With a very nice Grand Prix performance from Werth and Wendy the expectation for the performance in the Grand Prix Special were obviously at same level. The Grand Prix was for sure a clear 77% performance but the Grand Prix Special was another day and another performance and not a 76% performance from H2R point of view.
To substantiate that point of view you can read H2R running comments from each performance here below. Or even better watch the tests at Clipmyhorse archive.
Grand Prix:
Super halt, bit hurried diagonal, nice crossing and flow for both half passes, good halt with rein back, good diagonal, nice into passage, WOW piaffe at the spot balanced, easy transitions, relaxed extended walk, good collected walk, nice into passage, nice passage, 2-3 steps and then balanced is there, easy out, nice passage, nice into canter, looked as if she missed 1st aides for 2 times, nice 2 times, nice extended canter, nice balanced zigzag, nice 1 times good through from hind, good controlled pirouettes, smooth into trot, lack bit more let go diagonal, lovely final centerline.
Grand Prix Special:
Super halt, active diagonal, nice flow and go half pass left uphill, super into passage, good extension nice back to nice passage, nice balance and flow half pass right, passage at C, nice active passage, good extension, nice back, regular passage, relaxed extended walk active, tense collected walk, super piaffe but tense walk steps into, nice out, nice passage, tiny trend forward 2nd piaffe, nice passage, good into canter, well balanced half passes, good 2 times could be bit more forward, error for 1 times, power extended canter, good 1st pirouette, bit big, error 1 times, nice balanced 2nd pirouette, good into trot, good power long side, super final centerline, good halt.
It was two different performances with different qualities and nevertheless nearly same percentage level.
Most of us know the feeling to be prejudiced and of course no one can wipe the board completely clean, but it is important that the athletes and the judges stick to exactly the same regulations and rules.
Exloo Grand Prix and Grand Prix Special
It was also clear when watching the Grand Prix from Exloo that the judges did not agree on what they saw. Like last week in Hagen where also some huge judging disagreements or low scoring came through during the days. It is obvious that everyone has becomes kind of “scared” not to performe correctly.
In the Grand Prix with Edward Gal and Total US scoring from 71,957 to 77,609 and with Hans Peter Minderhoud and Toto Jr. from 67,609 to 76,522%. Today the picture was suddently much more clear as all judges for the two combinations were pretty much in line.
This is not meant as some kind of a “witch hunt” but a call for all parties (riders and judges) to meet and agree to secure fair sport and not least the future of our sport.
The object of Dressage is the development of the Horse into a “Happy Athlete” through harmonious education. As a result, it makes the Horse calm, supple, balanced, loose and flexible, but also confident, attentive and keen, thus achieving perfect understanding with the Athlete. These qualities are demonstrated by:
• The freedom and regularity of the paces.
• The harmony, lightness and ease of the movements.
• The lightness of the forehand and the engagement of the hindquarters, originating from a lively impulsion transmitted through a supple back.
• The acceptance of the bit, with submissiveness/throughness (Durchlässigkeit) without any tension or resistance (e.g. open mouth or swishing tail).
The only thing the sport needs is that the judges are judging what they actually see in the test with a sharp eye at the judging manual and not what they saw from yesterday´s test.