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New Partnership in Online Marketing (OLD & HORSE24)

Press release

The Oldenburger Pferde-Vermarktungs GmbH is pleased to announce its latest partnership with HORSE24, the leading digital platform for international online auctions characterized by advanced technologies and promising future potential.

The Oldenburger Pferde-Vermarktungs GmbH has chosen to join forces with HORSE24 to optimize opportunities in the digital age. HORSE24 is one of the most advanced digital platforms for the international auction market. This collaboration allows the Oldenburger Pferde-Vermarktungs GmbH to further enhance its offering and elevate the marketing of Oldenburg horses and foals to a new level.

HORSE24 offers a wide range of features benefiting both buyers and sellers. The platform enables a straightforward and secure marketing of horses, supported by innovations such as virtual viewings, detailed pedigrees, and transparent transactions.

The Oldenburger Pferde-Vermarktungs GmbH is looking forward to shaping the future of horse trading in collaboration with HORSE24, contributing to the industry's advancement through this partnership. This strong alliance not only promises synergies but also an improved service quality for our customers.

HighSand Horses klar med debut til hingstekåring i Herning

Eva Nabi ejer af HighSand Horses - foto: H2R

HighSand Horses

Nærmest nystartet, med ældste årgang som i år bliver 4 år, og nu klar med hjemmeavlet hingst til kåring i Herning. Den komet-succes er der ikke mange som kan efterligne, men ikke desdo mindre er det fakta for Eva Nabi som står bag stutteriet HighSand Horses, der er beliggende i det smukke bakkede tærræn i Hørsholm på Sjælland.

Og nu med HighSand One in a Million udtaget til kåringen, men allerede tilbage i 2022 valgte Eva at fremvise to føl med henblik på udtagelsen til Blue Hors auktionen, og her fik HighSand Horses to føl udtaget (ud af ialt 20 føl udtaget til auktionen). Begge føl HighSand Zackmann og HighSand Zackton blev solgt til grand prix ryttere.

Så med succesen i 2022 havde Eva fået blod på tanden og var klar med lidt større setup for 2023. Tre føl og to 2-års var med til skuer, og alle 5/5 heste gik i finalen og tre blev udtaget til Eliteskuet. Til Eliteskuet blev en 2 års spring hoppe udtaget til finalen som en ud af fire. Herudover fik stutteriet kåret to hopper i RDH.

Undervejs i den korte avlerkarriere har Eva været aktiv for at tilegne sig ny viden, og etablere netværk. Tidligt møde Eva Nabi også Lotte og Lars Meldgaard, Stald Skovvang, som idag er blevet bedste venner og sparringspartnere. Eva´s avlshopper står hos Lotte og Lars, og når det er følsæson, er Eva på pletten til folingerne, da Lotte og Lars indtil videre har haft helt styr på, hvornår det sker.

Hingsten Highsand One in a Million er klar til kåring

Interessen og kærligheden til heste har Eva altid haft, siden hun som ganske lille pige blev introduceret til heste og Dansk Varmblod gennem forældrenes gode venner, Lis og Flemming Jensen, som dengang var Dansk Varmblod avlere. Drømmen siden dengang, om selv at avle, blev dog først igangsat med familiens køb af en hesteejendom i 2020.

Med ejendommen på Gammel Holtevej var Eva´s bankende hestehjerte vakt til live igen, og jagten på et par gode avlshopper blev sat ind. Det bragte bl.a. Eva omkring Ib Kirk og hans svigerfar Jens Christian Krabbe, og her faldt Eva ved første øjekast for hoppen Svalegårds Hope e. Blue Hors Hotline / Lauries Crusador xx, men der skulle gå flere besøg, før det lykkedes Eva at få lov til at købe hoppen. Og man var efterhånden kommet så langt hen på sæsonen, at ifolingen allerede var klaret. Resultatet er klar imorgen til førstedagen til DV´s hingstekåring i Herning, nemlig HighSand One in a Million e. Duke.

Hingsten har lige fra første dag som nyfødt føl været noget helt særligt, fortæller Eva. Alligevel er vejen jo super lang og for hende også fuldstændig ukendt farvand.

Klargøring frem mod forbesigtigelse var lagt i hænderne på Sophie og Jan fra Noagaard, og det resulterede som tidligere nævnt nu også en billet til hingstekåringen, så derfor er One in a Million selvfølgelig lige om lidt klar med teamet fra Noagaard til Herning. Et samarbejde som Eva sprang ind i uden rigtig at kende Jan og Sophie, men alene via anbefalinger valgte at sætte den dengang unge hingst i træning med henblik på fremstilling til forbesigtigelse. Et samabejde som Eva sætter meget stor pris på, idet hun hele vejen har været med på sidelinien, samtidig med at hun har erfaret at ordentlighed og arbejde på hestenes præmisser skinner igennem fra hele Noagaard teamet.

