Stallion test 6 - 8 February in Münster-Handorf
Wednesday 7 February
14.00 - 15.45 - 4 yr old with own rider
16.00 - 17.30 - 5 yr old with own rider
Thursday 8 February
08.00 - 11.00 - 4 yr old test rider
11.00 - 13.30 - 5 yr old test rider
Here you find the entire catalog.
VIDEO - Anna Zibrandtsen om vejen frem mod målet OL 2024 i Paris
Få et indblik i Anna Zibrandtsen´s vej mod OL drømmen.
Ordentlighed og fairness er bl.a. to af de ting som er vejen frem mod Paris for Anna Zibrandtsen.
Blue Hors introducerer kvalitetshingste tilgængelige på kølesæd ved EU-stationen på Fyn (nyhed på
Blue Hors er stolte af at meddele, at fem af vores fremtrædende hingste nu vil være tilgængelige på kølesæd på vores nye EU-station på Fyn.
For at sikre klarhed understreger vi, at avlere i avlssæsonen 2024 alene vil have adgang til kvalitetssæd fra vores anerkendte hingste via transportsæd, der er således ikke mulighed for inseminering på hingstestationen.
Vi opfordrer venligst avlere til at holde sig opdateret via vores hjemmeside for information om sædtransportruten, der fortsætter som sædvanligt i samarbejde med Katrinelund.
De fem hingste tilgængelige på kølesæd er:
Det er vigtigt at bemærke, at Blue Hors Zack også vil være tilgængelig, men udelukkende via ICSI hos VetEmbryo, da han fremover nyder sin pension på en stor fold med havudsigt. Derudover vil Blue Hors Don Olymbrio blive en del af Nannas kollektion af Grand Prix-heste og vil være tilgængelig på frostsæd.
Martin Klavsen, Lene Hansen, Kaj Rosenlund og Lasse Bendixen udgør det erfarne team, der vil drive hingstestationen på Fyn og sammen vil de sikre den bedste service til vores kunder.
Vi ser frem til at byde velkommen på Fyn og ser spændt frem til den kommende avlssæson.
Britain´s Fry and Everdale shine again in Amsterdam
For the second time this season Great Britain’s Charlotte Fry and Everdale left the opposition in their wake at the eighth leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2023/2024 Western European League in Amsterdam (NED) today.
In yesterday’s Grand Prix they pinned Germany’s Isabell Werth and DSP Quantaz into second place and longtime league-leader Sweden’s Patrik Kittel into third with Touchdown. Today they did it all again, but this time with a wider winning margin that left them well clear of the rest of the field.
Fry has now moved comfortably into third place on the Western European League table from which the top nine will qualify for the Final in Riyadh (KSA) in April.
"I’m still taking it in I guess, to win here in Amsterdam is kind of a dream - especially with such a competitive field of horses and riders! Everdale has been feeling so good the last two days and I’ve had two really great rides so I couldn’t really ask for more!"
Charlotte Fry GBR
she said.
The 15-strong starting field was filled with exciting talent from first to last, and judges Isobel Wessels (GBR), Patricia Wolters (NED), Mariette Sanders-van Gansewinkel (NED), Raphael Saleh (FRA) and Maria Colliander (FIN) had the Dutch partnership of Marieke van der Putten and the 12-year-old Totilas gelding Torveslettens Titanium RS2 NOP out in front at the halfway stage on a score of 79.725.
Second to go after the interval however, Belgium’s Flore de Winne and Flynn FRH took the lead when posting 80.315. This pair have been showing great promise this season, de Winne’s quiet balance helping the 10-year-old stallion sparkle as he continues to learn his trade while presenting a pleasing picture.
Next in however, multiple gold medallist Werth opened up the whole competition with big marks from the outset with Quantaz whose score of 86.455 was never going to be easy to overtake. The enthusiastic crowd loved the German star’s trademark punchy performance and rose to their feet in appreciation as the five-time FEI Dressage World Cup™ title-winner pranced out of the arena at the end of her test with a big smile and a wave.
Fry followed with an imperfect first halt, but the scores started piling up for piaffe/passage and rock-solid flying changes, and boosted by four 10’s for Choreography and five more for Music and Interpretation they pushed the new target score up to 88.180 which proved impossible to better.
