BILLETSALGET ÅBNER I MORGEN 1. oktober 2022 kl. 16:00 til Dansk Varmblods Hingstekåring 2023

Billetsalget starter i morgen til Dansk Varmblods Hingstekåring - Nu i nyt format!!

I morgen starter billetsalget til Dansk Varmblods Hingstekåring 2023. Der er nytænkning på programmet, idet, at arrangementet har gennemgået markante ændringer. Programmet er tilpasset publikums besøgsmønstre hvis man har en favorit disciplin, og så har kåringen af hingstene fået et helt nyt og spændende format.

– Folks besøgsmønstre ændrer sig, og vi vil gerne tilpasse os så meget vi kan, og derfor har vi valgt at sætte programmet sammen på en helt ny måde, når vi til næste år afholder Dansk Varmblods Hingstekåring, fortæller Casper Cassøe, som er direktør for DV EVENT A/S.

Følg din favorit-disciplin
Det nye program er skruet sammen, så man lettere kan følge med i den disciplin, som man interesserer sig mest for, mens man selvfølgelig også har mulighed for skiftevis at følge med i de forskellige discipliner, såvel som kåringen af hingstene, hvis det er det, man har lyst til.
Hvis man eksempelvis dykker ned i lørdagens program, kan man som dressurinteresseret starte dagen med Blue Hors Unghestechampionat i Jyske Bank Boxen, hvor testrytter skal ride og bedømme fremtidens stjerner. Herefter kan man se 3-stjernet Grand Prix Special i hal M, hvorefter man kan se den spændende 5-stjernede Grand Prix Kür i Boxen.
Er man derimod mere springinteresseret, kan dagen starte med at overvære den første løsspringning af hingstene i hal M, hvorefter der følger en 150 cm høj Grand Prix i Boxen. Herefter er der mulighed for at se testrytter springe på de bedste heste i Dansk Hesteforsikrings Unghestechampionat i hal E.
I Unghestechampionatet i både dressur og springning gælder det, at Dansk Varmblod netop nu arbejder på at finde kompetente og spændende testryttere, som vil være en oplevelse for publikum at se.

Nyt format for hingstekåringen
En af de store ændringer der er lavet, er i forhold til kåringen af hingstene. Her sikrer det nye program, at spændingen omkring afgørelsen fortsætter helt til søndag. En dag der i år, er gjort endnu mere ud af end tidligere.
– Vi har flyttet løsvisning af dressurhingstene og anden løsspringning af springhingstene til søndag, hvorefter vi har frasorteringen. På den måde bibeholder vi spændingen til søndag. Det betyder også, at hingstekåringsforløbet denne gang er lavet helt om, forklarer Casper.

Hingstekåringen starter onsdag, hvor 3-års hingstene har mulighed for at blive vist under rytter. Torsdag er den dag der minder mest om tidligere, for her kåres de 4-års og ældre dressur- og springhingste fortsat. Fredag eftermiddag byder på longering af de unge hingste i den bedste sendetid, mens lørdag byder på første løsspringning af springhingstene og så afsluttes kåringen først søndag, med løsvisning og afgørelse.

– Vi håber, at det nye program giver flere mulighed for at følge med i det, som de gerne vil, og så kommer vi som altid med fuld fart på alle parametre, så der bliver nok at følge med i. Søndag har vi sat billetprisen væsentligt ned, da vi gerne vil gøre noget ved, at vi har oplevet at interessen for søndag de seneste år har været faldende. Det sammenholdt med et endnu mere spændende søndagsprogram, håber vi betyder, at endnu flere vil være en del af arrangementets sidste dag. Vi glæder os til endnu engang at tage imod publikum til et brag af et arrangement ved Dansk Varmblods Hingstekåring, slutter Casper Cassøe.

Du kan købe dine billetter nu
Det er i morgen, den 1. oktober 2022 kl. 16.00, at billetsalget officielt er startet til Dansk Varmblods Hingstekåring 2023, og du kan derfor allerede i dag sikre dig billetter til de dage og oplevelser, du gerne vil være en del af. Det detaljerede program kan findes på hjemmesiden 

HIghlights 2022

VIDEO - Skyline to B shared winner of preliminary round for 4 year old Swedish Warmblood young horses

4 yr old Skyline to B by Blue Hors St. Schufro / Ampere - photo: Dressurpferde Leistungszentrum Lodbergen

All eyes on Skyline to B with rider and owner Carl Hedin

From the two days stallion test back in February 2022 Skyline to B by Blue Hors St. Schufro / Ampere bred by Maria Rasmusson and owned by Eques Management, Carl Hedin already at that time showed himself with extraordinary qualities and finished 2nd behind San to Alati (new Bundeschampion by Secret / Belissimo M, owned by Bernadette Brune)

Hedin and Skyline are defending Swedish Young Horse champions from 2021 as 3 year old with the impressive total score of 9,02.