Horsemanship og miljøtræning

For Eva Nabi er hesteavlen ikke bare at vente på den næste unghoppe til kåring, eller den næste ridehest er klar, det er hele processen fra første håndtering af føllene frem mod arbejdet med de unge heste i forberedelsen til livet som rideheste.

Helt lavpraktisk har Eva valgt at tage den del, der hedder miljøtræning med i udviklingen af hver enkelt hest. Det betyder så også, at føllene, når de er taget fra, lærer en masse basisting. Eva og Dee, en dedikeret ung hollandsk pige der fungere som Eva´s højre hånd, lærer også i den proces rigtig meget om temperamentet på de unge føl. For Dee er delen med miljøtræningen og horsemanship det hun brænder for med hestene, og det betyder, at Eva og Dee tre gange om ugen har alle de unge heste i hænder. Og som Eva siger, man mærker så tydeligt fra uge til uge, hvordan de udvikler sig når de bliver stillet overfor nye ting og udfordringer. Med Dee´s passion og håndtering af de unge heste, har Eva valgt at give hende de muligheder, som hun ønsker i forhold til kurser, træning og læring. Hun er derfor også en naturlig del af Team Noagaard, når turen går til Herning.

Stalden hos HighSand Horses rummer 11 bokse - foto: H2R

Avl og resultater

Høje Sandbjerg, hvor stutteriet er beliggende, er et af sjællands mest kuperede landskaber, så naturlig muskelopbygning for udvikling af stærke led og sener samt masser af balance hos de unge heste, er med til at give det rette afsæt til resten af hestelivet. De unge heste går i turnus og kommer derfor også i perioder på stald bl.a. for håndtering. Med ejendommen, der stadig er under opbygning, er planerne bl.a. er endnu en stald, så er der masser udfordringer med store maskiner og larm, som også kan være med til at udvikle de unge heste.

  • HighSand Boss Man e. Jovian (finale føl reg 1, 8.5 i helhed, 5x8.5, bl.a. i helhed, 8 i skridt og 8,5 i både trav og galop)

  • HighSand Boss Lady e. Jovian (finaleføl, reg 2, Eliteskue føl, 8 i helhed, 8,5 type og rammer, 3x8 for gangarter) (H2R favorit hoppeføl til Eliteskuet)

  • HighSand Birdie (finaleføl reg 1, med 8.5 i helhed og 8,5 i både trav og galop)

  • HighSand Rose Rebel e.Janeiro Platinum/Sandro King/Stravinsky xx, finale 2 års reg 2, udtaget til Eliteskuet

  • HighSand Frozen La'Be (SPRING, finale 2 års, reg 3, eliteskue og i finalen til eliteskuet som 1 ud af 4)

Kåret 2 RDH Hopper:

  • HighSand Sweet Spot e. Janeiro Platinum/Sandro King/Stravinsky xx samt Erina GLN (springhoppe)

Aktuelle HighSand avlshopper

Svalegaards Hope e. Hotline/Lauries Crusader xx/Tannenberg

Avlet i tyskland af Wilhelm Schwierking og købt på auktion af Krabbe. Bror statspræmiehingst Ducati25, søster årets hoppe på Herwart von der Decken-Schau.


  • 2019 ikke HighSand avler: Svalegårds Florisstar

  • 2021 HighSand One In A Million e. Duke (udtaget til Herning)

  • 2022 HighSand Zackson e. Blue Hors Zackorado - solgt på Blue Hors auktion

  • 2023 HighSand Boss Mann e. Jovian

  • 2024 venter Glamourdale føl

Green Hopes Legacy e. Fürstenball/Lauries Crusador xx/Wittinger


  • 2021 HighSand Zacklan (solgt til rytter)

  • 2022 HighSand Zackmann e. Blue Hors Zackorado - solgt på Blue Hors auktion

  • 2023 HighSand Boss Lady e. Jovian

  • 2024 venter Glamourdale føl

Zalza Havdal e. Blue Hors Zatchmo/Tailormade Temptation/Blue Hors Romanov


  • 2021 Highsand Blazing Buff e. Iron

  • 2022 HighSand Icona e. Iron

  • 2023 HighSand Birdie

  • 2024 venter Åtoftens Springtime føl

Ny hoppe i avlen 2024 på stutteriet er den 3 års HighSand Rose Rebel e. Janeiro Platinum/Sandro King/Stravinsky xx som også forventes stillet til kåring (2 års gik i finalen og til eliteskuet).