Sweden’s Kittel posted 84.905 for third place despite a muddled moment when he dropped his reins early in the test, and when the Danish duo of Nanna Skodborg Merrald with Blue Hors Don Olymbrio and Carina Cassøe Krüth with Heiline’s Danciera posted 84.030 and 82.905 they slotted into fourth and fifth places respectively, Belgium’s de Winne sealing sixth spot at the end of the day.
Tokyo 2020 Olympic partners, Fry and Everdale, have been enjoying a really consistent run of form having also won the sixth leg of the Western European League in Mechelen (BEL) in December, just two weeks after finishing second in London (GBR). Today’s result has firmly sealed a qualifying spot for the Dutch-based Briton at the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Final 2024 in Riyadh (KSA) in April, but with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on the horizon there is no perfect plan in place just yet.
“Everdale is going to have a small break now. There are a lot of stallion shows coming up and then hopefully we will go to Den Bosch (s’Hertogenbosch NED) and then do the outdoor season with Glamourdale so we will see how it all works out”, said the rider who with her other superstar stallion, Glamourdale, took double-gold at the FEI Dressage World Championship in 2022.
At the post competition press conference there was much talk about the forthcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games, and asked which horse she intends to bring Fry wouldn’t commit herself - “I’m very lucky to have two really top horses at the moment so we will see!”, she replied.
Meanwhile when asked if she expects to be in Paris, Werth modestly replied,
"it’s not so easy to get in a team, especially in Germany or Great Britain. There are only three to go and I will try my best and we will see!"
Isabell Werth GER
Spoiled for choice
Kittel, who has long led the Western European League standings, admits he is spoiled for choice when it comes to horses for both the World Cup Final and the Paris Games.
“I’m lucky because I have a couple of horses in the World Cup and I can do more shows without having to ride so much on each horse which is very good. For me that’s like a big bonus at the moment”, he explained. But he takes nothing for granted.
Where Paris is concerned he said “I think for every rider the Olympic Games is something we always dream of but it’s always in the stars. The day you are there and you’ve done your test and you say thank you to the judges - that’s the day you know you’ve ridden in an Olympics!”, he pointed out.
The Western European League now moves on to the final three stages at Neumünster (GER) in three weeks time, Gothenburg (SWE) at the end of February and ’s-Hertogenbosch (NED) in early March.
Don’t miss a hoofbeat….
VIDEO - Everdale and Lottie Fry were flying into the World Cup Grand Prix victory today in Amsterdam
Everdale and Lottie shows a great partnership in the arena, and they really make a picture of power and harmony during their performance. The way Lottie is able to ask during the test and every time with positive respons from Everdale makes the clear explanation of dressage. Today they started out with a bit of excitement for the entering halt but from there they just collected valueable point throughout their test.
Even though just three of the five judges saw them as winners, they were undoubtly the clear winners of today.
Quantaz and Werth has not been at start since last years Europeans, even though the scoreboard said 76,8 they were clearly not at the usual sharp level, especially for the transitions, but as we know Werth she will go for it tomorrow.
Both Danish combinations were in top with 4th place for Heiline´s Danciera and Carina Cassøe Krüth, with a few unbalanced moments today, but still scoring 74% followed by Blue Hors Don Olymbrio and Nanna Merrald showing a solid performance with a few minor things but without any technical issues.
Here you find the entire results. Running comments from more of the combinations to be found at Horse2rider Facebook.
Full winner test ⬇️
Ændringer i championat for dressurheste
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Ændringer i Pavo og DRF’s championat for dressurheste
Når Pavo og DRF’s championat for unge heste afvikles i løbet af 2024, bliver det med en ændring af konceptet for alle årgange og derudover med en række ændringer for 4-års hestene. Ændringerne er indført for at bidrage til at give de unge heste den bedst mulige introduktion til tilværelsen som konkurrencehest.
Kun fire kvalifikationsstævner for de 4-årige heste
Med den opdaterede regel i DRF’s Fælles Bestemmelser, der ikke tillader 4-års heste start til konkurrence før 1. juli, vil der for denne årgang alene være fire kvalifikationsstævner mod seks kvalifikationsstævner for de øvrige årgange. Det skyldes, at årets to første kvalifikationer i hhv. Nordvestsjællands Rideklub (D4) og Billund Sportsrideklub (D9) ligger i maj og juni måned.
