115.000 euros top price at Nordic International Sales tonight

The filly foal Fellini with the unique pedigree achieved a knock-down price of 115,000 euros. Photo credit: Ridehesten. 

The filly foal Fellini with the unique pedigree achieved a knock-down price of 115,000 euros. Photo credit: Ridehesten. 

Press release

The Nordic International Sales set new records

The second Nordic International Sales foal auction presented by Stutteri EVO has set new records with two foals sold for over 100,000 euros and a higher average price and higher turnover than last year

Buyers form Canada, USA, Poland, Germany, Norway and Denmark invested in 19 foals which sold for 763,000 euros at an average price of 40,158 euros.

At last year’s Nordic International Sales the filly Foal Faretti, bred by Henrik Hansen, became the price highlight of the auction. This year Henrik had three foals in the auction, and two of them sold for over 100,000 euros.

The filly foal Fellini with the unique pedigree achieved a knock-down price of 115,000 euros. The filly by Franklin is out of the young mare Souvenir that is a daughter of the only two triple world champions for young horses in history, Sezuan og Fiontini.

The filly foal Faretti II by Franklin/Don Frederico, a fullsister of the price highlight from 2017, sold for 102,000 euros. Both of Henrik Hansen’s fillies sold locally to breeders in Jutland.

The most expensive colt foal, Brix Falcon by Franklin/Fürstenball sold for 80,000 euros to Polish buyers. – We are very satisfied with the auction. The network behind the auction, led by Andreas Helgstrand, is very important for this immense success, says auctioneer Casper Cassøe.

The filly foal Faretti II by Franklin/Don Frederico, a fullsister of the price highlight from 2017, sold for 102,000 euros. Photo credit: Ridehesten. 

The filly foal Faretti II by Franklin/Don Frederico, a fullsister of the price highlight from 2017, sold for 102,000 euros. Photo credit: Ridehesten. 