H2R takker for en spændende dag hos HighSand Horses med dejlige ungheste, hvor det er skønt at opleve horsemanship og miljøtræning som en naturlig del af avlsarbejdet.

Nu venter nogle rigtig spændende dage i Herning, hvor Eva er klar fra første parket sammen med en god veninde.

Chestnut stallions highlights from Westphalian live stallion show Sunday in Münster-Handorf

Huge list of stallions for yesterday´s stallion show in Münster-Handorf with just three stallions in top from H2R point of view.

All three stallions can be found at the archive on Clipmyhorse.

Vet status

For the breeders it would be very useable to get to know the vetenarian status before using a stallion.

KWPN and Danish Warmblood are as far as H2R is informed the breeding societies with the highest level for their vetenarian approval for the breeding stallions.

At the presentation of the stallion Val d´Aran it was mentioned that the vet report was avialable at the website. This was absolutely new and super valueable information.

The costs of breeding and raising the foals has increased significantly over the recent years. One way to try to eliminate the costs is to make it visible for the breeders to make their own choice whether using a stallion with some vet issues or not. Today there´s no official way for the breeders to check the vet status before using a stallion.

A suggestion for WBFSH:

aN online register showing the vet status for each approved stallion.

CDI4 Grand Prix Special with percentage similarity in the top

Jagerbomb & Becky Moody - (screenshot Clipmyhorse)

Dorothee Schneider with Dayman and Becky Moody with Jagerbomb with equal percentage

From watching both tests there were absolute no doubt about the winner eventhough Becky and Jagerbomb had a mistake for the one times at the diagonal. Everything was just better than for Dorothee with Dayman, unfortunately not reflected at the scores from the entire judging team today. Judge a C, German Ulrike Nivelle was spot with her placements as she had 1 Jagerbomb, 2 Dante Weltino, 3 Gotilas de Feuillard and 4 Dayman. French judge Alban Tissot also saw Jagerbomb and Moody in winner position.

Becky and Jagerbomb are trained by Carl Hester.

Same percentage

The international rule says the highest total median score of the judges will decide the placing. The median score is the score in the middle, the scores need to be put in ascending numerical order.

Dayman scores: 73,085 - 73,936 - 74,574 - 75,638 - 75,745

Jagerbom scores: 74,043 - 74,362 - 74,362 - 74,894 - 75,319

Balance and harmony pure

When a combination as Becky Moody and Jagerbomb is able to show at highest level with power, balance, expression, suppleness and in a picture perfect frame and contact like today it is pure harmony, also with a mistake and of course still room for improvement.

From H2R point of view this is the way dressage is gonna be presented in 2024.

Here below from running comments from H2R during the tests.

Jagerbomb & Becky Moody - Good halt, power expressive diagonal, lovely frame, nice flow and go good crossing half pass left, sharp into passage at C, nice passage developed from hind, good power extension, good passage, tiny unbalance into half pass right good flow, nice into passage at C, good passage, power extension, back on hind legs transition, good relaxation for extended walk with good over track, good collected walk clear rhtyhm, easy into active piaffe, good out, nice passage, easy into, again good piaffe with tiny tension out, good into canter, nice half passes with flow and go, super contact!, FORWARD UPHILL 2 times, error end of 1 times, full risk extended canter, super 1st pirouette, nice 1 times, super 2nd pirouette with quality, nice into trot, super extension with longer frame, super passage, easy sit into piaffe, easy out clear transition, nice passage, super halt - LOOK LIKE A WINNER PERFORMANCE! 74,596% - same score as Dorothee Schneider.

Dayman & Dorothee Schneider - Good halt, good diagonal bit looking at final, lack more bend for half pass left, good into passage at C, good passage, good extension, good back to passage, bit unbalanced half pass right tensions, good into passage at C, good extension, tiny against the hand for transition to passage, good extended walk best relaxation 2nd half, good collected walk, becomes very short in the neck for 1st piaffe, good out, good passage, nice sit and balance 2nd piaffe, good out, nice passage, good into canter, good half passes missing more bend bit looking, good 2 times bit high neck, error end 1 times parallel hind, good extension but could show more open frame, nice 1st pirouette, good 1 times, big 2nd pirouette, good into trot, good long side missing bit more expression, easy passage with easy transitions, super sit and bouncy piaffe, super halt.

