2022 DSP Champion stallion Dream Royal winner of stallion performance test in Munich today

Results 4 yr old

Top score among the 4 yr old stallions for short Performance test in München was Trakehner stallion Rockingham by Saint Cyr / Kaiser Wilhelm.

Some of judges comments: Balanced trot with good swing, extensions missing bit more 8,5 - canter good of the ground clearly improved 8,5 - nice walk with good rhythm 8,5 - rideability need bit more search for the hand but clearly improved over the days 9,5, overall impression 8,5 = 8,8.

Results 5 yr old

5 yr old Dream Royal (Don Royal / Quadroneur) winner.

Some judges comments: Uphill movements for trot and canter nice mechanics with good power, super swinging trot 9,0 and nice under the body uphill canter 9,0, walk bit tensions need bit more clear relaxation for walk rhythm, but improved over the days 7,5, rideability he will, but tiny tension 8,6, overall impression 8,8 = total 8,56

Ekspert teams i DRF regi

Gårsdagens nyhed fra DRF (link nederst i artiklen her ⬇️) omkring medaljedrømme til det kommende OL afføder lidt tanker fra H2R.

Med OL næsten lige om hjørnet, og dansk top dressur i skarp opstilling, er det klart drømmene går på ædelt metal til sommerens OL i Paris.

Inden de danske ekvipager når så langt, at der bliver sat navne på dem der skal repræsentere Danmark på det oplympiske ridestadion i Versailles fra den 30. juli - 4. august, skal alle kandidaterne ud i kamp om pladserne.

Iflg. sportsplanen er de officielle iagttagelser med henblik på OL udtagelse til stævnerne: Hagen 24.-28. april, Compiegne 1.-5. maj, DM 24.-26. maj samt Rotterdam 20.-23. juni med 8. juli som sidste og endelig dato for udtagelse.

“Baseret på dialog med eksperttræner SENIOR og andre fagrelevante eksperter er elitesportschefen for dressur overordnet ansvarlig for udtagelser til landshold og CDI/CDIO’er SENIOR.”

Wolfram Wittig eksperttræner/teknisk rådgiver siden 2021

Når man kigger tilbage på de ændringer som forbundet kom med i 2021, var planen fra DRF, at man ville have en række forskellige eksperter ind omkring landsholdet, i forhold til input og sparring bl.a. omkring træning af ekvipagerne. For den del der hedder eksperttræner/teknisk rådgiver, har DRF i den forgange periode alene valgt at gøre brug af tyske Wolfram Wittig.

Derfor vil det være et af de steder som DRF´s nye bestyrelse, som udpeges til april, åbenlyst bør kigge ind i, da man aldrig har haft den oprindelige tiltænkte diversitet i forhold til eksperttræner/tekniske rådgiver konstellationen.

Set udefra kunne “konsulentmidlerne”, som lige nu bliver betalt af Team Danmark frem mod OL, kunne de godt bruges endnu mere målrettet i forhold til de enkelte teams.

Hver topekvipage har jo i forvejen deres egen hjemmetræner, fysio, mentalcoach osv., og midlerne bør derfor kananliseres direkte ud til atleterne, så de i langt højere grad bliver medbestemmende om, hvor de selv mener, der skal sættes ind i forhold til at optimere mulighederne for ædelt metal til Danmark ved de store mesterskaber.

Talent- og eliteudviklingen

Med øget støtte ud til de bedste atleter, kunne det være en ide at de skulle give “noget tilbage” til sporten.

Et eksempel kunne være, at man som repræsentant for det danske landshold skulle forpligte sig til f.eks. at tage to upcoming ryttere under vingerne for en periode. Ideen bag kunne være at klæde de næste danske stjerner på - drømmene skal skabes, og talenterne skal kunne spejle sig og suge ny inspiration og træning til sig fra Danmarks bedste ekvipager.

Læs nyheden fra DRF her.

Ser frem til næste skriv som kommer i næste uge fra DRF som hedder “Potentialegruppen og den endelige udvælgelse”.

Er du endnu ikke helt i OL stemning, så kig videoen herunder ⬇️

Anna Zibrandtsen og Lumiere klar til international debut i polske Kalen-Towarzystwo

Anna Zibrandtsen - foto: H2R

International Grand Prix debut i weekenden til Anna og Lumiere

Anna Zibrandtsen og den 10-årige svenske varmblods vallak Lumiere e. Floricello/Gigolo, avlet af svenske Anette Andersson er klar til deres international Grand Prix debut i polske Kalen-Towarzystwo, som er beliggende sydvest for den polske hovedstad Warszawa.

