Randbøl Dressage Academy med spændende ny mentor ordning og scolarship mulighed


Det nye Randbøl Dressage Academy med spændende nyt tiltag, hvor den enkelte rytter får en unik mulighed for at udvikle sig sammen med sin hest, samtidig med mulighed for inddragelse af den daglige træner.

Med de fire forskellige mentorer er der samtidig også lagt op til et fællesskab på tværs. “Eleverne” hos de fire mentorer mødes alle til de planlagte træningsdage, og på den måde både får indblik i hinandens træning, erfaringsudveksling og sparring på tværs af de forskellige niveauer.

“Et af målene med mentorordningen er selvfølgelig at kunne udvikle rytterne, men også at bruge fællesskabet til at være nysgerrig på, hvordan man udvider sin personlige værktøjskasse i forhold til egne ambitioner. Vi glæder også rigtig meget til at kunne skyde projektet igang inden årets udgang,” fortæller Mette Obel og Dennis Fisker.


Unik mulighed for supplerende sparring og udvikling, samt et scholarship hos Randbøl Dressage Academy

Randbøl Dressage Academy tilbyder nu eksklusive træninger med et topprofessionelt mentorsetup i smukke omgivelser.

Drømmer du om at udvikle dig selv og din ekvipage, så er her en enestående mulighed for, i samarbejde med din daglige træner, at få sparring og undervisning som et supplement til din daglige træning.

Randbøl Dressage Academy hos Obel og Fisker, har indgået samarbejde med fire af Danmarks mest erfarne undervisere i dressur.

De fire undervisere er:

Nathalie Zu Sayn-Wittgenstein: Tidligere landstræner og mangeårig del af det danske dressurlandshold. Nathalie har deltaget i både DM, EM og OL. Hun har udviklet mange ekvipager og er forfatter til bogen "Digby".

Lisbeth Seierskilde: Ponylandstræner, vandt sit første seniormesterskab i 2011 som 25-årig og deltog ved OL i 2012. Lisbeth har uddannet mange ryttere og heste til internationalt topniveau og driver i dag Jonstrupgård.

Bjarne Nielsen: Tidligere landstræner for den danske ungdomstrup og det norske seniorlandshold. Bjarne er også kendt som tv-kommentator ved store internationale stævner. Han har stor erfaring i bedømmelsen af ungheste, og har været en del af avlsledelsen i Dansk Varmblod gennem 20 år.

Dennis Fisker: En del af Randbøl Dressage Academy og tidligere landstræner for pony- og ungdomsholdet. Dennis har redet Grand Prix, DM, dømt unghestechampionater, og har uddannet mange ryttere, og trænet teams på højt niveau.

Hver af disse undervisere tilbyder 10 mentorpladser, hvilket giver i alt 40 eksklusive pladser.


Hver ekvipage forpligter sig til et års forløb, der inkluderer 10 mentorforløb, hver fordelt over to sammenhængende hverdage. Datoerne for alle 10 mentorforløb fastlægges inden opstart.

Dette forløb er en mulighed for at få sparring og udvikling, sammen med din daglige træner.

Derudover er der mulighed for samarbejde med, og få inspiration fra en fysisk træner, coach, dyrlæge og diætist. Deltagelse i disse tilbud er inkluderet i prisen og kan tilpasses efter ønske og behov.

Hvordan kommer du i betragtning?

På grund af stor forhåndsinteresse vil der ske en udvælgelsesproces. Derfor skal du indsende en beskrivelse af dig selv og din ekvipage til Mette Obel Frederiksen på mette@randboldressageacademy.dk.

Beskrivelsen skal indeholde:

  • beskrivelse af dig

  • ekvipagens niveau

  • målsætninger

  • alder på hest/rytter


    Randbøl Dressage Academy har mulighed for at tilbyde et scholarship til en heldig deltager ved enten Bjarne Nielsen eller Dennis Fisker.
    For at komme i betragtning, skal du i din ansøgning fortælle, hvorfor netop du bør modtage denne støtte.