Dante Weltino OLD & Therese Nilshagen - Super halt, power extension, nice go and reach for half pass left, good into passage at C, power extension, small unbalance into passage, good passage, nice swing and bend uphill half pass right, good into passage at C, power long side, tiny quicker for some moment in right hind for passage, good walk tour, easy into piaffe, lack bit more activity, good out, easy into 2nd piaffe, good piaffe, good out, nice into canter, good half passes, bit mix up with one times for 2 times serie, good 1 times, power extended canter uphill super back for change, good 1st pirouette, nice 1 times, lack bit more control 2nd pirouette becomes bit turn, good into trot, full power extension, good passage, nice into piaffe, missing bit energy for piaffe, good out, super halt.

Link for detailed results.

Dante Weltino OLD and Therese Nilshagen winner of CDI4 Grand Prix in Lier

Dante Weltino OLD & Therese Nilshagen - photo: DLZ

Top performance = top management

17 year old stallion Dante Weltino OLD and Therese Nilshagen did not leave anything for the competitors. Powerful, expressive with accuracy for today´s victory. Dante and Therese has been successful at the international scene at Grand Prix level for 8 years now. Impressive horsemanship keeping the now 17 year old stallion super fit and happy. Dante and Therese getting ready for the Olympics. 73,848%

Dayman and Dorothee Schneider made their international debut together last summer and today they showed a very solid performance without any weaknesses. Overall well balanced for the trot tour, strong piaffe and passage tours, very good walk tour and solid canter tour. Dorothee will for sure try to go for an Olympic ticket. 73,522%

10 year old Dante Weltino son Jagerbomb and Becky Moody brings themselves into a very attractive position in this Olympic year with another strong performance. This is first time they compete outside Great Britain as all their experience has been on home soil since their Grand Prix debut back in Hickstead May 2023. Overall good flow and go in a nice steady frame with a light contact, nice supple half passes, good power for extension, nice regularity for passage and the piaffe shows some really nice tendency eventhough you could wish for a bit more of the ground steps and more at the spot as they still travels a bit forward, but the regularity still counts compared to some fancy unbalanced steps, strong series, bit unbalanced zigzag and good quality for pirouettes. 72,542%

Hard work pays off

11 yr old gelding Invictus by Jack Sparrow / Voice with Hans Peter Minderhoud showed a good Grand Prix performance scoring 69,543%. It has been more than a challenge for Hans Peter to show Invictus without tensions. When watching them over time you were not in doubt about the qualities but whether it ever would succeed over time was difficult to see from the distance. The experience from Hans Peter Minderhoud now starting to pay off as Invictus shows that they have come far in their partnership in the arena. Still with tensions but Hans Peter look as if he more or less knows what will come and you clearly get the impression of the top qualities from Invictus.

Here you find all details from the class.

Super exciting huge CDI3 Grand Prix in Lier yesterday

Podium in Grand Prix - Alive and Kicking & Charlotte Dujardin, Nespresso & Lottie Fry and Jovian & Patrik Kittel

41 combinations at the start list for CDI3 Grand Prix in Lier

It´s always super interesting when the top riders brings new horses for the international scene.

Yesterday with Charlotte Dujardin showing her 10 year old mare Alive and Kicking by All at Once / Fürst Piccolo. It was just their 2nd ever Grand Prix together, first international and first time competing abroad. Super cool for the prize giving standing with long reins and enjoying the atmosphere.

Overall a light and easy test where Dujardin gives the young mare confidence throughout the entire test. Highlights for the passage and canter tour and only major hiccup was at the final centerline pretty much without transition into and out of the piaffe, unfortunately only one of the judges with the correct mark!

Lottie Fry and the beautiful 15 year old stallion Nespresso by Negro/ Tenerife VDL makes a really nice partnership. Lots of quality throughout the performance where a few minor adjustments for the halt with rein back and the pirouettes will easily bring them into the +75%. Strong passage, super transitions, good piaffe and super series.

Another new partnership at the international scene yesterday was 10 year old stallion Jovian by Apache / Tango with Patrik Kittel in the saddle. Most of the dressage world have seen a top moment from the training lately posted on Instragram, and this just proves that it is not that easy bringing in the best from the training into the competition. Kittel is quite a master of taking over the reins of a successful horse and together with Jovian he showed a super solid performance with highlights from the start trending 81%. When making the passage less powerful it also becomes less expressive and the transitions including the piaffe tours lacking more balance and clear rhythm. The overall impression from the canter tour is super solid work but Jovian missing to be more on the hind quaters for the series, zigzag and pirouettes. Super exciting new partnership to keep an eye on.

Here you find the entire results from the CDI3 GP.