Nyt program og indførsel af harmoni-karakter for de 4-årige heste
Tilbage i 2017 indførtes det, at 4-års hestene skulle fremvises i et program fremfor efter anvisninger. Det har fungeret godt og har bl.a. understøttet bedømmelsen af de unge hestes ridelighed. Programmet har dog for nogle syntes at været lidt krævende for de unge heste, og derfor er der nu udarbejdet et nyt program med lavere sværhedsgrad og kortere ridetid på banen. Det nye program vil blive offentliggjort snarest.
I forlængelse af dette vil der i 2024 også indgå en ny karakter i bedømmelsen af de unge heste - nemlig en ”harmoni-karakter”. Dermed er der nu seks karakterer i de 4-årige hestes bedømmelse, der alle vægter det samme (trav, galop, skridt, ridelighed, kapacitet, harmoni). Den nye harmoni-karakter skal beskrive i hvor høj grad, det der vises på konkurrencebanen er:
”Et tillidsfuldt partnerskab udviklet i overensstemmelse med træningsskalaen, hvor hesten er fremvist i korrekt form og tempo med lukket mund og rolig haleføring”.
Det er altså form, tempo og afspændthed hos den unge hest, der vil blive kigget på, ligesom harmoni-karakteren i høj grad også skal afspejle, hvor godt samspillet er mellem hest og rytter. Det betyder fx, at der kigges på, om rytteren har forståelse for og udviser hensyn til den unge hest, og om hesten ser let og behagelig ud at ride på og går for små og usynlige hjælpere uden anstrengelse for rytteren, som er grundprincipperne for dressur og beskrevet i DRF’s fordringer.
Ingen mellemrunder
Mellemrunderne er kommet og gået i championatskonceptet. Der er nemlig både for og imod afviklingen af disse. For nogle er det et mere realistisk delmål at sigte efter end en endelig finaleplads. Det er dog mange ture, de unge heste potentielt skal gå, hvis de skal gå en eller to kvalifikationer, en mellemrunde og et finalestævne med flere klasser på få dage. Da der samtidig er kort tid mellem årets sidste kvalifikationsstævner, den tidligere mellemrunde-termin og finalen i uge 41, er det besluttet at lade mellemrunden udgå.
Det er et hårdt program for de unge heste, og erfaringen fra 2023-sæsonen viste, at nogle heste nåede at blive trætte fra mellemrunden til finalestævnet. Derfor vil det i 2024 være de heste, der på tværs af kvalifikationer landet over scorer højest, der opnår de eftertragtede finalepladser. Der er 40 finalepladser i spil for 4-års hestene, 24 finalepladser for 5- og 6-års hestene og 14 finalepladser for 7-års hestene.
Agria becomes Official FEI Insurance Partner (FEI PRESS RELEASE)
In a partnership designed to provide innovative insurance solutions for an enriched life with horses, the FEI has announced that Swedish owned Agria are now the Official FEI Insurance Partner.
Founded in 1890, Agria has provided equine insurance and digital veterinary advice to equine owners in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, and Germany. The company also has long-standing collaborations with National Equestrian Federations. Through their partnership with the FEI, which will run from 2024 through to 2028, Agria now aims to take these services to more countries in Europe.
“We’re pleased to be partnering with Agria, whose commitment to providing top notch insurance services, is a part of their overall mission to ensure equine welfare and preventative healthcare for animals,” FEI Commercial Director Ralph Straus said.
“The FEI’s partnership with Agria is not just about connecting the FEI’s stakeholders with people who have years of expertise in insurance. This venture is also about communicating on the opportunities for prevention, as preventing injuries is an important aspect in sustaining horse welfare around the world.
“Agria brings to the table a wealth of knowledge and expertise from their own in-house equine veterinarian experts as well as from their long-standing collaboration with equine organisations, scientists and breeders.”
The FEI’s partnership with Agria follows a successful digital collaboration between the two organisations on the ‘What makes a champion?’ series which aired in 2022. Five equestrian athletes were interviewed for their views on the importance of mindset, team support, and passion to make an equestrian sporting dream a reality. The digital campaign had over 300,000 video views and 1 million impressions and has laid the foundation for a successful collaboration.
"Through our collaboration with the FEI, Agria has the possibility to connect with more equestrian stakeholders than ever before and we’re excited about the opportunity to explore new markets and work for equine wellbeing and improved equine health on a pan-European level,” CEO of Agria Agnes Fabricius said.
“The FEIs education and awareness campaigns and research projects in combination with the Agria Research Foundation which has one of the world’s largest equine injury databases, gives us a unique platform to spread injury prevention knowledge within the equestrian community and influence ethical standards among all types of horse owners.”