Ekvipagen debuterede nationalt sidste år i Grand Prix og blev senest nr. 2 til EOR´s landsstævne i januar med 72,1%.

Grand Prix klassen går fredag og Grand Prix kür søndag. (Der findes endnu ikke endelig tidsplan).

Iflg. arrangørernes hjemmeside ligner det at man kan følge med via livestreaming, men det er desværre før set ikke at være muligt. Link til startlister og livestream findes via H2R kalenderen her.

𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐞, 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐳𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧

The year 2024 has started and the breeding season is almost upon us. In addition to breeding, sport at the highest level is also very important to us.

With the Paris Olympic Games in later this year, our focus is on this, for the stallions Glamourdale and Everdale.

Therefore, these stallions will only be available through frozen semen in 2024.

In addition to these stallions, Negro will also only be available in 2024 through frozen semen.

To order frozen semen, a request must be submitted one week in advance by email: info@vanolsthorses.com.

KWPN Stallion Show summary

⬆️Danish Warmblood stallions Sarai L by Secret/For Romance and Magic Mckee L by Total McLaren/Negro, bred by Stutteri L-Horses and co-owned by Stal van de Sande both selected for the performance test - photo: Timo Martis Fotografie

100 stallions in two days

When you attend the KWPN Stallion Show, it´s a pure breeding event added a smaller show part for Saturday evening. Starting friday morning with 55 stallions and the final part of 45 stallions saturday morning with subsequent presentation of selected stallions and presentation of the new Premium stallions. In between also with honouring of stallions and breeders.

Successful Danish/Dutch cooperation

Breeders and owners Karsten Bundgaard (hidden behind daughter Ellen) and Maria Rudbeck next to co-owner Peter van de Sande. Photo: H2R

On the positive list all the way were also the two Danish Warmblood stallions Sarai L and Magic Mckee L. They were already presented and selected for Danish Warmblood stallion show taking place 6-10 March 2024 in Herning, but they were also selected through the KWPN late pre-selected end of December.

Both stallions did not disapoint and definitely showed themselves in the light of a bright future for both breeding and sport. Of course the breeders from Stutteri L-Horses in Denmark Maria Rudbeck and Karsten Bundgaard were very excited going to s´Hertogenbosch for the first time presenting stallions for the KWPN licensing commission, but at the same time they felt confident with Peter van de Sande as co-owner and presenter as he has been a long time partner of the KWPN commuity. Meeting the three of them together at the stables after the selection was just the epitome of what a partnership can bring in the world of our beloved horses.

High quality of the majority for the 2024 KWPN stallion show

From the pre-selection (watched online) H2R picked a total of 14 stallions to keep an eye on with extra quality for the stallion show. From a nerdy point of view this “private H2R pre-selection” from the official pre-selection days makes it easier to join the stallion show in order to be focused all the way and having time to both get some new ones at the “list” and also to scatch a few.

Remember the name - ROMERO RDS by Glamourdale / Jazz - photo: Timo Martis Fotografie.

Five Premium stallions

New at H2R list from following the licensing was the premium stallion by Glamourdale / Cum Laude, well moving, modern and look like a stallion with a very nice overview. Also new at H2R list was the Lantanas / Negro with good power and expression.

Missing for the H2R Premium list was the grey powerhouse Glamourdale / Jazz like also the Ibiza / Apache and Dancier Gold / Desperados.

The D´avie / Sandro Hit stallion appointed Premium was a modern type but clearly missing more strength from behind with push under the body.

Not licensed

One single stallion was missing at the “accepted for the performance test” list. No 359 by For Romance / Dorado. This stallion already showed a super walk from the pre-selection and again at the stallion show, eventhough he was a bit long for the topline, but still very functional of the ground movements with super suppleness.

Catch up on Horse2rider Instagram or Facebook for running posts with videos from the event.

Highlights and program for the up-coming KWPN stallion show

100 young stallions ready for 2nd inspection

Two very intensive KWPN stallion days comes up Friday and Saturday in s´Hertogenbosch.

H2R favourites from the pre-selection

Day 1(13 december)

  • No 495 Raoul by Secret / Negro (stallion type, nice natural supple, nice frame and good balance).