Schedule and entries for CDI1, CDI3 & CDI5 Herning next week

Arena M - Herning. Photo H2R

CDI5 Herning will be the first head to head “test” for the best Danish combinations, even though Nanna Merrald will not compete Blue Hors Zepter but as planned bringing Blue Hors Don Olymbrio for the CDI5. At the same time Nanna is telling that Zepter is back in traning after sustaining a hoof abscess right before take off for last weekends World Cup in Gothenburg.

CDI3 Herning where Nanna Merrald brings Blue Hors Znickers for his international debut like also Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour is ready for international debut with Vividus QRE. CDI3 Herning will also be senior debut for both U25 riders Sophia Obel with Foldagers Chablis and Sophia Ludvigsen with Blue Hors Quintana.

CDI1 Herning with Anna Kasprzak and her Young Horse World Champion Danciero are ready for international small tour debut, like also the fairly new partnership between Sophia Obel and Highfive Fuglsang are ready for international debut. Also Johanne Amby Ubbesen and Møgelvang Ferrari are ready for international small tour debut.

Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein og Blue Hors Fifty Cent are for their 2nd international small tour start as they made their debut last autumn in Hagen, Germany.

CDI1 Schedule:

(arena M - live stream at Clipmyhorse including Danish commentary)

  • Thursday at 8.00 - Prix St. Georg

  • Friday at 10.30 - Intermediaire I

CDI3 Schedule:

(arena M - live stream at Clipmyhorse including Danish commentary)

  • Thursday at 19.45 - Grand Prix

  • Saturday at 10.30 - Grand Prix Special

CDI5 Schedule:

(Boxen arena - live stream at Clipmyhorse will only be available outside Denmark, but will be available after the class at the archive on Clipmyhorse - including Danish commentary)

  • Friday at 15.15 - Grand Prix

  • Saturday at 15.30 - Grand Prix Special

A big moment for Michiels and Intermezzo in Gothenburg

Belgium’s Domien Michiels couldn’t hide his delight when winning today’s penultimate leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2023/2024 Western European League series in Gothenburg, Sweden with his 16-year-old gelding Intermezzo van het Meerdaalhof.

The pair have extensive experience together having flown their country’s flag at the Tokyo Olympics Games in 2021, the World Championship in 2022 and the last two European Championships. But in their long partnership they never posted a major international victory - until today.

"It is my first big international win so it is very special! This horse is also the first I rode at Grand Prix level. I have him since he was four so this is a very special day, the highlight of my career!"

Domien Michiels BEL

said the 40-year-old athlete who is based in the centre of Belgium.

In yesterday’s Grand Prix he finished second behind Swedish winner Maria von Essen with Invoice. Today however the host-nation pair had to to settle for runner-up spot, while Spain’s Borja Carrascosa and Sir Hubert NRW lined up in third ahead of another Belgian duo, Alexa Fairchild with Mala Skala’s Hermes, in fourth place.


Michiels took the lead when fifth-last to go of the nine starters, his score of 78.300 leaving him well clear of the rest of the field following a test that demonstrated the firm partnership he has established with the horse he calls Inter. Their ability to transition so smoothly and quietly from extended canter to balanced pirouette epitomised the mutual understanding that underpinned their lovely performance. 

Von Essen was next to go, and in only their fifth international Grand Prix together her 12-year-old gelding showed great lift in piaffe/passage for a score of 76.200, while in their fourth outing in the Western European League this season Carrascosa and Sir Hubert put 75.630 on the board. 

The Spanish rider was clearly well pleased, smiling broadly as he landed his final halt. And he had plenty more to smile about when he realised his third-place finish had rocketed him all the way from fourteenth place to eighth on the League table from which the top nine will qualify for the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2024 Final in April.

“If I can go to the Final I am ready!”, he said. “I’ve been living in Germany for 13 years and it has been a big chance for me to be at the middle of the top sport. I miss the nice weather of Spain but it was a good decision for my riding career!”, he added.

Runner-up Von Essen had plenty to feel good about too. “I am very happy with my horse. It is only his second season at the top level and he needs time. I am happy how he is behaving and he is getting better and better. We both really like the Freestyle because it’s so much fun to ride!”, she said.

Happiest athlete

But the happiest athlete of all was the winner Michiels whose personal-best score with Inter today is such a career highlight. He said this evening that this result is all due to the connection he has with the horse he has known for such a long time. 

“It goes back to when he was four years old when I tried him out. I felt something special in him then and I thought I could do a lot with him, I believed in him”, he explained. “He wasn’t a big mover but sometimes you just have a special connection. A lot of unexpected things happened like the Tokyo Olympic Games, the Europeans as well. Everything has happened really fast, but the partnership is what is so important. We understand each other, and I trust him as well. 

"Today he was a bit afraid when he came into the arena because it is really big and the sound of all the people was so great, but he trusted me in that moment and we went in and I knew he would do everything for me. That’s what it is all about!"