About Agria
Agria is a leading animal insurance provider, founded as the first animal insurer in 1890 in Sweden. With a mission to provide peace of mind for animal owners and with a strong commitment to animal welfare, Agria has established itself as a market leader in animal insurance and digital veterinary care, providing services in multiple European countries.
DSP stallion licensing 24 - 27 January
From Wednesday 24 comes DSP stallion licensing up
A total of 48 stallions are ready for the licensing. Again this year it will be possible to follow the entire licensing via Clipmyhorse.
Overall a very interesting collection of stallions and for the newly crowned VTV Champion Vaderland OLD the breeders here have the possibility to see three sons from Vaderland.
Wednesday, 24 January
16:00 - free jumping Dressage stallions
Thursday, 25 January
08:00 - hard surface
11:00 - lunging dressage staliions
Friday, 26 January
08:00 - free presentation Dressage stallions
subsequent announcement of licensing at walk ring
20:00 - DSP stallion show
Saturday, 27 January
10.00 - presentation Premium stallions
11.00 - presentation DSP Premium stallion and honoring
12.00 - announcement of Champion stallions
NEW 14:00 - auction of licensed and not licensed stallions
Here you find the entire stallion collection including stallions for the auction.
Best H2R stallions from video presentation:
No 35 by Bohemian / Apache stands out with type, power, suppleness and stallion look. He look like a pure championg.
No 42 by Dream Boy / Fürstenball - with supple young body.
No 66 by Taurus / Floriscount - out of same dam as World Champion Danciero (Anna Kasprzak 🇩🇰)
No 69 by Total Hope / Licotus - medium sized stallion with lovely supple and powerful movements.
No 72 by Va Bene / Dante Weltino - big framed, with good stallion expression and supple natural movements.
No 81 by Vivino / Sandro Hit - nice natural closed frame, uphill, supple mover.
Super mare by Vaderland OLD / Belissimo M sold for top price 25.000 euro at NRW Youngster Auction
75.000 euro top price mare by Danciero/Cascadello at Westphalian Winter Auction
Here you find the entire results of the auction.
Oldenburg's shining champion stallion
A stallion by Von und Zu out of Delailah by Dancier - St. Moritz - Rotspon, bred by Monika Rösemeier-Harms, Großefehn, and exhibited by Ursula Berger, Munich, was crowned the brilliant Oldenburg Champion Stallion of the Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes (OL). Sire Von und Zu passed his stallion performance test in 2021 with a score of 9.17 and presents his premiere licensing crop with the reigning champion stallion.
Oldenburg's breeding director Bernhard Thoben says about the champion stallion: "Still a somewhat youthful stallion, but very uphill in construction and with a very natural movement. On the lunge he presented himself in a beautiful, incredibly relaxed and supple manner. When free-running, he showed great elasticity right from the start and was generous in his movements."
The OL Champion Stallion as well as the reserve champion and the Ic-awarded Dynamic Dream son will be offered for sale at the subsequent auction.
A noble stallion by Escolar out of Eve by Fürst Heinrich - Figaro - Harlekin, bred by Maria-Antonia Burczyk, Lienen, exhibited byMaurice Tebbel, Emsbüren, is reserve champion. Dam Eve already produced the licensed, Intermediaire I successful Rosenstolz by Rooney under Pia Laus-Schneider. From the dam line: The Grand Prix successful Remy Martin S by Rubinstein under Katja Willersand Elisienne by Donatelli under Nicki Grandia, USA.
Bronze was awarded to a son of Dynamic Dream out of Barbados by Bordeaux - Fürst Piccolo - Wolkenstein II, bred by Arndt Schwierking from Barver and exhibited by BG Schwierking/Waering, Barver. Dam Barbados is the sister of the licensed Bundeschampionat finalist Bowmore OLD by Bordeaux under Johanna Wadenspanner and the Grand Prix successful Sephora S by Sir Donnerhall II under Patrick van der Meer, NED.
Also awarded with a premium were:
- Stallion by Danciero out of Longines by Londontime - Danone I - Sandro Hit, bred by Arndt Schwierking, Barver, exhibited by Helgstrand Dressage, Denmark. Sire Danciero is the reigning World Champion of the seven-year-old dressage horses under Anna Kasprzak, DEN. Dam Longines is the sister of the licensed Londoner by Londontime/Christian Tudela Ruiz, ESP.
