, som et par smukke skimler på vinterfolden vidner om. Den gren af avlen kommer fra fuldblodshoppen efter Drumhead. Her gælder nærmest kun en regel; alle stammerne er med heste, der har gået de højeste klasser, det betyder alt i springhesteavlen, at præstationerne kan følges i hele stamtræet, fortæller Karsten. Endnu en smuk skimmel hoppe går på ridehestefolden, nemlig en skøn bronzemedaljehoppe e. Belantis/Hohenstein/Florestan I.

De toneangivende hingste

Avlen på stutteriet tog de afgørende skridt, da afkom efter hingsten Florestan I kom til verden. Florestan I har sammen med Trakehnerhingstene Hohenstein og Hochadel givet det fundament som avlerparret idag høster frugterne af, ligesom også Belissimo M har efterladt et positivt aftryk.

Hingsten Secret har vist sig at være en særdeles god kombination med hoppestammerne på stutteriet. Lige nu krydses der fingre for, at Secret vil være tilgængelig igen i det nye år, da den jo både på hingstesiden, og ikke mindst på ridehestedelen, har leveret varen.

På ejendommen er der mere end et lysende eksempel på, hvorfor Secret helt sikkert får genvalg, nemlig da Karsten trækker en superædel, særdeles velpropotioneret og langbenet 2 års sort skønhed ud på staldgangen med navnet Soulsister L e. Secret/Apache/Florestan I. “Hun bliver her i stalden” forsikre Karsten med et bredt smil på læben, inden han sender hende tilbage i boksen.

For årgang 2024 har Karsten også kigget skarpt på brugsegenskaberne, og derfor var valget i foråret bl.a. Blue Hors St. Schufro og Donkey Boy, som sammen med Bon Coeur udgør faderhingstene blandt de kommende dressurføl.


Maria og Nanna Skodborg Merrald er kusiner, så snakken gik til en familiekomsammen om hvorvidt Karsten skulle bruge Blue Hors St. Schufro. Aftalen blev, at hvis Nanna blev mindst nr. 3 til stævnet i Herning tilbage i marts, så ville Karsten bruge ham på en hoppe, og hvis placeringen var højere, så ville han bruge ham på to hopper. Og med resultatet til CDI5 i Herning med hhv. en 2. plads i Grand Prix klassen og en sejr i küren, så venter stutteriet selvfølgelig to afkom til foråret efter Blue Hors St. Schufro.

Nyt kapitel

Avlerparret får ofte henvendelser fra interesserede købere af afkom, og tilbage i foråret fik Karsten en opringning fra hollandske Stal van de Sande (avlere og tidligere ejere af hingsten Next Level), der var interesseret i, at komme forbi for at se DET BEDSTE de havde i stalden. De var naturligvis velkomne, men som så ofte før tænkte Maria og Karsten, det bliver nok ikke til mere, indtil Peter van de Sande meddelte, at nu havde han et par datoer, og så var aftalen i stand. Kendskabet til van de Sande var allerede ret godt, idet Karsten havde brugt Next Level på en enkelt hoppe i 2022, så han og Peter van de Sande var rigtig godt på bølgelængde med mange af de samme værdier i både avl og sport.

Dagen for besøget oprandt, og Peter van de Sande havde taget en forretningspartner med. De fik en grundig gennemgang af hver enkelt hest i stalden, herunder naturligvis også unghingsten Sarai L (født 2021) e. Secret/For Romance/Belissimo M som Maria og Karsten kendte de umiddelbare kvaliteter på. Dagen endte med, at der var lavet aftale om ikke bare Sarai L, men også om yderligere to heste, der nu har forladt stalden i Skanderborg til fordel for fremtidig opvækst i Holland.

Det var ikke kun Sarai L som skulle have passet klar, men også den 2-årige hingst Magic Makee L e. Total McLaren/Negro/Florestan samt hingsteføllet Dodge Viper L e. Donkey Boy/Bellissimo M/Cannon Row xx rejste til Holland. Et spændende samarbejde om tre ekstraordinære heste, som alle parter har store forventninger til, og med målet om i første omgang, at gøre de unge herrer klar til forbesigtigelser og så tage tingene derfra.