Domien Michiels BEL

said the rider who runs a busy breeding, training and competition stable. 

He enjoys seeing horses through their entire career. “I like to see how young horses develop from a foal hopefully all the way to Grand Prix level. I like to see the evolution of a horse and to build a bond together with the horse and then see what happens in the future with them”, he explained.

His ambition now is another Olympic one. His plan for Intermezzo is to give him a good rest, “he deserves it after today!” - and then to try for a spot on the Belgian team in Paris this summer.

“That’s the target and if it happens it happens but I’m not going to put any pressure on him. If it doesn’t work out then we will just go together to some nice competitions, but this one now is my favourite - Gothenburg, Sweden is just perfect!”, he said tonight.

The eleventh and last leg of the Western European League series will take place in two weeks’ time in ’s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, so don’t miss a hoofbeat…..



Huge entry lists and program for CDI3 and CDI4 next week in Lier, Belgium

Charlotte Fry (GBR) - Inclusive CDI Lier 2023 © DigiShots

International CDI3 debut for among other Charlotte Dujardin & Alive and Kicking, Jovian & Patrik Kittel, Vainqueur & Dorothee Schneider, Quaterhit & Stefanie Brieussel and Fortunity S & Nuno Palma E Santos.


CDI Lier welcomes World Champions

14 februari 2024/in 2024/door Belgium Dressage Events

With less than two weeks to go, the field of participants for the seventh edition of CDI Lier is known. A veritable invasion of world champions will travel to Azelhof Equestrian Center in Lier. From Tuesday, February 27 to Sunday, March 3, not only will these top combinations be enjoying themselves, but Kyra Kyrklund will also treat the public to two interesting clinics.

With reigning world champion Charlotty Fry and former world and Olympic champion Charlotte Dujardin, among others, the field of participants leaves nothing to be desired. In addition, two-fold world champion of the World Championship for Young Horses, Jovian, is making his international Grand Prix debut under Patrik Kittel. This has been eagerly awaited since the announcement of the rider change.

Belgian youth champions at the start
The youth is again welcome at CDI Lier this year. There will be classes for the international Pony, Children, Juniors, Young Riders and U25 combinations. They get a great opportunity to ride in the international spotlight and prepare for the youth European Championships this summer. Almost all reigning Belgian youth champions will appear at the start.

Biggest Indoor dressage competition of the world
“I am very pleased with the large number of starts. Looking at the number of starts in the 3* and 4* Grand Prix, we can even call ourselves the biggest indoor dressage competition in the world. A total of 220 horses are coming and we even have a waiting list”, Chairman Wim Verwimp enthused. “CDI Lier is important for many riders leading up to the Paris Olympics this summer and it’s fantastic to see more and more bigger names coming to the start of CDI Lier. This is definitely going to make for great sport, both for the competitors and for the public who are of course very welcome.”

British Olympic team present
Jovian and Patrik Kittel, who appear at the start of the 3*-Grand Prix Tour, will have competition from Charlotte Fry and Nespresso, Charlotte Durjadin and Alive and Kicking and Richard Davidson and Interno, with whom almost the entire British Olympic team will travel to CDI Lier. Other big names competing include Germany’s Dorothee Schneider, Australia’s Kirsty Oatley, France’s Morgan Barbançon, the Dutch Hans Peter Minderhoud and Sweden’s Juliëtte Ramel and Therese Nilshagen, as well as reigning Belgian champion Larissa Pauluis. In total, participants from 20 countries will compete.

Dressage clinics with Kyra Kyrklund
On Thursday afternoon and Sunday afternoon, none other than Kyra Kyrklund will be coming to provide an interesting dressage clinic. This Olympic dressage legend will give some of her valuable insights to all dressage fans in Lier.



24.000 euro top price 3 yr old mare by So Perfect / Dimaggio at NRW Youngster Online auction

With head number 3, Soranja trotted to the top of the price range. The daughter of So Perfect/Dimaggio (breeder and exhibitor: Frank Moormann, Wettrup) is based on a highly interesting and successful dam line. The coveted sire, Bundeschampion and Vice World Champion Secret comes from this line. Also the licensed and Grand Prix successful Kennedy son Konsequent is a descendent from this direct dam line. Even before the all-important BidUp, the mare's popularity became well known. Customers from Germany and Spain fought till the end. The last bid was placed by Germans for 24,000 euros. 15,000 euros was what customers paid for head number 8 Gentleman. The son of world champion Glamourdale particularly impressed customers from Ireland and Sweden. In the end, the Irish had the longest breath in this bidding duel. The stunning black stallion, who was bred and exhibited by Thomas Biehn, Lippstadt, out of the Verb.Pr.St. Sweet Princess by Sunday, will travel to the green Isle for the hammer price of 15,000 euro. /Part of press release.