    Din ansøgningen skal indeholde:

  • lidt om dig selv

  • hvorfor der er behov for denne støtte

  • ambitioner/målsætninger

  • delmål

  • nuværende niveau

  • alder hest/pony

Du skal indsende din ansøgning til Mette Obel Frederiksen på mette@randboldressageacademy.dk.


Det er opstart efterår/vinter 2024
Undervisningen foregår på Korshøjgaard i Randbøl.
Der er delvis forplejning inkluderet.
Der er mulighed for opstaldning under de to dages ophold.

Hvad koster det?

Prisliste kan findes nedenfor.

Eventuelle spørgsmål kan rettes til Mette Obel Frederiksen på +45 51744293 eller Dennis Fisker på +45 40561616.

Vi ser frem til at modtage din ansøgning!

Priser: link

Hannoveraner stallion pre-selection days comes up from Thursday 17 October

Photo: Hannoveraner.com

213 young stallions are listed for the pre-selection days

  • Thursday 17 October, Dobrock

  • Friday 18 October, Verden

  • Saturday 19 October, Verden

  • Monday 21 October, Verden (including 3 & 4 yr old stallions)

From the list of stallions for the pre-selection the stallion Despacito (2017 by Don Nobless / Sandro Hit) is represented with a total of 12 sons. The very popular stallion Secret has 10 sons for this pre-selection.

The selection committee chooses about 60 stallions on the pre-selection dates from October 17 to 21 in Verden and on the Dobrock. During the stallion pre-selection, the stallions are presented in free-running, free-jumping and on thard ground. For licensing, the stallions are then presented in free-running, on the lunge and on the triangle.

181.000 euro top price colt by For Romance I/Diamond Hit

Part of press release

Record Prices in Vechta

Standing ovations for the high-priced top foal in Vechta: For Diamond by For Romance shook the newly renovated auction hall in Vechta and set the stage for an exciting bidding duel. The stallion prospect was sold for a record-breaking price of 181,000 euros to first-time American clients and the stallion station Bachl. Similarly, the charming Supernova by San Amour I changed hands for a top price of 300,000 euros, heading to Spain.

A rising star in the Spanish sky: Supernova by San Amour I - Hotline - Sandro Hit, bred by Gestüt Lewitz in Mühlen, and exhibited by Flicka Ventures GmbH, Berlin, became the price leader of the 102nd Fall Elite Auction. Supernova is a sister to the licensed Grand Prix winner Ferrari OLD by Foundation/Rudolf Widmann. Granddam Satida is the sister of the European Championship participant and Grand Prix winner Lollipop by Lord Sinclair/Emile Faurie, GBR. The graceful ballerina was sold for 300,000 euros to regular clients, the Equium Team from Spain.

For 52,000 euros, For Me by Freiherr von Stein/T. - Rittersport - Glacier, bred by Peggy Bloßfeld from Herzberg, will make waves in Korea. His brother Maverick by Millennium/Trak. was discovered in Vechta and has achieved Grand Prix success in the USA with Raul Corchuelo, COL.

Oldenburg friends from Hungary secured the schoolmaster Brunetti by Buckingham - Fürst Romancier - Royal Diamond, bred by Ute von Platen from Wietze, for 52,000 euros. Dam La Vie en Rose, is a sister of Prix St. Georges-successful Levantino/Maxi Kira von Platen. Also heading to the same stable in Hungary for 42,000 euros was Quantino Gold by Quantensprung - Samarant - Rubinstein I, bred by Hof Richardt from Struth. The tall dark bay, already M**-placed, hails from the renowned Cinderella line, which has produced stallions such as Escamillo, Sir Heinrich, and his full sisters, the Bundeschampionat champions Candy OLD, Caty OLD, Casey OLD, and Cindy OLD.