Sarai L (medejer Stal van de Sande) ⬇️ (foto: @Equigeniek)

Hårdt arbejde med smil på læben = passion

Karsten havde aftenen før afhentet en hoppe, som havde overnattet et par dage på Højgaard Hestehospital i Odense til observation for kolik - heldigvis var hoppen nu hjemme igen og fit for fight.

Staldgangen var fejet, og de heste som endnu ikke havde haft foldtid, hyggede sig inde. Stalden er delt op i 3 afdelinger, og hvor der er mulighed for det, går hestene sammen to og to, eller tre og tre alt efter alder. Alle hestene er vant til at blive håndteret, og det er tydeligt, at både Maria og Karsten vægter den del højt - også selvom der er mange heste. I sagens natur får hopper, føl, ungheste og unghingste lov at løbe ind og ud selv, via en drivgang til vinterfolden, hvor Maria har jobbet som guide, når de rammer stalden. Bigballer er stillet op på staldgangen, så det er nemt at smide frisk halm i boksene, ligesom også wrappen ligger klar og udmugningen sker ved maskinkraft hver 14. dag. Forbruget af wrap lyder på 500 baller hvert år!

Ved siden af den store fælles vinterfold findes nogle mindre luftfolde, som er forbeholdt ridehestene. Pt. er Maria´s egen ridning på standby grundet datteren Ellen, men et par af de spændende damer på folden, nu med fremskreden vinterpels, er Maria´s konkurrenceheste.

Beliggende centralt ovenfor foldene findes et nu tre år gammelt 20 x 40 ridehus med en række store lyse bokse, vaskefaciliteter, opvarmet sadelrum og solarium. Rammerne og mulighederne bringer også spørgsmålet om egen rytter op. Både Maria og Karsten kunne selvfølgelig godt tænke sig, at holde hestene hjemme under både tilridning og træning, men indtil videre har avlerparret valgt, at have et par forskellige samarbejdspartnere, der hverisær bibringer med deres professionelle ekspertiser alt efter alder og uddannelse.

Hos Stutteri L-Horses står hele avlerpakken anno 2023 knivskarpt; Erfaring, flid, målrettethed, resultater, visioner og stadig med drømme som giver grobund for spændende avl for fremtiden. H2R takker for en god dag med indblik i et erfarent stutteri, der samtidig er topmoderne på den solide måde, og glæder sig til at følge med i fremtiden.

Tiden på uret på staldlængen var gået i stå, mens alt andet på stedet bar tydelig præg af dynamik og energi. Foto: H2R


Kjento and Lottie with national Prix St. Georg debut and ticket for Jumping Amsterdam

Kjento & Lottie Fry - photo: Timo Martis

8 year old Kjento and Lottie with 76% Prix St. Georg debut

Yesterday Lottie brought Kjento for their first national Prix St. Georg with a massive 76% win. Super active well balanced all the way in a nice natural open frame. The tact and rhythm in the trot work is something special, good walk tour with good relaxation for the extended walk, strong canter tour with highlights for the series, into the first half pirouette a small lack of forward search creeping in and the canter is lost for a second, 2nd half pirouette is well balanced with good quality.

Lottie and Especial by Everdale / Vivaldi also took the victory in a combined Grand Prix, U25 and Inter II class with 72,283. Overall with some minor tensions and smaller technical errors but well managed by Lottie with super piaffe / passage tours, bouncy of the ground with lovely pendling tail.

Clip from their test here below ⬇️


KWPN podcast featuring international judge Maria Colliander about harmony and judging young horses

Fiontini & Severo Jurado Lopez 2017 World Championships Young Horses - photo: Timo Martis

During this years World Championships for Young Horses member of the Dutch KWPN stallion licensing commission Floor Dröge met international judge Maria Colliander for an interesting conversation about judging the young horses.

Click at the photo here below to listen to the podcast through Spotify ⬇️


25 November with Blue Hors Winter Auction - riding horses

19 young horses will be for sale at Blue Hors Winter Auction Saturday 25 November at 7 pm.

A closer look into the collection where H2R picked three favorite horses that looks interestering for further education. There is no information available about the full predigree. For the video presentation of each horse, you could also wish for video in walk by hand on hard surface.

Blue Hors Spectrum is former approved stallion for OLD & Danish Warmblood and bred by Stutteri Pax.

Online link for medical journal here.
Full pedigree informations here.

Full pedigree informations here.