  • No 395 Rico by Ibiza / Apache (long legged, uphill, expressive, supple mover).

Day 2(14 December)

  • No 359 Rossini by For Romance / Dorado (not the most modern type but super supple mover in all three gaits including very good walk).

  • No 420 Rovian LH by Jovian / Dream Boy (beautiful modern super expressive, power ful trot and canter but unfortunately short in the walk for the free presentation).

DAY 3(15 December)

  • No 383 Romero RDS by Glamourdale / Jazz (stood out with a lot of stallion expression, supple and powerful. This boy for sure look like a very interesting stallion for the breeding and future sport).

Day 4(16 December)

  • No 444 Ramblas by Lantanas / Glamourdale (Lantanas with super positive imprint for his offspring with super expression and supple movements).

  • No 532 Rome USB by Vaderland / Zambuka (supple uphill with very nice supple movements through the body).

  • No 339 Dream Dynasty TF by Dynamic Dream / Vitalis (best Dynamic Dream for the pre-selection).

Day 5 (18 December)

  • No 321 by Dancier Gold / Desperados (modern elegant type with lovely suppleness and power, bit one the toes for the walk).

  • No 305 Red Spirit by Blue Hors Monte Carlo /Daily Diamond (still very young body wise but very well moving with freedom and suppleness for all three gaits).

  • No 540 Red Knight DSV by Vivino / For Romance (nice frame with good suppleness and expression, bit long top line combined with a bit short croup).

  • No 480 Rico by Mac Madison / Glock´s Toto Jr (super nice uphill quick of the ground with power movements).

Day 5 (late pre-selection 29 December)

  • No 499 Sarai L by Secret / For Romance (super expressive, modern and supple mover).

  • No 525 Magic Mckee L by Total McLaren / Negro (powerful, big framed, well balanced stallion).

Schedule for the two stallion show days:

55 stallions will be presented for 2nd inspection (Friday) - link for detailed start list here. H2R list: 321 Dancier Gold / Desperados, 339 Dynamic Dream / Vitalis, 395 Ibiza / Apache, 420 Jovian / Dream Boy, 480 Mac Madison / Glock´s Toto Jr, 495 Secret / Negro, 499 Secret / For Romance, 525 Total McLaren / Negro, 540 Vivino / For Romance.

45 stallions (Saturday) - link for detailed start list here. H2R list: 359 For Romance / Dorado, 383 Glamourdale / Jazz, 532 Vaderland / Zambuka, 305 Blue Hors Monte Carlo / Daily Diamond, 444 Lantanas / Glamourdale,

Blue Hors introducerer kvalitetshingste tilgængelige på kølesæd ved EU-stationen på Fyn (nyhed på Bluehors.dk)

Blue Hors er stolte af at meddele, at fem af vores fremtrædende hingste nu vil være tilgængelige på kølesæd på vores nye EU-station på Fyn.

For at sikre klarhed understreger vi, at avlere i avlssæsonen 2024 alene vil have adgang til kvalitetssæd fra vores anerkendte hingste via transportsæd, der er således ikke mulighed for inseminering på hingstestationen.

Vi opfordrer venligst avlere til at holde sig opdateret via vores hjemmeside for information om sædtransportruten, der fortsætter som sædvanligt i samarbejde med Katrinelund.

De fem hingste tilgængelige på kølesæd er:

Det er vigtigt at bemærke, at Blue Hors Zack også vil være tilgængelig, men udelukkende via ICSI hos VetEmbryo, da han fremover nyder sin pension på en stor fold med havudsigt. Derudover vil Blue Hors Don Olymbrio blive en del af Nannas kollektion af Grand Prix-heste og vil være tilgængelig på frostsæd.

Martin Klavsen, Lene Hansen, Kaj Rosenlund og Lasse Bendixen udgør det erfarne team, der vil drive hingstestationen på Fyn og sammen vil de sikre den bedste service til vores kunder.

Vi ser frem til at byde velkommen på Fyn og ser spændt frem til den kommende avlssæson.

Britain´s Fry and Everdale shine again in Amsterdam

For the second time this season Great Britain’s Charlotte Fry and Everdale left the opposition in their wake at the eighth leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2023/2024 Western European League in Amsterdam (NED) today.

In yesterday’s Grand Prix they pinned Germany’s Isabell Werth and DSP Quantaz into second place and longtime league-leader Sweden’s Patrik Kittel into third with Touchdown. Today they did it all again, but this time with a wider winning margin that left them well clear of the rest of the field.