Photo: Price top of the elite foals For Diamond by For Romance I - Diamond Hit - Landadel. (OLD Art)

Maxima Bella & Sandro Sysojeva with Tallinn World Cup victory in both Grand Prix and freestyle

Maxima Bella & Sandra Sysojeva - screenshot Clipmyhorse

Grand Prix

For the power couple (currently no 14 at FEI World Ranking) Maxima Bella & Sandra Sysojeva this was their 10th international event this year, and 4th World Cup qualifier and at the same time 4th double victory in both Grand Prix and Grand Prix freestyle this weekend at Tallinn International Horse Show.

The trot tour was balanced and super expressive all the way, bit tense for halt with rein back, the walk tour is with good over track for the extended walk but lacking bit more relaxation, while the collected walk becomes bit tense, super transition to passage, power piaffe balanced and smooth transitions, good into canter, small tension hind, unfortunately misunderstanding/loosing the canter into the diagonal for the two times but manage to do 7 two times, the overall frame for the canter tour becomes a bit tight which might be a question of strength to keep the exercises at the hind quarters all the time.

Grand Prix freestyle

Iconic freestyle already with a very special mood. Strong start unfortunately something kind of “bewitched” at H this weekend, as the planned trot half pass left did not succeed as Maxima Bella went into canter and Sandra did not manage to bring her back to trot before the end of the planned exercise. Luckily they´ve got a well performed zigzag trot exercise at the centerline. At the end of the test Sandra was little hind the music, and as for the Grand Prix the enthusiatic audience were applauding the final meters.

Here you find the entire results.

Næste uge går det løs med årets championatsfinaler - deltagerlister er online

Stutteri Ask og det “nye” Blue Hors ligger de skønne faciliteter til, når landets bedste ungheste mødes til finalerne i næste weekend.

Deltagerlisterne og tidsinddeling er online her.

Årets dommer teams er:

4 års

Susanne Baarup, Jens Holm Kristensen, Jesper Holst og (Sabrina Hesselhede finale)

5 års

Dennis Holst, Kirsten Søgaard og (Mette Svare Ehlers finale)

6 års

Mette Svare Ehlers, Helle Westh og (Dennis Holst finale)

7 års

Mette Svare Ehlers, Helle Westh og (Sabrina Hesselhede finale)

H2R note: Ærgerligt man igen i år, har valgt ikke at prioritere udenlandsk international dommer til finalerne.

FEI Stakeholder meeting sets unified vision for the future of Dressage

At the highly anticipated FEI Dressage Stakeholder meeting, which was held in person at the FEI Headquarters in Lausanne (SUI) on 1 October, experts and representatives from across the sport have reaffirmed the core objectives of Dressage and discussed ways of realigning the discipline to reflect these objectives.

The aim is that through balanced and systematic education, horses are trained and ridden to be calm, supple, flexible, confident, and responsive, fostering a deep and positive connection with the rider. The group agreed that these core objectives should be integrated in the FEI Rule book and applied in practice, both while training and competing.

This approach emphasises key qualities such as the freedom and regularity of movement, the ease and lightness of transitions, and the horse’s balance.  

A crucial aspect is that Dressage is practised without tension or resistance, ensuring harmony between the horse and rider.

Participants acknowledged the impact of breeding on the evolution of the sport and explored the relationship between judging, training, and riding. They also emphasised the importance of examining the sport holistically by introducing principles of behavioural science and the five domains of animal welfare, focusing on the horse's positive physical and mental well-being.

“The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games showcased the best our sport has to offer in competition, but also brought to light challenges that have prompted us to reflect and reassess in the post-Games period,” FEI Secretary General Sabrina Ibáñez said.

“To many, this vision of what Dressage should embody may seem self-evident. But as highlighted during the meeting, over the years the discipline has moved away from its traditional purpose and this realisation requires a necessary realignment to the foundational principles of Dressage.”

FEI Dressage Director Ronan Murphy said, “Establishing a unified vision is the essential first step in fostering a shared purpose. With this foundation in place, we can now focus on restoring public trust and confidence in the sport.