- Stallion by Desperado out of Meggie May by El Capone - Rousseau - Jazz, bred and exhibited by Van Bockxgrave Horses B.V., Netherlands. Sire Desperado was successful at international Grand Prix level under Emmelie Scholtens, NED. From the damline: The Grand Prix successful Inclusive by Everdale under Charlotte Fry, GBR.
- Stallion by Viva Gold out of Fräulein Salome by Florencio I - Sandro Hit - Rubinstein I, bred by Dieter Erdmann, Hagen, and exhibited by Gorodok Agro Llc, Ukraine. Sire Viva Gold is Ib main premium winner. Dam Fräulein Salome produced the Prix St. Georges successful France Gall by Franziskus under Ulrike Hatzl.
Please find the licensing results here:
VTV Stallion of the Year: Vaderland OLD
This year, Vaderland OLD was crowned VTV Dressage Stallion at the Oldenburg Stallion Days. This highly prestigious award is given to a licensed Oldenburg stallion for its outstanding achievements in both sports and breeding.
Heiko Meinen, the R+V VTV General Representative specializing in animal insurance, didn't hesitate to reward the breeder and owner with a generous check of 1000 Euros for their exceptional breeding performance.
Vaderland OLD, born 2016, by Vitalis out of Vechta by KrackC - Contango, bred and owned by Reesink Pferde GmbH, Borken, was crowned VTV Dressage Stallion. Under the Dutch rider Dinja van Liere, Vaderland achieved victory in his international debut in 2023, winning the Prix St. Georges and the Intermediaire I Freestyle in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. In 2020, the stallion already secured the bronze medal at the Oldenburg State Championships for four-year-old stallions under Annika Korte. He concluded his 14-day test in Adelheidsdorf in 2019 with the second-best result, emphasizing his dressage-oriented final score of 8.74. His canter and willingness to perform were rated 9.5, and an external rider even awarded a 9.75 for his rideability. In 2020, Vaderland successfully completed the sport test in Verden with a score of 8.48.
Since 2021, Dinja van Liere has taken over the training of Vaderland. She describes her protege as follows: "Vaderland is a very powerful horse. He has three good basic gaits and an impressive foreleg. His movements are very energetic, and I immediately had good chemistry with him in our work."
Vaderland has already produced licensed stallions himself and presented two auction foals for the Vechta Auction House, including the top-priced Very Smart. Vaderland's sire, star stallion Vitalis, is known worldwide. In 2016, Vitalis and Isabel Freese won the Nürnberger Burg-Pokal Finals. Grandsire Krack C was part of the Dutch team at the World Championships in Jerez 2002 under Anky van Grunsven. The Oldenburg Contango, in the third generation, left a legendary legacy in the Netherlands in just three years of breeding activity. His most famous son is Steffen Peters' Olympic horse, Ravel. Fourth sire Ahorn, alongside Heartbreaker, is arguably the most significant son of Nimmerdor. Bred from a daughter of Ladykiller xx, he was successful in top-level sport. Dam Vechta, besides Vaderland OLD, also produced the internationally Grand Prix successful Impressive VDC by Charmeur under the Briton Sarah Millis. From the dam line of Vaderland comes the licensed stallion Heros Begijnhoeve by Vivaldi and Fanatique Begijnhoeve by Tuschinski, Intermediaire I successful with Tommi Visser from the Netherlands.
Celebrated Oldenburg main premium winners
Escanto PS OLD is the celebrated main premium winner of the Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes. In addition to the development of the stallion, the results of the stallion performance test, and above all, the quality of the first foal crop during the breeding inspection, are taken into account in the decision for the award of the main premium.
The celebrated main premium winner of the Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes (OL) is named Escanto PS OLD, born 2019, by Escamillo out of Fairytale PS by Fürstenball - Totilas, bred and owned by Gestüt Lewitz, Steinfeld. Escanto PS is the current Bundeschampion among the four-year-old stallions under the American rider Brandi Roenick. The stallion received three times the dream score of 10.00 for trot, canter, and rideability. At the 2023 Oldenburg State Championships, Escanto also won among the four-year-old stallions under Brandi Roenick. During his short performance test in 2022 at the Oldenburg Horse CenterVechta, the Escamillo son received the highest daily score of 9.43. In 2022, the powerful dark bay also completed his 50-day test with a final score of 9.12. Besides Escanto PS, the dam Fairytale PS also produced the licensed stallion Fair Deal OLD by Franklin, who received the Ic main premium at the 2023 Oldenburg Stallion Days. Escanto PS comes from the prestigious Finnländerin dam line. Dam Fairytale PS is the sister of the sires Fürst Toto by Fürstenball and Donier by De Niro. His sixth dam, Fiesta by Pik Bube I, produced the Oldenburg star sire and Olympian Don Schufro by Donnerhall. Escanto PS had already presented high-priced elite foals at the 2023 Vechta auctions.