Zaphiro has been at start three times, one time as 4 year old, one time as 5 year old and one time as 6 year old. Here you find link for the show record.

Full pedigree informations here.

Here you find the link for the full collection.

Try out schedule and auction format

The try out schedule:

  • 15/11 kl. 14-16

  • 17/11 kl. 13-15

  • 22/11 kl. 14-16

The auction will take place as an OnLive auction (hybrid auction) at Blue Hors starting 7 pm 25 November.


Broodmare and Youngstock Auction - Christmas Show & Stallions 2024

At Blue Hors we would like to invite you to our Christmas show in our beautiful heated show arena here in Randbøldal.

We look forward to presenting you with an interesting programme, where we will also give you a preview of our stallion collection of 2024.


Lövsta Top 10 Dressage 2 & 3 December

Nanna Merrald & Daniel Bachmann Andersen are ready for Lövsta Top 10 - photo: H2R

Lövsta Top 10 Dressage


  • Patrik Kittel

  • Therese Nilshagen


  • Nanna Skodborg Merrald

  • Daniel Bachman Andersen


  • Isabell Werth

  • Jessica von Bredow Werndl

  • Sönke Rothenberger

    The Netherlands

  • Dinja van Liere

  • Thamar Zweistra


  • Morgan Barbancon


Saturday 2 December at 11 am - Lövsta Top 10 Dressage Grand Prix

Sunday 3 December at 10.30 am - Lövsta Top 10 Dressage Grand Prix Kür


Top price 170.000 euro for top stallion - Ten premium stallions awarded

Top prices:


Dressage stallion licensing with premiere of the FRH Cup

Verden. The ten best young stallions of the 2021 crop were awarded a premium at the Verden licensing of dressage stallions. Seven of them found a new owner at the stallion sales. The most expensive: a liver chestnut by Bon Courage, who was auctioned off for 170,000 Euros. A total of 30 of the 54 stallions were licensed for Hanover.

The Bon Courage/Rotspon son (breeder: Hans-Ludwig Dittmer, Rhadereistadt, exhibitor: ZG Dittmer, Rhadereistadt) presented himself at the highest level on all three licensing days. "We'll see him again in sport," was Heike Kemmer's comment on the liver chestnut, who will be trained at the Schulten-Baumer dressage stable.

 A black stallion by Dancier Gold/Vivaldi (breeder: Michael and Claudia Roehrhoff, Mönchengladbach, exhibitor: Gestüt Sprehe GmbH, Löningen), in whose veins flows the blood of Isabell Werth's Olympic mare Weihegold, was sold for 150,000 Euros. After the liberalisation of the stallion licensing, he will go down in Hannoveraner history as the first Oldenburg horse to be licensed in the Niedersachsenhalle and awarded a premium.

A regular customer from Schleswig-Holstein won the bidding duel for an extremely strong-moving Le Formidable/Florencio son (breeder: Catharina Harten Denker, Beesten, exhibitor: Katharina Ehrengut, Bad Oldesloe) and can now call him her own for 135,000 Euros. A stallion owner from Emsland secured a Secret/Lord Loxley son (breeder and exhibitor: Johann von der Decken, Krummendeich) for 110,000 Euros. "Riding horses are made from these ingredients," said breeding director Ulrich Hahne, describing the large-framed brown. An eye-catching chestnut by Benicio/Valentino (breeder: Dr Michael Lühs, Wagenfeld, exhibitor: Gestüt Allerhop, Hambüren) will move into a box in France. The extremely likeable premium stallion opened the licensing with head number one. Another stallion station in the west of Lower Saxony is home to a powerful black stallion by Dancier Gold/San Amour (breeder: Martin Honigfort, Haselünne, exhibitor: Heinrich Gießelmann, Barver), for whom the auction hammer fell at 55,000 Euros. The last premium stallion up for sale was worth 40,000 Euros to a loyal customer from Bavaria: a liver chestnut from the first crop of the Celle state stud stallion Von Und Zu, who has a Santino dam (breeder: Heiko Feldhus, Grethem, exhibitor: IB Berger, Sulzbach-Rosenberg). Like the premium stallion by Le Formidable, he once enriched the lot at the Verden Foal Auction.