Doha, Qatar comes up next weekend 22 - 24 February

Favourites for next weekends CDI5 event at Doha, Qatar are Total Hope OLD with Isabel Freese, but also Malagueño with Jose Daniel Martin Dockx, Morgan Barbancon with Habana Libre and the new combination Quentano with Henri Ruoste will be at the top.

Nabab and Justina Vanagaite are back after a well deserved winter break.

The Grand Prix will be Friday and both Grand Prix Special and Grand Prix freestyle will be Saturday. The total price money is 150.000 euro.


Scholtens wins tight contest at Neumünster

Partnering the 11-year-old stallion Indian Rock, The Netherlands’ Emmelie Scholtens clinched victory at the ninth leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2023/2024 Western European League in Neumünster, Germany today.

Already under the spotlight after topping yesterday’s closely-contested Grand Prix, the Dutch pair were awarded the winning mark once again today by judges Ulrike Nivelle (GBR), Clive Halsall (DEN), Hans-Christian Matthiesen (NED), Maarten ver der Heijden (GER) and Henning Lehrmann (GER) with less than 2.5 percent separating the top four this time around.

Their Freestyle score of 81.565 gave Scholtens the edge over Sweden’s Patrik Kittel and Forever Young HRH, while German riders filled the next three places, Matthias Alexander Rath (Destacado FRH) clinching third ahead of Bianca Nowag-Aulenbrock (Florine OLD) in fourth and Raphael Netz (Great Escape Camelot) in fifth place. Belgium’s Larissa Pauluis (Flambeau) finished sixth of the 15 starters.

For Scholtens, her win today with the horse she competed at the World Championships in Herning (DEN) in 2022 and at last summer’s European Championship in Riesenbeck (GER) was particularly special. 

"I know Indian Rock since he was three years old, I started everything with him, his whole education all the way to Grand Prix and he’s special to me because I rode his father (Apache) and he reminds me of him!”

Emmelie Scholtens NED

said the 38-year-old rider.


Nowag-Aulenbrock and the imposing chestnut mare Florine OLD set the standard in the first half of the competition with a personal-best score of 79.225, but German compatriot, Rath, went out in front when producing the first over-80% score with Destacado FRH when fifth-last into the ring. 

“It was better than yesterday, he was more on my aids today”, Rath said of the 11-year-old horse who already showed his potential when finishing second as a five-year-old and fourth as a six-year-old at the World Breeding Championship Finals. 

“I know we still have room to improve, but for the test today the plan was in the morning to get together with my trainer Monica Theodorescu and my father, and it was a really nice test”, he said with some satisfaction.

However his score of 80.425 was overtaken by the next pair into the arena, Patrik Kittel sweeping into the lead when earning 81.145 for a test filled with pleasing passage and accompanied by a musical score that had the audience’s toes tapping. Playing to the crowd is what this Swedish performer has always been about, but even this three-time Olympian was very aware of how intimate the Neumünster arena is. 

“Obviously it’s not so easy to ride when the audience is so very close here, and they are very enthusiastic which I really love! We do this to make people enjoy it, to see the harmony between the rider and horse and when people come and show their appreciation we love that. Every rider says we ride better when the audience are with us!”, he pointed out.

Despite the challenges of the arena’s dimensions, Kittel has a special relationship with the Holstenhallen. 

"Neumünster was my first home when I came to Germany and this was one of the first shows I ever attended so it’s quite cool to many years later sit here"

Patrik Kittel SWE

he explained. 

Talking about his test he said, “I had a rider-pilot mistake in the changes today which I quickly corrected but otherwise it was really good and I think the music is really cool, it’s a bit different. For me it’s about just keep riding, have fun and just enjoy being here!” 

Steal his thunder

But Scholtens would steal his thunder when, despite a nervous moment when entering the arena to a wall of sound, Indian Rock earned the biggest score of the day when next to go.

“He was a little bit scared because of the prize-giving from yesterday but he is such a brave horse - I said it’s fine, you can go in!”, she explained after putting 81.565 on the board. 

“He’s a fun horse to go to shows with because he’s easy and he feels he wants to give his all. He has the best character, he’s a stallion but he is so sweet. He’s special to me because of his father also, but it’s about every day how he is when you are with him”.

With Indian Rock’s sire, Apache, Scholtens finished eighth at the FEI Dressage World Cup™ Final in Gothenburg, Sweden in 2019. Following today’s result she finds herself well within reach of a qualifying place for the 2024 Final, so that has presented her with an interesting question. 

