19.000 euro top price colt by Escaneno/San Amour at HANN Online Auction

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Verden foal spring ended

Verden. The finale of the Verden Foal Spring ended with an average price of 6,183 Euros for the 27 foals on offer. A colt with the promising name Ermelo was the most sought-after offer at 19,000 Euros. The Hannoveraner Verband's attractive auction programme thus comes to a close until next year.

The name of the first foal to open the online auction already gives hope for great things: The Escaneno/San Amour son (breeder and exhibitor: Thomas Heuer, Bienenbüttel) was christened Ermelo. He goes back to the thoroughbred mare Freia xx, who is also at the beginning of the pedigree of the privately owned stallions Cadeau Noir and Finest Ampere. It took ten minutes for a new customer from Schleswig-Holstein to place the 40th and therefore final and decisive bid of 19,000 Euros. Ermelo is going to be something very special: He is a gift to the buyer's wife for her Golden Riding Badge. She achieved all the necessary successes with Hannoveraner horses.