 German state studs also secured excellent uncut diamonds. A Bon Vivaldi NRW/Royal Blend son (breeder and exhibitor: Wilhelm Kamps, Cuxhaven) went to Celle, who was sold for 50,000 Euro by the director of the state stud, Dr Axel Brockmann. The Marbach State Stud purchased a black stallion by So Unique/Totilas (breeder and exhibitor: Willem Klausing GbR, Diepholz) for 30,000 Euros, while the Moritzburg State Stud spent 106,000 Euros on a Totilas/Sir Donnerhall son (breeder: Thorsten Hogrefe, Stöcken, exhibitor: BG Enning und Laufhütte, Düsseldorf).

A Dynamic Dream/Lord Loxley son (breeder: Andreas Ingenbleek, Kevelaer, exhibitor: Elsbeth Schult, Hünxe) was sold for 100,000 Euros to supporting hands in Luxembourg. This makes the liver chestnut the most sought-after licensed stallion without a premium. The unlicensed stallions also met with great interest. A buyer from Baden-Württemberg paid 50,000 Euros for a Dynamik Dream/Don Nobless son (bred by Johannes zur Lage, Bersenbrück, exhibitor: Gennadii Sydorenko, Kiev/Ukraine).

The statistics show an average price of 70,542 Euros for 24 licensed stallions. Several highly successful international dressage trainers secured young talents for the big dressage arena. An average of 23,024 Euros was paid for 21 unlicensed stallions.

The stallion sales opened with a show programme packed with hippological highlights. In addition to the presentation of the premium stallions, an entire bloodline took centre stage. Bolero by Black Sky xx/Bleep xx, born in 1975, has characterised Hannover's dressage horse breeding for almost half a century. His genes are still in demand today through his heirs such as the stallions Bon Courage, Bon Amour and Bonhoeffer. Bolero's breeder Heinrich Behrmann, Stedebergen, was honoured to the applause of the audience. It was fitting that the breeder of this year's Grande Prize winner, Bon Coeur by Benetton Dream/Sandro Hit, also received her certificate. The circle was completed with the Benicio/Desperados son Beck's (breeder: Christian Thelker, Venne). The bronze medallist at the World Championships for five-year-old dressage horses was awarded the FRH name affix of the Hanoverian Sponsorship Association, as was the Hannoveraner Champion of five-year-old dressage horses, Shakeela by Secret/Royal Blend (breeder: Wilfried Putz, Wiesentheid). The Fritz von der Decken Prize is awarded to the most successful stallion breeder of the past evaluation period. It went to Dr Kerstin Klieber and Stefan Sandbrink. In their honour, the privately owned stallion Federer by Farrrell/Livaldon (breeder: Wienke Winkelmann, Wurster Nordseeküste), who entered the Verden stallion park three years ago, danced through the Niedersachsenhalle.

It goes without saying that breeding and sport go hand in hand in Verden. The FRH Cup for seven to nine-year-old dressage horses celebrated a successful premiere. After the presentation of the young stallions on the triangular track, the Niedersachsenhalle was well filled and provided a great backdrop for this premiere! The DSP gelding Diamante Negro by DeLorean/Fürst Romancier won with Juliane Brunkhorst (76.179 percent). Second place went to ZINQ First Vienna FH FRH by Vitalis/First Dance (breeder: Beekenhof GmbH & Co KG, Bommelsen) and Lucie-Anouk Baumgürtel (73.455 percent). The small final had already been held in the morning. Here, the Escolar/Rohdiamant son Escamillo (breeder: Dr Carolin Langhorst, Ratingen), masterfully ridden by Manuel Dominguez Bernal, showed his quality and won with 75.040 percent.

Liver chestnut by Bon Courage/Rotspon. Photo: Hannoveraner Verband

Here you find the entire prices.


Germany’s Wandres pips Denmark’s Skodborg Merrald in Lyon

Germany's Frederic Wandres steered Bluetooth OLD to victory in today’s second leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2022/2023 Western European League in Lyon, France where Denmark’s Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Blue Hors St Schufro finished second head of Pauline Basquin and Sertorius de Rima Z IFCE from France in third.

In yesterday’s Grand Prix, Wandres also pipped Skodborg Merrald by almost a full three percentage-point margin. Today however it was a closer contest with the judges panel of Mariette Sanders-van Gansewinkel (NED), Christof Umbach (LUX), Raphael Saleh (FRA), Jacques van Daele (BEL) and Henning Lehrmann (GER) awarding a score of 83.415 to the winning pair while the runners-up posted 82.995.