“I didn’t think before about going to the Final but I’m considering it now!”, she said. But of course the decision isn’t just hers. “He feels like my horse but he’s not my horse so I have to discuss with the owners and to be honest it’s also an exciting year this year because of the Olympics so I also have to watch out that everything isn’t too much for him. We have to figure out what is best”, she explained.

One way or another however she will definitely compete at the final leg of the Western European League on home soil at ’s-Hertogenbosch (NED) in three weeks’ time.


Kittel also plans to go to the Dutch fixture and the man who has been the longtime leader on the League table is already thinking ahead to his trip to the series Final.

“I have luckily now three horses qualified which is a big honour for me. I will take Bonamour to Den Bosch and after that I will have a talk to our Swedish team coach and everyone involved and see if and when and how we do Riyadh”, he said.

And Germany’s Rath also has Riyadh in his sights. Today’s result has rocketed him up to second place on the League table so he is comfortably qualified.

"The plan was with Destacado was to do the World Cup season and to go to the Final. Now with 69 points we are safe and we can plan for the Final and that’s really cool. It would be the second World Cup Final for me and I’m really looking forward to it!"

Matthias Alexander Rath GER

he said.

Meanwhile when it comes to celebrating her victory today, Scholtens said that would be happening on her six-hour drive home to Holland. “It’s a long drive but we often driver further, and when you win then everything feels better!”, she pointed out.

The penultimate leg of the FEI Dressage World Cup™ 2023/2024 Western European League will take place next weekend in Gothenburg, Sweden, so don’t miss a hoofbeat….



Podcast med Cathrine “Der er et OL til sommer”

Stadion ved Versailles slottet som danner rammen om sommerens OL.

Lyt med og kom i OL stemning sammen med tidligere OL svømmer Sarah Bro som er vært i Podcasten “Øjeblikket”. Sarah snakker med Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour om drømmen om det første OL i 2016 i Rio og “corona” OL i Tokyo i 2021, og nu med OL i Paris som sommerens mål.

‘Øjeblikket’ er en podcast fra Danske Spil i samarbejde med Heartbeats.

Der er nogle afgørende øjeblikke i enhver stor sportskarriere, hvad enten det er skuffelser eller sejre. Hvad enten det sker ved det første stævne eller den sidste store slutrunde. Det er de momenter, der alle er med til at skabe en topatlet.

Sarah Bro besøger en række af Danmarks bedste idrætsprofiler på deres egen hjemmebane og prøver selv sporten på egen krop. Her fortæller atleterne om de mange timer, de har slidt, og hvordan deres bagland har båret dem frem mod toppen.

Danske Spil sender hvert år overskuddet fra lotterierne direkte til udlodningsmidlerne, og sidste år var der mere end 1,5 mia. kr. til idræts-, kultur- og foreningslivet i Danmark. Overskuddet fra de øvrige selskaber går tilbage til staten – til gavn for os alle.

VIDEO TOP 3 - 2nd place at international Grand Prix debut for Danish combination Lumiere & Anna Zibrandtsen

Lumiere & Anna Zibrandtsen from today´s prizegiving in Polen - photo: private

Both winner and 2nd placed made their international debut today

Lithuanian Sandra Sysojeva (riding for Polen) and her just 8 yr old mare Maxima Bella by Millenium / Competent made their international debut today winning the CDI3 Grand Prix in Kalen, Polen. A well moving and very talented young mare with a lot of natural go and of the ground movements, still showing a bit of positive tensions. Only a small error creeping in for the one times with a change with parallel hind. 70,044%.

Another international debut combination was Danish Anna Zibrandtsen with her 10 year old gelding Lumiere by Floricello / Gigolo they finished 2nd 69.956%. Super expressive and well balanced for the entire trot tour, with power for extensions and supple half passes, the transitions into the first two piaffe tours becomes a bit insecure while the final piaffe tour at the centerline was with much better flow into the piaffe. Expressive passage with super elevation and good balance. Transition to canter becomes bit unbalnced, but for the rest a well performed canter tour with super nice line of two times, huge jump through the body, straight and nicely placed at full diagonal only scored 8,0 - 7,5 - 7,0 - 7,0 - 7,5! For the entire test super steady and light contact.

Anna was pleased about her performance with Lumiere today. “I had a really nice feeling in there, for the transitions passage/piaffe/passage we still need to bring the timing from the warm up, and our pirouettes has clearly improved. He is a very happy and positive horse, so I feel very confident as we just need some more experience in the test together.”

Videos of top 3 (captured by