Daniel and Zepter in another league
Yesterday it was a WAUW Grand Prix test from Daniel and Zepter, today is was a WOW Grand Prix Special test.
3rd international Grand Prix Special ever, and then scoring 78,128% nearly says everything, and starting the test with a very nice 75% after the entering halt was a good start, and from there Daniel and Zepter just stepped up the scoring and kept the very high level throughout the entire test. Nice balance uphill frame with good crossing for the half passes, super easy transition to passage at the letter, tiny tensions hind for the first small passage tour, but super power for the extensions and passage tours, 4 x 9 for the piaffes! Good transition for canter but a bit high tempo the first meters, but from there full control again. Very strong canter tour, and a top motivated Zepter for the one times at the centerline doing 11 instead of the required 9 - smiling rider.
The overall picture is with a lovely steady contact, well balanced natural forward search and never hind the rider - the picture of correct dressage.
From watching his development and the ease and qualities Zepter is doing the tests with now, he would be H2R´s first choice for Daniel for WEG.
“The art of riding and training a horse in a manner that develops obedience, flexibility, and balance.”
Danish Cathrine Dufour and Bohemian showed a very different test today. Much more focused and relaxed today, and it was obvious that Cathrine would try to show her young talented Bohemian with the best possible outcome. And mission complete - eventhough it was of course a test with a kind of the hand breake on. Individual placement today as no 4 with 72,429%:
3rd Dane was Rikke Svane with Finckenstein TSF, showing a solid test with some minor issues for the trot tour, and for the canter tour a bit of tensions hind where he change hind for a couple of times at straight line. Scoring 68,936%.
Dante Weltino OLD and Therese Nilshagen shows high qualities all the way today, nice power and suppleness, but for sure the series will be even better if Dante Weltino was a bit more uphill in the frame.
Apache and Emmelie Scholtens was dancing in the rain today. This final day of Equitour became more like a normal Danish pre-summer day with grey sky and rain. But it did not seem to distrub the combination and it is nice to see how Apache has grown up and Emmelie is able to show him the best possible way, without him being focused about what´s going on among the other horses.
With today´s Danish performances the podium ended with Swedish Nations Cup victory, Denmark second and The Netherlands at 3rd position.
Move the timeline to about 2:14:00 to watch Zepter and Daniels test.