It was also close between third and fourth, with Basquin’s 80.815 giving her the edge over Sweden’s Patrik Kittel on 80.610. The Netherlands’ Emmelie Scholtens and Indian Rock finished fifth on 79.830 and Morgan Barbançon from France posted 78.320 with Habana Libre A for sixth place.


Wandres overtook Skodborg Merrald when second-last to go and was delighted to find himself with maximum points. 

“I always had Lyon in my schedule and was looking forward to coming here. Yesterday in the Grand Prix he was already very good, and I feel we improved a few things in our Freestyle so he was even better today.

"I could not be more happy with two wins this weekend. I am delighted with my horse - today and the whole season"

Frederic Wandres GER

Talking about where the improvements came today he explained, “I wanted to show a little more the piaffe after my test yesterday. I watched the video and could really see, I know the horse could do better and I tried today. It is very important for me to show consistency through my test and I am really happy”, he explained. 

Bluetooth’s consistency is undeniable. Together the pair won the Grand Prix and Freestyle at Hagen (GER) in April, were on the winning Nations Cup team at Aachen, Germany in July and competed at the FEI Dressage European Championship 2023 in Riesenbeck, Germany in September where they finished sixth in the Grand Prix, seventh in the Grand Prix Special and ninth in the Freestyle. This weekend’s double at Lyon has been the icing on the cake in a very strong season.

Asked about his plans for Bluetooth over the coming months, Wandres said that he has discussed that with his team “and we decided that this was the last show for him this year. He will come with us to Florida (USA) at the end of December and will enjoy some time off and do one show over there to get him ready for the outdoor spring shows. I don’t want to ask him too much…. the goal for us next year is Paris (2024 Olympic Games).” 


Skodborg Merrald performed a brand new Freestyle for the very first time today.

“I really enjoyed riding it! I think it fits my horse very well and shows his qualities”, she said.

The 12-year-old black stallion Blue Hors St Schufro has had time out of competition due to a busy breeding season, but he was in fine form in early spring when posting a series of wins and second placings at Herning in Denmark and Hagen, Germany and he has clearly found form again.
“My focus was on Zepter for the European Championship”, said the Danish rider who steered Blue Hors Zepter into second place at the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2023 Final in Omaha, USA in April and then went on to multiple placings at the FEI Dressage European Championship including team bronze and second place in the Freestyle finale.

“I’m really enjoying having him (Blue Hors St Schufro) back in top shape, and he felt very good both days”, she added.
She intends to compete both Zepter and St Schufro throughout the Western European League series and has the third leg in Stuttgart, Germany in two weeks time already in her sights.


Pauline Basquin said she has seen “a very nice progression” in the performance of her third-placed gelding Sertorius. “Everything we put in place is paying off now, and the horse has progressed very well. It is not only about the technical things, but the whole team and the work we have done in the past year. My horse is in a really good mindset and I am very grateful for my team…..I feel very emotional tonight!”, said the Frenchwoman.

Of course she had the support of the spectators on her home ground today. “I felt the public behind me, and their encouragement. I was feeling very special and this will be a great memory for me and my horse! I am very proud, not only proud of me but proud of my horse and the French team. I was proud to wear the colour of my country and proud for everyone who supported us”, she added.

Show Director Sylvie Robert said this evening, “we are very thankful to the FEI for their trust, and very happy to host the FEI Dressage World Cup™ year after year here in Lyon. And we are happy to see our French riders performing so well in front of their home crowd! We are looking forward to following them all along their journey to Paris…..”




VIDEO - World Cup Grand Prix result Lyon today Wandres, Merrald & Scholtens

Blue Hors St. Schufro & Danish Nanna Merrald placed 2nd in today World Cup Grand Prix

Blue Hors St. Schufro back in great form after a busy breeding season

Last time Nanna was showing St. Schufro was back in April in Hagen. Today they showed a beautiful test with lots of power and expression with lightness and in a beautiful frame all the way.