Fry has now moved comfortably into third place on the Western European League table from which the top nine will qualify for the Final in Riyadh (KSA) in April. 

"I’m still taking it in I guess, to win here in Amsterdam is kind of a dream - especially with such a competitive field of horses and riders! Everdale has been feeling so good the last two days and I’ve had two really great rides so I couldn’t really ask for more!"

Charlotte Fry GBR

she said.


The 15-strong starting field was filled with exciting talent from first to last, and judges Isobel Wessels (GBR), Patricia Wolters (NED), Mariette Sanders-van Gansewinkel (NED), Raphael Saleh (FRA) and Maria Colliander (FIN) had the Dutch partnership of Marieke van der Putten and the 12-year-old Totilas gelding Torveslettens Titanium RS2 NOP out in front at the halfway stage on a score of 79.725.

Second to go after the interval however, Belgium’s Flore de Winne and Flynn FRH took the lead when posting 80.315. This pair have been showing great promise this season, de Winne’s quiet balance helping the 10-year-old stallion sparkle as he continues to learn his trade while presenting a pleasing picture. 

Next in however, multiple gold medallist Werth opened up the whole competition with big marks from the outset with Quantaz whose score of 86.455 was never going to be easy to overtake. The enthusiastic crowd loved the German star’s trademark punchy performance and rose to their feet in appreciation as the five-time FEI Dressage World Cup™ title-winner pranced out of the arena at the end of her test with a big smile and a wave.

Fry followed with an imperfect first halt, but the scores started piling up for piaffe/passage and rock-solid flying changes, and boosted by four 10’s for Choreography and five more for Music and Interpretation they pushed the new target score up to 88.180 which proved impossible to better. 

Sweden’s Kittel posted 84.905 for third place despite a muddled moment when he dropped his reins early in the test, and when the Danish duo of Nanna Skodborg Merrald with Blue Hors Don Olymbrio and Carina Cassøe Krüth with Heiline’s Danciera posted 84.030 and 82.905 they slotted into fourth and fifth places respectively, Belgium’s de Winne sealing sixth spot at the end of the day.


Tokyo 2020 Olympic partners, Fry and Everdale, have been enjoying a really consistent run of form having also won the sixth leg of the Western European League in Mechelen (BEL) in December, just two weeks after finishing second in London (GBR). Today’s result has firmly sealed a qualifying spot for the Dutch-based Briton at the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Final 2024 in Riyadh (KSA) in April, but with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on the horizon there is no perfect plan in place just yet.

“Everdale is going to have a small break now. There are a lot of stallion shows coming up and then hopefully we will go to Den Bosch (s’Hertogenbosch NED) and then do the outdoor season with Glamourdale so we will see how it all works out”, said the rider who with her other superstar stallion, Glamourdale, took double-gold at the FEI Dressage World Championship in 2022.

At the post competition press conference there was much talk about the forthcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games, and asked which horse she intends to bring Fry wouldn’t commit herself - “I’m very lucky to have two really top horses at the moment so we will see!”, she replied.

Meanwhile when asked if she expects to be in Paris, Werth modestly replied, 

"it’s not so easy to get in a team, especially in Germany or Great Britain. There are only three to go and I will try my best and we will see!"

Isabell Werth GER

Spoiled for choice

Kittel, who has long led the Western European League standings, admits he is spoiled for choice when it comes to horses for both the World Cup Final and the Paris Games.  

“I’m lucky because I have a couple of horses in the World Cup and I can do more shows without having to ride so much on each horse which is very good. For me that’s like a big bonus at the moment”, he explained. But he takes nothing for granted.

Where Paris is concerned he said “I think for every rider the Olympic Games is something we always dream of but it’s always in the stars. The day you are there and you’ve done your test and you say thank you to the judges - that’s the day you know you’ve ridden in an Olympics!”, he pointed out.

The Western European League now moves on to the final three stages at Neumünster (GER) in three weeks time, Gothenburg (SWE) at the end of February and ’s-Hertogenbosch (NED) in early March.

Don’t miss a hoofbeat….



VIDEO - Everdale and Lottie Fry were flying into the World Cup Grand Prix victory today in Amsterdam

Everdale & Lottie Fry winner of World Cup Grand Prix today - photo: EQWO.net/Petra Kerschbaum

Everdale and Lottie shows a great partnership in the arena, and they really make a picture of power and harmony during their performance. The way Lottie is able to ask during the test and every time with positive respons from Everdale makes the clear explanation of dressage. Today they started out with a bit of excitement for the entering halt but from there they just collected valueable point throughout their test.