“Our goal is to be aligned and move forward in the same direction. We have clearly defined what we want to see as a sport and the next step is for all parties to assess how we can adapt our practices and approaches to ensure these standards are met. This effort is not the responsibility of any one group; it is a collective mission for the entire Dressage community and we look forward to engaging with the wider community especially our National Federations.”

Key points that were addressed during the meeting:

  • Action Points and Next Steps: One of the key proposals put forward is mandatory trainer registration, and potential certification aimed at ensuring accountability and standardisation within the discipline. The group also committed to defining ethical training methods, with an emphasis on increasing transparency and showcasing good practices. Additionally, participants identified the need for a more comprehensive communications plan to better inform and engage with the broader public and stakeholders.

  • Rules Revision: Stakeholders expressed support for a thoughtful approach to revising the rules, favouring a comprehensive, strategic evaluation based on available research. This will ensure that all changes are sustainable and beneficial to the sport in the long term.

  • Equine Welfare: Participants supported the FEI Equine Welfare Strategy and various actions identified as part of the overall FEI Action Plan.

  • Collaboration and Collective Responsibility: The discussions emphasised the importance of collective responsibility and collaboration within the Dressage community. Participants welcomed the opportunity for ongoing and regular dialogue, and expressed their willingness to take part in working groups on key topics.

Updates will be provided during the session on the FEI’s Equine Welfare Strategy at the FEI General Assembly on 12 November. There will be further opportunities for discussion at the FEI Sports Forum in April 2025.

(HANN) 7.250 euro became highest hammer price at Breeder’s Offer 2024 - Part II

The well moving filly went to Danish Wibe Dressage, as an offspring by Don Nobless has been her the favourite list for many years.

Opposite many other breeders Helle Wibe did not use Don Nobless as she did not find any of her own mares as a perfect breeding match for Don Nobless. Therefore she is of course super happy with this filly coming to Denmark.

Here you find the entire list of prizes - https://horse24.com/en/auctions/details/breeder-s-offer-2024-part-ii-370

Outstanding top price mare sold for 550.000 euro to France at Handorf Auction Festival

part of press release

Bundeschampionesse sold for 550,000 Euros

Successful final day of the Handorf Auction Festival


Münster: 43 dressage horses and ponies as well as six youngsters were up for sale on the final day of the Westphalian Auction Festival. The three-day OnLive auctions came to an end today. The reigning Bundeschampioness Senorita la Bonita changed hands for the top price of 550,000 euros. Another top priced was achieved by Valegra, who was sold for 360,000 euros.

Dressage horses took the centre stage this afternoon on the final day of the Westphalian Studbooks three-day auction festival. The lot of 40 dressage-orientated riding horses was completed by three strong-moving riding ponies and six unridden youngsters who still have a great career in the dressage arena ahead of them.


The OnLive auction got off to a brilliant start this afternoon. With the special head number 1001, a very special horse entered the Westphalian auction arena. Senorita la Bonita was crowned Bundeschampioness of three-year-old riding horses just a few weeks ago in Warendorf. On the final day there, the daughter of Sir Heinrich/Westernhagen received the ideal score of 10.0 for both trot and canter. Breeder and exhibitor Axel Windeler says of his Bundeschampioness: ‘As a young horse, Senorita la Bonita has the best qualities a horse can have! I wish her the necessary time, the best training and a careful development. She is a horse that we will certainly see again at the major championships.’ Excitement was in the air as the beautiful mare, decorated with the Bundeschampionat sash, entered the packed auction hall. Bids flew in online and on the phones. At 420,000 euros, one bidder entered online and secured a clear lead with a big move to 500,000 euros. In the end, Senorita la Bonita was knocked down to customers on the phone for 550,000 euros. In honour of the champion as well as her new owner and breeder, the audience rose to their feet and celebrated this championship horse of the future in the Westphalian Auction Hall.