The second place takes St. Emilion, born 2019, by Suarez out of Tia Romina II by Dante Weltino - Rubinstein I, bred by Nina Sixtensson, Sweden, owned by BG Wahler & Thönies. St. Emilion was licensed in Vechta 2021 and was awarded the Ic premium. At the stallion market, he was sold for a top price to Klosterhof Medingen of the Wahler family. At the 2023 Oldenburg State Championships for four-year-old stallions, the black beauty secured the silver medal under Hannah Laser.He completed his short performance test in Warendorf with a final score of 8.62 in 2022. In 2023, he completed his 50-day test in Münster-Handorf with a final score of 8.59. The Grand Prix winners Rubin Royal OLD/Hendrik Lochthowe and Romanov Blue Hors/Hans Peter Minderhoud, NED, come alsofrom the Rulli-Rudilore dam line.
Receiving the bronze award is Gut Wettlkam’s Feliciano, born2019, by Floricello out of Lady Andora by Boston - Lord Sinclair, bred by Josef Bauer, Inning, owned by Gut Wettlkam, Lisa and Thomas Müller. During his short performance test at the Oldenburg Horse Center Vechta in 2022, the Floricello son received the second-highest score of 9.04. At the end of the same year, he completed his 50-day test in Schlieckau, finishing with a final score of 8.82. He received the score of 9.00 five times in the categories of willingness to perform, trot, canter, rideability, and overall impression. The test rider rated the rideability with an incredible score of 9.75. Under Walter Wadenspanner, Feliciano demonstrates his talent in the arena with victories in riding horse and dressage horse competitions at A level. For the 2023 Vechta Elite Foal Auctions, the stallion has already presented high-priced foals.
Amsterdam CDI-W and CDIU25 comes up next Friday and Saturday
Entries and schedule ready for next weekends World Cup and U25 in Amsterdam.
Running Westphalian Winter Auction 2024 - Youngster. Bid up starts 22 January 19.30
The two small mares with no 4 and no 7 are definitely the top of this colletion together with the stallion with no 11.
No 4 by Taurus / Don Schufro - small sized mare with power and suppleness.
No 7 by Vaderland / Belissimo M - small sized mare with lovely supple expressive paces.
No 11 by Viva Gold / Desperados - well balanced in all three gait with nice self carriage.
Here you find the entire collection.
HANN Online auction comes up - riding horses. Starts 21 January and bid starts 27 January
Highlights for the upcoming HANN Online Auction
No 4 by Grand Galaxy / Fürstenball - super nice model, uphill with lovely contact. The trot is quick of the ground with nice angle from behind, good ground cover for the canter and good walk.
No 10 by Valdiviani / Jazz - very long legged supple trot, good canter and missing bit more relaxation for the walk.
No 13 by Escamillo / Florencio - quick of the ground trot missing more carriage and volume, good uphill canter and very good walk supple over the back.
OLD+++OLD+++PR: Oldenburg Stallion Days: Livestream+++OLD+++OLD
Oldenburg Stallion Days: Livestream
The highlight of the year is just around the corner: The Oldenburg Stallion Days from the 18th till 21st January await outstanding dressage and show jumping stallions. Only the best stallions have been admitted to the Oldenburg licensing. If you do not have the opportunity to come to Ankum in person, you can follow the Oldenburg Stallion Days live on the Oldenburg homepage or at
Both the Oldenburg homepage and will broadcast the Stallion Days live from Thursday noon. In addition, you will have the opportunity to view archivedfootage of already completed licensing subdivisions already during the event. Use the following link to access the archive:
The livestream on the Oldenburg homepage and at Clipmyhorse will include all the stallion approvals as well as the award ceremony and the stallion market.