Even though just three of the five judges saw them as winners, they were undoubtly the clear winners of today.

Quantaz and Werth has not been at start since last years Europeans, even though the scoreboard said 76,8 they were clearly not at the usual sharp level, especially for the transitions, but as we know Werth she will go for it tomorrow.

Both Danish combinations were in top with 4th place for Heiline´s Danciera and Carina Cassøe Krüth, with a few unbalanced moments today, but still scoring 74% followed by Blue Hors Don Olymbrio and Nanna Merrald showing a solid performance with a few minor things but without any technical issues.

Here you find the entire results. Running comments from more of the combinations to be found at Horse2rider Facebook.

Full winner test ⬇️

Ændringer i championat for dressurheste

Nyhed på DRF.dk

Ændringer i Pavo og DRF’s championat for dressurheste

Når Pavo og DRF’s championat for unge heste afvikles i løbet af 2024, bliver det med en ændring af konceptet for alle årgange og derudover med en række ændringer for 4-års hestene. Ændringerne er indført for at bidrage til at give de unge heste den bedst mulige introduktion til tilværelsen som konkurrencehest.

Kun fire kvalifikationsstævner for de 4-årige heste
Med den opdaterede regel i DRF’s Fælles Bestemmelser, der ikke tillader 4-års heste start til konkurrence før 1. juli, vil der for denne årgang alene være fire kvalifikationsstævner mod seks kvalifikationsstævner for de øvrige årgange. Det skyldes, at årets to første kvalifikationer i hhv. Nordvestsjællands Rideklub (D4) og Billund Sportsrideklub (D9) ligger i maj og juni måned.

Nyt program og indførsel af harmoni-karakter for de 4-årige heste
Tilbage i 2017 indførtes det, at 4-års hestene skulle fremvises i et program fremfor efter anvisninger. Det har fungeret godt og har bl.a. understøttet bedømmelsen af de unge hestes ridelighed. Programmet har dog for nogle syntes at været lidt krævende for de unge heste, og derfor er der nu udarbejdet et nyt program med lavere sværhedsgrad og kortere ridetid på banen. Det nye program vil blive offentliggjort snarest.

I forlængelse af dette vil der i 2024 også indgå en ny karakter i bedømmelsen af de unge heste - nemlig en ”harmoni-karakter”. Dermed er der nu seks karakterer i de 4-årige hestes bedømmelse, der alle vægter det samme (trav, galop, skridt, ridelighed, kapacitet, harmoni). Den nye harmoni-karakter skal beskrive i hvor høj grad, det der vises på konkurrencebanen er:

”Et tillidsfuldt partnerskab udviklet i overensstemmelse med træningsskalaen, hvor hesten er fremvist i korrekt form og tempo med lukket mund og rolig haleføring”.

Det er altså form, tempo og afspændthed hos den unge hest, der vil blive kigget på, ligesom harmoni-karakteren i høj grad også skal afspejle, hvor godt samspillet er mellem hest og rytter. Det betyder fx, at der kigges på, om rytteren har forståelse for og udviser hensyn til den unge hest, og om hesten ser let og behagelig ud at ride på og går for små og usynlige hjælpere uden anstrengelse for rytteren, som er grundprincipperne for dressur og beskrevet i DRF’s fordringer.

Ingen mellemrunder
Mellemrunderne er kommet og gået i championatskonceptet. Der er nemlig både for og imod afviklingen af disse. For nogle er det et mere realistisk delmål at sigte efter end en endelig finaleplads. Det er dog mange ture, de unge heste potentielt skal gå, hvis de skal gå en eller to kvalifikationer, en mellemrunde og et finalestævne med flere klasser på få dage. Da der samtidig er kort tid mellem årets sidste kvalifikationsstævner, den tidligere mellemrunde-termin og finalen i uge 41, er det besluttet at lade mellemrunden udgå.

Det er et hårdt program for de unge heste, og erfaringen fra 2023-sæsonen viste, at nogle heste nåede at blive trætte fra mellemrunden til finalestævnet. Derfor vil det i 2024 være de heste, der på tværs af kvalifikationer landet over scorer højest, der opnår de eftertragtede finalepladser. Der er 40 finalepladser i spil for 4-års hestene, 24 finalepladser for 5- og 6-års hestene og 14 finalepladser for 7-års hestene.