With a hammer price of 360,000 euros, head number 4 Valegra achieved another fantastic top price. The daughter of Valverde/For Romance I already impressed at this year's Elite Show in Münster-Handorf. Here she was crowned second reserve champion. The mare, bred by ZG Welling GbR, Wietmarschen, descents from the direct dam line of the licensed stallion Fürst Samarant, who is based at the Beckmann stallion station in Wettringen. Under the saddle of Friederike Kampmeyer, the former premium stallion of the Westphalian main licensing is currently successful in advanced level dressage competitions. In 2021, her exhibitor acquired the mare at one of the Westphalian online foal auctions

35.500 euro top price colt by Dynamic Dream / Fürst Magic at Westphalian Golden Autumn 2024 foal auction


Handorf foal festival with 90 per cent sales quota

35,500 euros for son of Dynamic Dream


Münster: Around 30 foals were up for sale this evening at the Westphalian Studbook. Almost 90 per cent of these found a new owner at an average price of 9,890 Euros. The most expensive offer was a son of Dynamic Dream with a hammer price of 35,500 euros. The shetlandpony foal, which sold for 3,500 euros, also found many fans.


The Westphalian Studbook celebrated its youngest talents one last time for the year 2024. Of the 28 riding horse foals offered for sale, 25 found a new owner.

With the head number 208, Don Domingo (breeder and exhibitor: Philipp Welsing, Borken) caused a particular stir. The strong-moving colt is a half-brother to Viviano Gold, who changed hands for 33,333 euros at this very OnLive foal auction exactly one year ago. For this year, the Welsing breeding family had paired their St.Pr.St. Fürstin Cissy by Fürst Magic with Dynamic Dream. Don Domingo was particularly sought-after by two customers from the Netherlands, who placed their bids online, and even exceeded the hammer price of his half-brother. He changed ownership to a stallion owner in the Netherlands for 35,500 euros.

The most expensive filly of the evening also came from the dressage squad of this auction lot. The daughter of Red Viper, who recently became World Champion of Young Dressage Horses in Ermelo, descents from a very special dam line. The dam, the Elite mare Hot Shot by Hotline, has already brought numerous high-priced auction horses and foals to the Westphalian auction place. She is none other than the dam of the World Champion and Aachen winner Vamos Amigos. With the characteristic name Red Amigas (breeder and exhibitor: Noortje Radstake, Netherlands), she changed hands for 16,000 euros.

Here you find the entire list of prices - https://horse24.com/en/auctions/details/westphalian-golden-autumn-2024-foals-368

TSF Dalera BB on the Walk of Fame at the CHIO Aachen

The “Walk of Fame” at the Aachen Soers has a spectacular new addition: A horseshoe of TSF Dalera BB. And the four-legged star, the Trakehner mare, was present in person when the plate with the horseshoe was placed in the ground.

Only the crème de la crème are allocated a place on the “Walk of Fame”. That is no different on the Sunset Boulevard as at the Aachen Soers. Of course, in Aachen, at the CHIO, it is reserved exclusively for horses. Here, the horseshoes of world-famous four-legged horses are embedded into the ground for eternity. A horseshoe of Hans Günter Winkler’s wonder horse, Halla is eternalised here alongside one of Ludger Beerbaum’s Goldfever and the magnificent Totilas is also honoured there. The most important condition for securing a place on the heroes’ mile in Aachen: A victory in the Rolex Grand Prix, the Lindt-Prize or the SAP Cup.