Due to uncertainties in the registration process in our online auction portal, we are suspending the possibility of online bidding for the upcoming Oldenburg Stallion Days. Of course, you can bid for your favorite live in Ankum or easily by phone via bidding order. Please find the bidding order here:
SCHEDULE - Dressage stallions (OL)
Saturday, January 20th
2.00 p.m.: Presentation on hard ground of the dressage stallions
5.00 p.m.: Lunging of the dressage stallions
8.00 p.m.: Award of main premium and VTV honouring, Get Together with DJ
Sunday, January 21st
9.00 a.m.: Dressage stallions running loose with walking ring and announcement of the licensing
2.00 p.m.: Award of premiums with selection of the champion stallion
3.00 p.m.: Auction of the dressage stallions
Here you can find all licensing candidates for the Oldenburg Stallion Days 2024:
24.000 euro top price at KWPN Online stallion auction for Lantanas / Inspire son sold to the Netherlands
All young stallions were participating for the first round of the pre-selection and were veterinary approved for the sport.
Here you find the full results from the auction.
VetEmbryo - ICSI en reproduktionsform der ikke er årstidsbestemt
Når reprodutionssæsonen ikke er årstidsbestemt
Selvom mørket havde sænket sig i hele landet, og den første sne meldt sin ankomst, så var alle pladser besatte den tirsdag aften, hvor VetEmbryo havde indbudt til deres første avleraften arrangement.
Det var en god blandet forsamling af “garvede” kunder, der allerede havde haft repro-succes hos VetEmbryo, helt nye potentielle kunder, og så H2R som var klar på “skolebænken” for at suge ny viden til sig.
Jannie Spanner og Emma Lorenzen havde sammen med deres team sørget for to store varmekanoner, sideplads til alle i enden af stalden, og før de gik igang var der friske sandwich og drikkelse, mens der efterfølgende var både kaffe og hjemmebagte kager.
Hvis ikke man var erfaren indenfor ICSI, så fik Jannie og Emma klædt alle rigtig godt på i alt fra etik, teknik, erfaring, råd, vejledning til succesrater.
Hvornår og hvorfor ICSI?
ICSI teknikken er nærmest altid en mulighed. Drømmen om et afkom efter præcis den hoppe, som man lige nu har i sporten eller ikke selv kan få føl. Måske er hoppen blevet for gammel til fortsat at bære eget afkom eller måske står man overfor at skulle tage afsked med sin hoppe, hvor man aldrig fik det afkom fra som man ønskede sig. Eller ønsket om at hoppen skal gå drægtig med eget føl ved siden, og samtidig have sikret nye stjerner i fryseren til senere brug.
Når VetEmbryo teamet får en hoppe ind med henblik på at lave ICSI, foregår det rent teknisk ved et “indgreb” med en skrabeteknik for at tage æg ud (OPU). Indgrebet betegnes som invasivt, da skrabeteknikken foretages med en nål, men med stor erfaring og grundighed er proceduren kortvarig og som oftest uden gener for hoppen. I de tilfælde hvor hoppen viser ubehag bliver proceduren afbrudt. Hoppen er bedøvet under indgrebet, og hvis hoppen ikke er rolig og tilpas under den fastsatte maksimale mængde bedøvelse, forbeholder teamet sig ret til at afslå at gå videre i processen, med besked til ejeren om, at de ikke mener at det er en mulighed at tage æg ud til brug for ICSI. Det handler 100% om etik frem for resultater, fortæller dyrlægeteamet samstemmende.
Succesraten afhænger af flere faktorer
Der stilles krav til den fremtidige rugehoppe. Den typiske optimale rugehoppe er 3-8 år, i god almindelig huld, godt temperament, ingen historik om reproduktionsbesvær og generelt ingen abnormaliteter.
Hvordan udføres tingene
Efter at have været på “skolebænken” og suget masser ny viden ind, var der vituel gennemgang af det hermetisk lukkede sterile laboratorium. Bagefter var mulighed for at se hvordan teknikkerne blev anvendt i praksis. Her kunne man komme helt tæt på i den virkelige verden, med unik teknik og viden udi reproduktionens spændende verden.
Få afklaret dine spørgsmål
Teamet omkring VetEmbryo er klar til at besvare dine aktuelle spørgsmål, så hold dig ikke tilbage og skriv dem en mail, hvor du fortæller om dine drømme/udfordringer, så kan i aftale en tid hvor i kan tage snakken lidt mere konkret over telefonen, inden du begiver dig ud i ICSI reproduktionsfarvandet.
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