A very unfortunate accident for Carl Hedin Sunday with a broken collarbone did not stop him, and today with a super victory with 4 year old Skyline to B and sharing the winner position with Rosebank VH by Revolution/Dalwhinnie, bred and owned by Västra Hoby Stuteri AB. Today´s score for Skyline to B and Carl Hedin was: trot 9 - walk 8.3 - canter 9.4 - suppleness 9 - overall impression 9.2 = total 89.800.

Also the trainer of Carl Hedin, is very enthusiastic about Skyline to B “this is absolutely a World Class horse”, Rune Willum said.

Saturday at 6 pm is Danish international top rider Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour ready to test the best Swedish 4 year old horses.

REMEMBER you can watch the entire event at the archive on Clipmyhorse.

12 finalists ready for the prestigious Nürnberger Burg-Pokal final

The best 7-9 year old horses meets again for the final in Frankfurt from 15 - 18 December.

• Horses & Dreams Hagen a. TW
Susan Pape / Harmony’s V-Plus 74,268 %

• Maimarkt-Turnier Mannheim Mannheim
Andrina Suter / Briatore NRW 76,561 %

• Pferdefestival Redefin Redefin
Juliane Brunkhorst / Elitist 75,975 %

• Pferd International München
Andrina Suter / Del Curto 77,756 %

• Longines Balve Optimum
Dorothee Schneider / Dante`s Hit OLD 76,025 %

• Rheinische Meisterschaften Langenfeld
Heiner Schiergen / Imperato Bonito 72,659 %

• Bettenröder Dressurtage
Marcus Hermes / De Massimo 73,220 %

• Schafhofs Dressurfestival Kronberg/Ts.
Jasmine Sanche-Burger / Deep Purple 74,024 %

• Elmloher Reitertage
Lena Waldmann / Scarlett O’Hara 75,268 %

• Verden International
Janina Tietze / Da Costa 73,220 %

• Dressurturnier Rosenhof Görlitz
Thomas Wagner / Wynton’s Son 75,171 %

 •Internationales Dressurfestival Ludwigsburg
Dorothee Schneider / Quaterline 75,195 %

Final 15 – 18 December 2022 Internationales Festhallen Reitturnier Frankfurt

Embolo - remember the name. Outstanding gelding by Escamillo - Detroit for the running NRW auction

46 dressage horses for the online auction running until 2 October 2 pm

Absolute highlight for this collection is no 2

No 2 - Elegance pure - super supple uphill mover, lovely long front legs, outstanding trot and canter, the walk is good and clear in the rhythm but missing more suppleness over the back and freedom of the shoulder.

No 4 - Expressive light footed very rideable and well balanced young mare, super in the contact. The tranining video shows actually a much better picture of the horse than the promotion video.

No 12 - Impressive supple mover at the presentation video, but still not strong enough to show the same at the live presentation.

No 13 - Lovely natural supple uphill mover in all three gaits - still lacking bit more clear forward search and steady contact, but for sure look like a very interesting prospect for the future.

Here you find the entire collection.

222 young HANN stallions ready for pre-selection from 1 - 5 October

Secret by Sezuan / St. Moritz - photo credit: Lily Forado

A total of 222 colts ready for HANN pre-selection

Again this year the now 8 year old Sezuan / St. Moritz son Secret is at top of the list with most offspring for the upcoming HANN pre-selection with a total of 14 young stallions.

2nd is Bon Courage by Bon Coeur / Vivaldi (born 2016) also from Gestüt VW like Secret, and Bon Courage is represented through 13 offsprings.

Fusionist by Franklin / Ehrentanz I is represented with 11 offsprings.

Here you find the entire list of young stallions for the pre-selections.

55.000 euro top price colt at Dutch Prinsjesdag foal auction

Once again a top price foal this year was sold to Canadian Vicky Lavoie, who already secured herself a big handful of high quality foals from German, Danish and Dutch auctions.

The expressive well moving colt by Mowgli VOD / Diamond Hit was sold at a top price of 55.000 euro.

Other top prices:

Here you find the entire prices.