Last Saturday, the “Walk of Fame” was enhanced by a spectacular new addition: With immediate effect a horseshoe of Jessica von Bredow-Werndl’s TSF Dalera BB joined the ranks of the four-legged legends. A well-earned honour, because the 17-year-old Trakehner mare has been the ultimate benchmark in the international dressage sport over the past years. Four Olympic gold medals, six European Championship titles and two World Championship victories are just a small extract of the success story which was rounded off with a triumph in the Lindt-Prize at the CHIO Aachen last summer. “That really is an incredible honour,” commented Jessica von Bredow-Werndl, while letting the plate with the horseshoe fall into the ground in Aachen, framed by her brother Benjamin Werndl and the horse’s owner, Beatrice Bürchler-Keller. “Knowing that Dalera is eternalised here in Aachen for ever, is simply fantastic and makes me very proud.” And the ‘Queen’ evidently seemed to be very proud herself too. Because for the first time ever the equine celebrity, TSF Dalera BB, joined the select circle of people present in front of the CHIO Aachen office for the ceremony – and as is befitting for a star posed for the photographers totally relaxed.

Jessica von Bredow-Werndl together with her beloved horse TSF Dalera BB, horse owner Beatrice Bürchler-Keller and her brother Benjamin Werndl. (Photo: CHIO Aachen/Andreas Steindl).

SWB Equestrian Week (DRESSAGE) 24 - 29 September with Clinic and Elite Foal Auction

Huge dressage week

Young horse championships from 3 yr old to 7 yr old, Inter II, U25 and YH Grand Prix.

Test rider of the 4 yr old horses Saturday will again this year be German top rider Benjamin Werndl who also will be doing a clinic Sunday with 4 local riders.

Link for start/results and live stream is available at H2R calender.

21 foals for the Elite Auction

Be Sure (4 foals), Proud James (3 foals) and Knockando VH (3 foals) with most foals selected for the elite foal auction.

Overall Be Sure offsprings are in general very expressive, good size with nice uphill frame. Power uphill for the trot with nice shoulder freedom, where most of them are cantering with some kind of straight front legs like Be Sure himself.

Proud James look like a stallion producing modern long legged offsprings, maybe not with that much body, but well moving of the ground in all three gaits.

Top price favourites from H2R ⬇️

Here you find the entire collection.

DSP Hybrid auction comes up Saturday 21 September 18.30

Straight Horse Leonardo / Fürst Romancier

A handful with extra focus from H2R for DSP Hybrid Auction

Different types and breeding for the top foals for this collection.

With Danish eyes the young Straight Horse Leonardo is represented with a very nice colt, and from watching the first offsprings it looks as if he brings both expression and movements.

H2R price favourites ⬇️


Friday 20 September
16.15 presentation of the collection at jumping arena

Saturday, 21 September
14.45 presentation of the collection at jumping arena
18.30 auction

Here you find the entire collection.

Umelia a top filly for upcoming Van Olst Sales Online foal auction starting tomorrow 20 September at 12 pm


A strong collection of 20 foals for “The Foal Edition 2024 III”

Again with strong pedigree and well moving foal for this online edition.

This time the filly Omelia stands out showing extraordinary top qualities from H2R point of view 🌟🔝. Modern, feminine, supple, uphill og long legged - A TOP CHOICE!

Donaueschingen with CDI1 Small Tour, CDI4 Grand Prix tours and Nürnberger Burg Pokal

Maxi Kraft´s Barcelo OLD & Dorothee Schneider with double victory in Donaueschingen - photo screenshot Clipmyhorse.

Danish bred Maxi Kraft´s Barcelo OLD with Dorothee Schneider took both Prix St. Georg and Intermediaire I vitories with convincing performances. They are definitely getting ready for the Nürnberger Burg Pokal final in December in Frankfurt. They already got their qualification for the final back in May in München with a winner score of 74,53%.

In H2R opinion this is how a supple, obedient and well educated horse must look anno 2024. Soft contact, to a closed mouth with natural frame and balance all the way.

Small starter fields for CDI4 tours

Special tour with 8 combinations and for the kür tour with 6 combinations.

For the CDI4 Grand Prix for Special took Helen Erbe with Carlos FRH the victory with a solid performance but where the walk tour ones again shows the impact of the scores dropping overall 2%. Technical with two minor issues end of 1 times and lost of balance for final trot extension. 71,196% only 1,5 point ahead of 2nd placed Facilione with Helen Langehanenberg.