Blue Hors St. Schufro & Nanna Merrald  - Nice halt but tiny tension hind before halt, power diagonal, super crossing uphill balanced half passes, SUPERB halt with rein back, lovely diagonal, nice into passage, good passage, tiny forward flow piaffe super sit, good transitions, nice relaxation for extended walk, super collected walk, at the letter for passage, small tensions for piaffe bit travel forward, super into canter, tiny swing big 2 times, power extended canter, nice zigzag, super 1 times, huge sit and balance for 1st pirouette, tiny tension for 2nd pirouette, nice into trot, expressive diagonal, lovely passage, bit forward final piaffe, nice transitions, good halt.

Today´s winner Frederic Wandres and Bluetooth OLD has become a very strong combination. The way Frederic is able to motivate and keep his horses supple and happy, has really become his thing. From the beginning of Bluetooth career he never look like the top horse he has developed into now. The timing for showing the power and at the same time the way Frederic is able to bring Bluetooth back on the hindlegs is the way of really nice dressage.

Bluetooth OLD - Good halt, power balanced diagonal, nice side picture, good half passes uphill, super halt with rein back, super diagonal, back for transition into passage super, nice passage, nice transitions, bit travel piaffe, nice passage, could show bit longer frame for extended walk, super collected walk, need bit sharper transition at M, good passage, bit travel piaffe, nice into passage, nice into canter, good 2 times, good extended canter, nice balanced zigzag bit late final change, good 1 times, both pirouettes need more sit parallel hind 2nd at the end, good into trot, power diagonal, lovely back on hind leg for transition, nice passage, super into piaffe, active passage, nice into steady final halt.

Emmelie and Indian Rock shows many great things, but at the same time Indian Rock seems to lack more clear power from behind which becomes an issue for a few times for today´s performance.

French Pauline Basquin with Sertorious de Rima took everyone with storm at the Europeans, and today they were back in good form, not quite as sharp and expressive as in Riesenbeck, but really likeable presentation in a way of riding everyone appriciate to watch.

For Kittel the piaffe tours were not as settled as we´ve seen them recently with Forever Young, and some tensions and backwards trend kept them from higher marks today.

Morgan Barbancon has with Habana Libre a very nice successor for Sir Donnerhall II. Lovely side picture just missing the last security and flow for the piaffe tours.

Florine OLD and Bianca showed a solid performance where the judges went very high at the beginning of the test, but overall some good work but missing a bit more expression and power.

For both Quater Back Junior and Flambeau today´s performances were successful eventhough with a few minor mistakes but both kept focused on the job without big tensions.

Here below ⬇️you can watch the entire Grand Prix class.

To watch top 3 - move the time line to:

  • 32.50 - Blue Hors St. Schufro & Nanna Merrald - placed 2nd with 74,044%

  • 2.04.00 - Indian Rock & Emmelie Scholtens - placed 3rd with 73,304%

  • 2.13.20 - Bluetooth OLD & Frederic Wandres - placed 1st with 77,043%


Carl, Charlotte or Lottie: London International Top Tipped Riders

British Dressage Riders Line Up to Compete at London International Horse Show

The FEI Dressage World Cup™ competition at London International Horse Show is one of the key events at the Show and has, in the past, seen some of the most important record-breaking achievements in the sport. This year, Bret Willson Dressage International Ltd is the new presenting sponsor and the class continues to be supported by Horse & Hound. The competition is set to feature some of the world’s best Dressage combinations including several of Britain’s most accomplished riders.

Taking place on the first two days of the Show, the Grand Prix provides a fitting opening to the Show on Wednesday 13 December, and the Freestyle to Music is always an exciting end to the competition on the evening of Thursday 14 December. Last year, Great Britain’s double world championship-winning combination, Lottie Fry and the 12-year-old black stallion Glamourdale wowed both the audiences and judges with their spell-binding performances, featuring their immaculate piaffe, passage, and signature extended canter to take home both the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Grand Prix and the Freestyle to Music.

The London International Horse Show provides a final chance for British riders to impress selectors on home soil before Paris 2024 Olympic selection. Whilst entries are yet to be confirmed for this year, spectators can expect to see breathtaking and inspirational performances from elite dressage riders, including members of the British gold medal-winning team from this summer’s FEI European Championships.

