CHIO Aachen 2024: Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale in a class of their own in the Prize of Soers

Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale during their ride to victory in the Prize of Soers. (Photo: CHIO Aachen/Arnd Bronkhorst).

Press release

One must say, the World Champions from Great Britain, Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale, outclassed their fellow competitors in the Prize of Soers, the Grand Prix Spécial of the CDI4* Tour, today.

After her triumph in the Grand Prix, Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale also succeeded in breaking the 80 percent mark in the Grand Prix Spéciale, the Prize of Soers. After scoring 80.107 percent, the two-time World Champion of Herning in 2022 left Isabell Werth with Quantaz (75.0) and Frederic Wandres with Duke of Britain (73.128) trailing behind her in second and third place respectively.

The performance of Fry and Glamourdale was full of wow effects – even if she did make some expensive mistakes in the pirouette to the right. First of all, Glamourdale did a flying change, then he lost his balance in the pirouette. But then Fry had everything under control again. The murmurs of the spectators until then and the compassionate groans when it happened, said it all: It was a performance that didn’t leave anyone cold. “To be honest, that was one of the best feelings that he has ever given me in a test,” beamed Charlotte “Lottie” Fry. She had a plausible explanation for the error: “I was so pleased with my pirouette to the left that I somehow forgot to ride the rest of the centre line. So, it was my own fault. But in the remaining parts of the test he was so focused on me, had so much go and so much fun in there. That was the best feeling I could have wished for before Paris.” Paris – here Fry was referring to the Olympic Games. Fry and Glamourdale have already been nominated for the British team.

Glamourdale has got the rest of the week off. Tomorrow, Charlotte Fry is competing in the Grand Prix Spécial, the MEGGLE-Prize, with her second horse, Especial.

All information about the CHIO Aachen 2024 and all results can be found online here.