Grand Prix Special with Dayman and Dorothee Schneider in front. Overall the frame becomes bit to tight, for the passage a few unbalanced steps hind and likewiese the right front leg does not always come up like left for the extensions. Unfortunately error for all three series. Final winner score 70,745%.

For the CDI4 Grand Prix for kür with Fie Skarsøe and Imperador dos Cedros in the top with a good performance, for the trot half passes some small lack of balance hind creeping in, but only tiny technical issue for the two times, rest was well performed. Score 70,087% and fully agreement for the judging panel.

Grand Prix kür with another victory for Fie Skarsøe and Imperador dos Cedros, becomes bit to short in the neck through out the test, small error for 2 times, strong piaffe turns, passage half passes and nice pirouettes. 75,175%.

Nürnberger Burg Pokal qualifier was won by Lena Hassmann with Maddox Mart with 73,610%. In the trot tour the just 7 yr old stallion still needs some support for the contact to stay up and free and also missing bit more under the body push, good walk tour, super canter quality but as for the trot tour he sometimes need some extra support, very nice halt with rein back and super nice flying changes, 1st half pirouette missing more balance and control while 2nd becomes more balanced with good quality.

RETTET - Sidste championatskvalifikation i Ålborg - se hvilke ekvipager der er klar til finalen

Vinder af 7 års kvalifikationen i Ålborg i går Anna Teibel Raben & Sparaday e. Tørveslettens Spartacus/Don Frederic, flankeret af avler og ejer Helle Wibe og Søren Christensen. Privat foto.

Så er årets finaledeltagere klar til championatfinalerne som afholdes på Stutteri Ask fra den 10. - 13. oktober .

Sidste kvalifikation var i denne weekend i Ålborg hvor den unge ekvipage Sparaday og Anna Raben i overbevisende stil tog sejren. Parret har allerede høstet international erfaring, idet var med på det sølvvindende EM hold for juniorer tidligere på året.

7-årige Sparaday er ejet og avlet af Helle Wibe, som sammen med sin mand Søren Christensen har stillet den talentfulde unghest til rådighed for 18-årige Anna Raben. Sammen vokser ekvipagen for hver gang de er til start, og igår sikrede de sig også en plads i championatsfinalen med en teknisk super flot tur. Parret slutter med 4. bedste score på landsplan. Se turen herunder ⬇️

4 års (40 bedste)

Atterupgaards Daimi var allerede placeret som nr. 3 & 4 på landsplan og dermed giver det mulighed for ialt 11 ekivpager fra dagens kvalifikation fra Ålborg.

Kvalificeret fra Ålborg i dag:

5 års (24 bedste)

Quater Son og Jan Møller Christensen har allerede en plads i finalen, idet de deltog ved UVM i Ermelo og det giver dermed en ekstra plads, ligesom også KJeldgårdens Django med Susanne Barnow og Straight Horse Sun King med Mette Sejbjerg Jensen allerede har deres kvalifikation i hus via UVM deltagelse.

Der er ialt to ekvipager med samme total score på 81.400, og da det er kapacitetskarakteren som er højest for Atterupgaards Sterling Moss & Selina Vittinghus er de også finaleklar. Samtidig gives den ekstra plads fra Quater Son plads til næste med 81.400, og ved pointlighed i kapacitet, er det ridelighedskarakteren der tæller, så dermed er Svalegårds Designa og Liv Marie Stignæs også klar til finalen.

Kvalificeret fra Ålborg i går

6 års (24 bedste)

Idet både Eq Secret Surprice og Ice Queen Eden er kvalificeret to gange bliver samlet antal iflg. listen 26.

Kvalificeret fra Ålborg:

7 års (14 bedste)

Blue Hors Santiano og Hedelunds Fellini var begge UVM deltagere, og derudover har Fellini Klint og Hønnerups Qlision kvalificeret sig to gange hver.