British Olympic Dressage rider and Dressage consultant to the Show, Richard Davison, stated; “British Dressage is in fantastic shape at the moment with many new combinations starting to compete at top level. This class in London is the pinnacle of the sport in the UK where we have seen many records, and hearts, broken. I know that my fellow British riders, Carl Hester, Charlotte Dujardin and Lottie Fry are really looking forward to getting back in the International Arena again to show what they and their horses are made of. All British riders fight for a place at the Show and this year Becky Moody and Lewis Carrier stand as good a chance as any to make the cut.”


VIDEO - Årets første egnethedstest med de fantastiske faciliteter på Stutteri Ask

Drømmer om fremtidens dressur

Eftermiddagens egnethedstest blev afholdt i de smukke og udsøgte faciliteter på Stutteri Ask i Martofte på Fyn. Indtil nu et mekka for springhestene, men i løbet af 2024 rykker også en mindre del af Blue Hors ind på det smukke anlæg.

For flere dressurfolk var det også første besøg på Stutteri Ask, og på tilskuerpladserne var drømmene allerede store. Internationale dressurstævner, mesterskaber og championatsfinaler, det er virkelig et anlæg som kan rumme ALT hvad hjertet begærer, med en placering midt i landet, som er overkommelig afstand for alle, og som bringer minderne tilbage til DM-tiden på Broholm.

Årets første egnethedstest i region 3

Dagens dommerteam bestod af Mette Svare Ehlers, Vicky Nortvig og Rune Willum. Opgaven set fra sidelinien blev heller ikke med de store komplikationer, da alle hestene generelt blev præsenteret i god dagsform, i balance for største parten og pånær et par enkelte var de alle udstyret med 3 taktrene gangarter.

Der havde været plads til et par enkelte 9-taller mere under vejs, bl.a. dagens vinder som godt kunne have scoret et rent 9-tal i ridelighed uden det havde været for meget, lige som Anne Troensegaards Saffron lignede et klart 9-tal i både galop og ridelighed set fra sidelinien. En enkelt hest Ferdinand DWB blev belønnet med et 9-tal i skridten, som desværre ikke så helt balanceret ud i alle momenter. Men ellers stor ros til dommerteamet for gode bedømmelser, og ikke mindst den gode kommentering fra Mette Svare Ehlers efter hver ekvipage.

Når man sådan en eftermiddag naturligt også kigger afstamninger, har de fleste jo altid en mening om en bestemt afstamning, og nogle gange bliver man heldigvis super positivt overrasket. Dagens positive overraskelse stod Anne Marie Hosbond for sammen med hoppen Fransine DWB e. Franklin / Fürstenball, som hun viste i flot form, med 3 gode gangarter, og sidst men ikke mindst med en afspændthed, naturlighed og blødhed i kroppen i alle tre gangarter som vi desværre ikke ser så ofte hos Franklin afkommene, men kombinationen her med Fürstenball har bestemt givet noget tæt på det optimale resultat.

En eftermiddag som bestemt giver håb for fremtidens unge DV dressurheste, og med blikket rettet lidt længere frem end Unghestechampionatet, også en god håndfuld attraktive emner i forhold til UVM.

Placerede ekvipager:


More Nürnberger Burg-Pokal combinations testing the form today at Agravis Cup, Oldenburg

7 yr old stallion Lord Europe with Leonie Richter winner of S* today in Oldenburg

It was kind of “general test” for the up-coming Nürnberger Burg-Pokal final taking place in December in Frankfurt, as today´s top 5 are all qualified for thd finals and combination placed 6 are reserves for the final.

Lord Europe and Leonie Richter is for sure a lovely combination, super supple and expressive trot tour, the walk is good but could show a bit more suppleness, the collected canter itself is not always shown in a clear three beat, but the quality of the series is very nice including straightness and uphill tendency. Only one minor issues for today´s test was slightly missing the impulsion into the 2nd canter half pirouette.

Placed 2nd Beata Stremler with For Magic Equesta FRH with lightness and correctness all the way without any technical issues. Only tiny thing was entering halt with the hind quaters bit to the right on the line. Lovely power from behind in the trot, light contact with steady foaming mouth, good supple active walk tour, good quaity of the canter and with nice balanced half pirouettes and good serie. For the day a surplus in H2R opinion.

Today with the final (7-9 year old horses) starting 13.30 - Preis des Fördervereins des Oldenburger Verbandes, as Prix St. Georg Special.