Agria becomes Official FEI Insurance Partner (FEI PRESS RELEASE)

FEI Secretary General Sabrina Ibáñez and CEO of Agria Agnes Fabricius at the signing of the agreement at the FEI Headquaters in Lausanne (SUI)  (Photo credit: FEI/Elisabeth Fransdonk)

In a partnership designed to provide innovative insurance solutions for an enriched life with horses, the FEI has announced that Swedish owned Agria are now the Official FEI Insurance Partner.

Founded in 1890, Agria has provided equine insurance and digital veterinary advice to equine owners in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, and Germany. The company also has long-standing collaborations with National Equestrian Federations. Through their partnership with the FEI, which will run from 2024 through to 2028, Agria now aims to take these services to more countries in Europe.

“We’re pleased to be partnering with Agria, whose commitment to providing top notch insurance services, is a part of their overall mission to ensure equine welfare and preventative healthcare for animals,” FEI Commercial Director Ralph Straus said. 

“The FEI’s partnership with Agria is not just about connecting the FEI’s stakeholders with people who have years of expertise in insurance. This venture is also about communicating on the opportunities for prevention, as preventing injuries is an important aspect in sustaining horse welfare around the world.  

“Agria brings to the table a wealth of knowledge and expertise from their own in-house equine veterinarian experts as well as from their long-standing collaboration with equine organisations, scientists and breeders.”

The FEI’s partnership with Agria follows a successful digital collaboration between the two organisations on the ‘What makes a champion?’ series which aired in 2022. Five equestrian athletes were interviewed for their views on the importance of mindset, team support, and passion to make an equestrian sporting dream a reality. The digital campaign had over 300,000 video views and 1 million impressions and has laid the foundation for a successful collaboration.  

"Through our collaboration with the FEI, Agria has the possibility to connect with more equestrian stakeholders than ever before and we’re excited about the opportunity to explore new markets and work for equine wellbeing and improved equine health on a pan-European level,” CEO of Agria Agnes Fabricius said. 

“The FEIs education and awareness campaigns and research projects in combination with the Agria Research Foundation which has one of the world’s largest equine injury databases, gives us a unique platform to spread injury prevention knowledge within the equestrian community and influence ethical standards among all types of horse owners.”

Agnes Fabricius, CEO of Agria, is a rider and small-scale breeder of SWB horses

About Agria

Agria is a leading animal insurance provider, founded as the first animal insurer in 1890 in Sweden. With a mission to provide peace of mind for animal owners and with a strong commitment to animal welfare, Agria has established itself as a market leader in animal insurance and digital veterinary care, providing services in multiple European countries.

DSP stallion licensing 24 - 27 January

No 35 by Bohemian (Bon Coeur/Rotspon) / Apache

From Wednesday 24 comes DSP stallion licensing up

A total of 48 stallions are ready for the licensing. Again this year it will be possible to follow the entire licensing via Clipmyhorse.

Overall a very interesting collection of stallions and for the newly crowned VTV Champion Vaderland OLD the breeders here have the possibility to see three sons from Vaderland.


Wednesday, 24 January

16:00 - free jumping Dressage stallions

Thursday, 25 January 

08:00 - hard surface

11:00 - lunging dressage staliions

Friday, 26 January

08:00 - free presentation Dressage stallions
subsequent announcement of licensing at walk ring

20:00 - DSP stallion show

Saturday, 27 January

10.00 - presentation Premium stallions

11.00 - presentation DSP Premium stallion and honoring

12.00 - announcement of Champion stallions

NEW 14:00 - auction of licensed and not licensed stallions

Here you find the entire stallion collection including stallions for the auction.

Best H2R stallions from video presentation:

No 35 by Bohemian / Apache stands out with type, power, suppleness and stallion look. He look like a pure championg.

No 42 by Dream Boy / Fürstenball - with supple young body.

No 66 by Taurus / Floriscount - out of same dam as World Champion Danciero (Anna Kasprzak 🇩🇰)

No 69 by Total Hope / Licotus - medium sized stallion with lovely supple and powerful movements.

No 72 by Va Bene / Dante Weltino - big framed, with good stallion expression and supple natural movements.

No 81 by Vivino / Sandro Hit - nice natural closed frame, uphill, supple mover.