Dressage Festival with Flair: Ludwigsburg Signals the End of the Outdoor Season


Ludwigsburg — It's all go this week: On Thursday, 22 September the second International Ludwigsburg Dressage Festival gets underway on the picturesque grounds of the lakeside castle of Monrepos in Baden-Württemberg. Visitors can look forward to a star-studded line-up at one of the last outdoor shows in Germany. 

The complete German WEG team, which secured bronze in Herning - Ingrid Klimke (Münster), Isabell Werth (Rheinberg), Benjamin Werndl (Aubenhausen) and Frederic Wandres (Hagen a.T.W.) - have confirmed their attendance. They will be competing against the German Champion Dorothee Schneider (Framersheim) and the Swedish Olympian Patrik Kittel - both have already celebrated victories in the CDI4* Tour at the premiere of the Dressage Festival in 2021. A total of 130 riders from 17 nations will be represented.

Frederic Wandres is also happy to return to Ludwigsburg and he is bringing one of his best horses, Bluetooth OLD. "What a great year in dressage sport lies behind us! From a German point of view, we opened the outdoor season in Hagen a.T.W. in April and now we are finishing it in Ludwigsburg. To be able to ride once more in front of Monrepos castle is a wonderful opportunity and end to the season. The fact that it's going to my homeland, the Ländle, is even better," enthuses the native of Baden-Württemberg.

Offer leaves nothing to be desired

The International Ludwigsburg Dressage Festival offers a wide range of competitions and entertainment that leaves nothing to be desired by participants and spectators. In addition to the international tours up to four-star level, the programme also includes the final qualifications of the Nürnberger BURG-POKAL and Piaff-Förderpreis series for dressage riders up to 25 years of age. From the state's point of view, the competition is particularly relevant because the finals of the Nürnberger BURG-POKAL for juniors and the Pony-Master Baden-Württemberg will be held. Saturday evening will be a highlight for the spectators: there's the Grand Prix Freestyle under floodlight, followed by the exciting DSP Foal Auction, "Her Majesties". Free admission, a catering and children's area and an exhibition all about equestrian sport and lifestyle under the chestnut trees of the estate provide the perfect festival atmosphere for the whole family.

Enthusiasm among the Ludwigsburg audience

The host RFV Ludwigsburg-Monrepos and its members are looking forward to four days of equestrian sport at its best and to the Ludwigsburg audience. The 1st Chairman, Dr. Werner Hildenbrand, speaks for his team: "The flair in Ludwigsburg is unparalleled, there is the closeness to the riders and the personal contact. We are proud to be able to be hosts again and also to inspire curious onlookers, who otherwise have nothing to do with equestrian sport, to become excited about dressage!"

Organiser and Managing Director of Horses and Dreams Entertainment GmbH, Francois Kasselmann, praises the commitment of the 140 helpers and the support of the strong partners of the Dressage Festival: "Even though we are only in our second year, it is already impossible to imagine the international calendar without Ludwigsburg. Something really unique has been created here and from the organisers' point of view we couldn't wish for a more beautiful setting. We wish all participants and guests good luck and enjoyment at this event."

Admission to the International Ludwigsburg Dressage Festival is free. The sporting programme begins on Thursday at 8:00 am with the Intermediaire II, preliminary test in the Piaff Förderpreis. Online portal ClipMyHorse.TV will broadcast all competitions live.

VIDEO - Interview with Lottie Fry during the British Dressage National Championships

Jenny Rudall and Bobby Hayler with Lottie Fry at British Dressage Fan Zone

Quote from Lottie Fry about her World Champion Grand Prix freestyle test with Glamourdale:

“It was just that tiny blip from canter to passage, I just asked for it too early and he was like “the music hasn´t changed why are you telling me to passage?", and then he was, oh now it´s changed, like that was totally me fault, but apart from that, it was just an incredible test to ride.”

Click at the photo here below to watch the entire interview.

De sidste championatsfinalister og mellemrunde deltagere klar fra kvalifikation i Aalborg

Sidste championatskvalifikation i Ålborg i går og idag, og allerede i næste weekend går det løs med mellemrunderne i hhv. VEST - Grindsted Rideklub (lørdag 4 års og 7 år, søndag 5 års og 6 års) og ØST - Heslegård Sportrideklub (lørdag 5 års og 6 års, søndag 4 års og 7 års).

4 års (7,8) Nr. 1 og 2 direkte kvalificeret til finalen

5 års (7,8) Vinderen klar direkte til finalen

6 års (7,8) Vinderen direkte klar til finalen

7 års (7,2) Vinderen direkte klar til finalen