Placed combinations:




French dressage hasn’t been in such good shape for a long time. This summer, France managed to qualify two members of its team in the Grand Prix Freestyle and four in the Grand Prix Special at the FEI European Championships: a first in the history of France’s dressage riders at this level of competition! A few weeks earlier, the French team won the Nations Cup in Rotterdam. Its members will now be competing in the World Cup leg at Longines Equita Lyon on 2 and 3 November.

French dressage is riding high! There is unprecedented enthusiasm for the discipline, due to the good results achieved this summer by four amazing riders, led by a selector and Chef d’Équipe who has made his group believe in themselves again. ‘Our French riders are just as good as the rest! They had to realise that,’ explains Jean Morel, national coach and Chef d’Équipe of the French dressage team, and his partner Laurent Gallice, National Technical Adviser, as they talk about the four riders, Morgan Barbançon, Pauline Basquin, Alexandre Ayache and Arnaud Serre, who are due to compete in the FEI Dressage World Cup leg at Longines Equita, Concours Hippique International. on 1 November. ‘The response from the public has been incredible. The riders received a lot of compliments at the end of the European Championships. It was the first time they had received so many! The biggest German media took an interest in Pauline, the Dutch media interviewed Morgan, and they all asked us about this transformation in French dressage. They can't comprehend that in just one year we've achieved what we have today, with the same combinations. I've always told them that it's the result of the work of these riders, who we've been able to motivate and who needed to become confident.’


The discipline’s stars perform very well in the big ring in Lyon, the judges' scores are on the rise, and the French riders will have their work cut out against Denmark's Nanna Skodborg Merrald, currently number 3 in the FEI World Rankings, Germany’s Isabell Werth and Frederic Wandres, respectively World number 5 and 8, Sweden’s Patrik Kittel, World number seven, the Netherlands’ Thamar Zweistra, World number fifteen, and Belgium’s Larissa Pauluis, World number twenty- four. The foreign riders have also pulled out all the stops in terms of their horses. Judge for yourself: the second-best horse in the world currently, the chestnut stallion, Blue Hors ST. Schufro ridden by Nanna Skodborg Merrald, Bluetooth OLD, the seventh combination in the world rankings with Frederic Wandres, and Emilio 107, Isabell Werth's loyal partner, will all be competing. ‘For the FEI World Cup, riders have carte blanche, provided they comply with the sporting guidelines issued for the Olympic Games [...]. The advice in this case will be not to take any risks,’ says Jean Morel, ‘and to show how the horses have progressed. My role as Chef d’Équipe is, among other things, to promote the French combinations, particularly to the judges, so that they take a positive interest in them. I think we're succeeding in this challenge: the riding we present is a new kind of riding, very fluid, very light, in the style that the judges want to see. Now our horses are in self-carriage and their muscles are working harmoniously. We like it and that's why our French riders are becoming more and more important in world equestrian circles. However, I'll say it again: for the winter season, we’re currently advising our riders not to 'step on the gas' just yet: we'll do that when the horses are fully ready for it.’

In order to showcase dressage to as many people as possible, Longines Equita Lyon, Concours Hippique International’s organisers have decided to open the FEI World CupTM leg in Lyon to all the visitors. On Thursday 2 and Friday 3 November, spectators who have ‘exhibition’ entrance tickets will discover the best dressage riders in the world, during performances worthy of the greatest specialists. On Thursday, the doors of the exhibition will open at 8 am to let spectators be comfortably seated in the stands at 8.30 am.


  • The FEI Dressage World CupTM Grand Prix presented by CRE-ARA: on Thursday 2 November, at 8.30 am

  • The FEI Dressage World CupTM Grand Prix Freestyle presented by FFE - Generali: on Friday 3 November, at 4 pm


Avleraften hos VetEmbryo

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Avleraften hos VetEmbryo d.28.11.23 kl.17.30-20.00

Vi vil gerne byde alle avlere og hesteinteresserede velkommen til en spændende informationsaften og

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Vi glæder os til at se jer til en spændende og informationsrig aften!

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HANN stallion licensing comes up from 2-4 November

59 young stallions ready for HANN licensing

H2R picked four young stallions showing top qualities. All four stallions with stallion look, supple movers, active of the ground with natural push from behind making themselves bigger for every single step.

Here you find the entire collection for the licensing.
